Conquering dismay

April 13, 2021 | 26 comments

If you’ve ever been dismayed about something going on in your life, you can conquer that dismay by moving your hopes over into God.

Dismay comes from mortal mind outlining a material outcome, and then not achieving it. Its material hopes are dashed. Dismay sets in.

The cure is to stay out of the mortal mind trap of outlining a particular material outcome. Seek a spiritual outcome. Let God outline the outcome!

What God has in Mind is always far better than anything the human mind can figure out.

God always loves you and provides whatever is in your best interest to prosper and move you forward spiritually. It might be something far different than you imagined.

So, stay open to God’s plan! Drop all human preconceptions and material outlining. Let divine Mind unfold the best outcome. It will bless you far beyond anything you imagined, and it’s a certain remedy for dismay.

Ideally, for a happy life, we avoid setting ourselves up for dismay by putting our hopes in God and seeking spiritual outcomes from the beginning of any effort. That’s a happy goal worth pursuing!

“Love the Lord, all you godly ones! For the Lord protects those who are loyal to him,…Be strong and courageous, all you who put your hope in the Lord!” (Ps. 31:23,24, NLT).

26 thoughts on “Conquering dismay”

  1. Poems

    God’s plan

    From the November 1984 issue of The Christian Science Journal

    My will,
    Be still.
    Let go the thrill
    Of I and my and me.
    Await God’s plan,
    Of greater span
    Than mine could ever be.


    Sentinel MAY 27, 1944 ISSUE :

    God’s Plan for Me

    O Lord, for patience do I pray
    To see Thy heavenly design
    For me.
    Help me each day humbly to say,
    “Thy will, O Lord, not mine,
    Be done.”

    Though now I may not clearly see
    What God so lovingly has planned
    For me,
    Yet I know this, that it must be
    Good, for blessings flow from His hand

    Thank you Evan, as always quite inspired and helpful !

    1. Excellent article that meets my need so beautifully today! Evan, thank you so much for bringing a healing light to this topic. Martine, thank you for the spot/on poems!

  2. Thank you Evan and Martine. Lovely substantial and spiritual guidance to keep in mind continually❣️

  3. Thank you Evan; very inspiring for me, and this reminder is needed! And it is one favorites, the helpful, loving advice from Psalms 31!
    Martine, it is a wonderful prayer to God, helping us also to be prepared for God’s guidance, besides Evan’s SpiritView and most important, studying our weekly Lesson Sermon. Thank you so much for that lovely poem ! ♡

  4. Thank you Evan, – such a good reminder. How can there be any dismay, when Love is in complete control? When we reflect that Love.

    MY PLAN?
    I told God that this was what had to be done.
    I’d thought it all through, and it looked like fun.
    The logic was clear, and could not be faulted.
    My plan was now fixed. The door had been bolted.

    But something was tickling the back of my mind
    and if I kept thinking I knew what I’d find –
    The voice of His wisdom that simply knows All,
    Quietly saying “You have only to call”.

    I put down my plan I had carefully written,
    The arrogant certainty thoroughly smitten.
    I stretched out my hand to ask of the Lord:
    It gave me a feeling of peace and accord.

    The struggle within me to carry on still
    Was steadily yielding to follow “Thy will”.
    The promise came clearly: “When you do as I say¬,
    My dear Love will guide you each step of the way.”

    So I listen to God and do what He says:
    Her unfolding of Wisdom is all there is.
    I’ve learnt this good lesson: God’s image is Man;
    My life so fulfilling for I AM LOVE’S PLAN.

    Ken Cooper

    1. Thank you very much Ken; a wonderful poem!
      And thanks to Angie, as well for the article!
      This blog is so blessing, am thankful for it!

    2. Ken, loved this poem. Will send it to a family member who is deciding what college to attend!
      Loved everyone’s comments! And of course Evan your daily inspirations are soooo uplifting! Thank you!

      1. Written when I had to make some key decisions, and realised that God had already made them! I had to listen to find out what they were!

  5. Very helpful blog and conversation. As clear as a broom and dustpan to pick up and get things clean and bright with hope again.

    It’s funny, when I read, “So stay open to God’s plan” I heard, “Stay TUNED to God’s plan,” –Turn the channel away from the physical senses’ fake newscast, and keep it tuned to the spiritual channels filled only with reality: Love’s messages of Truth, of Mind’s all-presence, all-power, all-loving knowing of perfect God, perfect man, spiritual, complete, here and now.

    And of course that reminds me of the hymn by Richard Trench, “Make channels for the streams of Love, / Where they may broadly run; / And Love has overflowing streams, / To fill them every one.”
    (Christian Science Hymnal, No. 182:1)
    So whether I turn my thought-channels to family, or work, or friends or church, memories or hopes, Love’s overflowing streams will fill the content, every one! Nice! Thanks Evan!

  6. Wow, what a feast today! So much inspiration shared!
    Thanks to dear Evan, Martine & Ken for the eliwuent poems, Angie for your always-beneficial article, and all the rest of our precious SpiritView family ❤️

  7. Material thinking is so small and limited and can’t rise up to see the grandeur and good that God has for us.

    In the article God’s Law of Adjustment by Adam Dickey the author talks about the need to put aside human outlining. Here’s a quote,

    “Let us see, then, where God’s law of adjustment operates. God has no need of being adjusted. The only place where there is any demand for adjustment is in human consciousness; but unless human consciousness appeals to the divine law, unless it is willing and ready to lay down its own sense of human will and stop human planning, put aside human pride, ambition, and vanity, there is no room for the law of adjustment to operate.”

    Full article

    Very grateful to be in this place with all of you where Truth, real truth, is spoken.

  8. Angie, thank you for another spot on article. It’s so helpful to me with a disheartening situation I’ve been dealing with, And thank you Evan for your reminders to seek spiritual good over material gain.

  9. I love every vlog! but I was asked today by another Christian Scientist-“How do you explain the Trinity to another non Christian Scientist?

    1. The Trinity, or the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, are three different ways God is expressed. They are not three individual gods, but the one God expressed three different ways.

  10. Thank you for that explanation of the trinity.
    And of course thank you everyone for your inspiring contributions today.

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