Create your own opportunities

March 1, 2016 | 14 comments

“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.”

~ Milton Berle

I had to think hard about this quote to figure out what its implementation looked like in everyday life. Then I got it!

God’s universe is abounding in opportunity to prove our value and worth. We are each loved. We each have a niche to fill. We have individual significance and purpose to live out and express. Just as much as anyone else.

But opportunity to express our talents and demonstrate our worth are not always apparent. We might look around in the material environment we see and find no one that appreciates what we have to offer, and see no job opportunities to act upon. We might feel unwanted, unneeded and undesired. But this is never the case with God!

God always wants us, needs us and desires us. God created each of us for a reason, a specific useful reason. And when we honestly inventory what we are capable of doing, and act upon it, opportunities to continue demonstrating our worth and value will appear and multiply.

For instance, I think about Mary Baker Eddy’s early years when she discovered the Science of Christ. Nobody else cared. No one was interested. In fact, some family members and neighbors adamantly opposed her efforts to share her discovery. Opportunity for her discovery to spread and be accepted looked nil. But did she give up? No. She created her own doors of opportunity. She took what she discovered and healed people with it. Interest was generated and people wanted to learn more about it.

During this time, she had no money. She cured people of disease, but no money was coming in return. She was financially impoverished. Opportunity to grow and expand her cause looked impossible. But did she give up? No. She built her own door for opportunity. She wrote, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. Her book sold. It brought in revenue. She was able to buy a house and finance a growing movement.

So, if you’re looking for a door to enter and can’t find one, maybe it’s time to build your own door. Be honest and grateful for what you already have, and act on it. One positive step will lead to another.

14 thoughts on “Create your own opportunities”

  1. Thank you very much, Evan, for giving us courage going on and forward in any case and never give up. Thats right, Mrs. Eddy gave never up, and she is our example in any case. Am very grateful that she gave us Christian Science which brings us the needed light to do the right!

  2. ‘This has been a blind spot so o speak for me. I seem to think it’s in the future but when I inventory what I do, it is pretty amazing. I feel the edges on this are lifting, a matter of staying porter to my thoughts.

  3. This is Great! Thanks, Evan! I especially love the way you take quotes and ideas from a more secular vein and translate them into divine metaphysics or Christian Science! So often we think we have to wait until God gives us a push or puts something smack dab in our path. But, I’ve also heard it said: “Treat and Move Your Feet!” Deborah Huebsch has an excellent article in the Feb. 29, 2016 C.S. Sentinel: “What does it mean to be an idea of God?” In it she discovers a new definition for “idea” – “a plan of action”!!!

  4. Thank you Evan, Just what I needed today to express to my athletes for the seasons. Build the door to success by knowing their value.

  5. Thanks Evan! This is very thought provoking!!!

    Occasionally I will think about what it must have been like for Mrs. Eddy during those early years of establishing the Church of Christ, Scientist. I wonder about what she was thinking and what enabled her to persevere through all of the hardships she faced during that time. I’ve decided the following statement from Science and Health (page 454) must describe the attitude that enabled her to persevere:

    Love for God and man is the true incentive in both healing and teaching.

    In the We Knew Mary Baker Eddy book is the following reminiscence by Abigale Thompson:

    The way Mrs. Eddy said the word “Love” made me feel that she must have loved even a blade of grass under her feet.

    Parents that love their children will often go to extraordinary lengths to “build doors” to help their children when they see something blocking their progress. So I think if our motives are based on love for God or love for our fellow man, that helps greatly to enable us to either find an existing door or build one.

    On the same page 454 of S&H I referenced above is the following:

    Love inspires, illumines, designates, and leads the way. Right motives give pinions to thought, and strength and freedom to speech and action.

  6. I laughed, Evan, when you said you had to “think hard” – almost an oxymoron. That was brilliant! and so fitting when we tend to revert to construction versus creation mindedness. Doors are symbols. Thanks so much for the not-so-subtle reminder that the door of our mind is the I AM. In John 10:7 Jesus is quoted as declaring the Christ and “I am the door of the sheep” Sheep symbolize thoughts; the only door through which the divine essence can come to us is through our own I am. “The door of the temple which is called Beautiful ” in Acts 3 (the word beauty is used to describe the expression of universal goodness – pure order and harmony) is the way that opens to spiritual illumination, to an understanding of how to lay hold of and to apply spiritual law.

    So today I lay down the hammer and chisel in the understanding of what they represent, and give thought in gratitude and appreciation for all that Divine Love has expressed in me, and will continue to expand and grow in and through me forever!

    Thank you!

  7. Wonderful blog, Evan.
    Thank you, dear people, for your comments.
    I’m discovering a good way to open doors is to pray for world happenings which are calling for spiritual answers, and there seem to be many.

  8. Thank you, Evan !
    This is what I’m going through right now.
    Daring to create my own opportunity, guided by God.
    It’s not so easy, but it’s not impossible and it is very exciting !
    Pushes me to unfold more of God’s qualities like perseverance, joy, faith, courage and love.
    I’ll let you know about the unfoldments !

    1. It’s nice to hear from you. You live in a universe of abundant opportunity, and you have spiritual sense to see it. Enjoy!

  9. The 1st thought that came to me when I read that qoute was. “Ring a bell”I guess that was a new way of thinking out of the box. When I was younger I was filled with ideas and always creating things.I am no longer able to do this. i wonder how many doors open or bells ring when you get older?

  10. To Patty Mylar – limitless possibilities. Wasn’t Mrs Eddy in her late 80’s or early 90’s when she envisioned and produced the Christian Science Monitor? Life and opportunities are eternal and limitless. Did you see the video Evan posted a week or so ago about the nun who at 82(?) was running and winning marathons! Don’t hide behind age – its so unimportant.
    Much love to you,
    Patty H.

  11. This was so helpful from all of you.
    I read the Sentinel article on ideas just this morning (March 6th) and gained much from it. I also liked the definition “A plan of action.”
    Mary Baker Eddy’s statement:
    “Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need” is always at the tip of my consciousness.

  12. Correction today is March 5th. I’m grateful we have the opportunity for online study and sharing and discovering SpiritView.

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