Death is not our endgame

September 7, 2022 | 21 comments

To the mortal mind that is tempted to spend waning years preparing for death, it’s helpful to learn that death is not the endgame of existence. Life is!! God created man to live, not to expire.

As Jesus Christ demonstrated, success in life is about conquering death, not giving into it. Jesus left earthly existence through ascension, not through death. And he instructed, “Follow me!”

None of us are Jesus, but nonetheless, we learn from his example, and will inevitably demonstrate it fully. We all will find eternal Life with God. The sooner the better!

Rather than letting thought get mesmerized by death scenarios, stay vigorously engaged with spiritual truth that leads to eternal Life with God where there is no sensation of death.

As Jesus said, “Spend your energy seeking the eternal life that the Son of Man can give you” (John 6:27, NLT). Seek Truth! Seek Life! Seek eternal happiness and health with God, in Spirit, that lasts forever and is never taken from you.

Life is your “endgame,” not death. Seek it with your whole heart and live with joy and good health—today, now, and forever.

21 thoughts on “Death is not our endgame”

  1. This SpiritView is always so ‘on the button’ with what is going on in mortal thought. Thank you SO much! SO helpful, I can share this today!

  2. Thank you Evan – so much needed at present with a few people passing out of mortal
    sight, but having to understand that they never died. it is just the material false sense of life that
    has to die – or fade away – not the real spiritual identity of man. It is our belief that
    death is real that makes it seem real. Jesus says that “death is the last enemy that shall
    be destroyed”. The seeming death of a material existence is not the stepping stone
    to eternal Life, (as Mrs. Eddy states) and as many people believe. It is the living of life in accordance with the teachings of our Saviour that reveals life to be eternal. The Sermon on
    the Mount (Matthew 5) shows us how to live spiritually and eternally with our
    Father-Mother God.

    1. Sherry thank you for mentioning pets. As I read today’s SV I was thinking of a beloved dog in our family, an English bulldog named Chommper, who passed out of mortal view a couple of years ago. I am still working to overcome some sadness and loss feelings and to recognize the spiritual truth that he is not and can never be gone. Only limited material sense can see things that way. The Love and his true being and Life in God are indestructible.

  3. Wonderful SpiritView, Evan, and so needed in today’s media environment that pushes the lie of limited life through marketing and every other way possible.

    Thank you.

  4. From The Interpreter’s Bible, Vol 7 page 842
    “Eternal life is not the mere extension of life but a transformation of life, a new world of being, not time but a quality of Spirit.”
    As we grow spiritually, as our understanding of Life and our relationship as a child of God become more real, we begin to understand the truth that eternal life isn’t an extension of this life, Life, eternal life begins to be expressed here and now. Our lives are transformed. The new world of God’s creation becomes apparent to our understanding. Life becomes less and less governed by the passing of time, but more and more seen as a quality of Spirit.

  5. This excellent Spiritview reminds us that God is forever unfolding His/Her”ceaseless cycle of transformation” to us. Sooo, “don’t put periods where God has commas!”

    Don’t become mesmerized by all the marketing that is constantly being aimed at us, be it death, aging, health, exercise, diet, cool gadgets that define us mortally, etc.
    Thanks, Evan. Happy Day to all.

  6. Thank you Evan. I used to think that death was a “transformative” event. In other words, that everything changed for someone when they passed away from this experience. But in the book “Mary Baker Eddy: Christian Healer” and in other reminiscences from people that knew Mrs. Eddy, there is a story about Calvin Frye (Mrs. Eddy’s secretary) having passed on and Mrs. Eddy bringing him back. Someone asked Calvin Frye the day after this occurred what he was doing when he was apparently dead to human sight and he replied “I was in the pantry eating custard pie.”

    This story has made me realize that our experience after what is called death will be pretty much the same as it is before “death”. And that any errors we are holding to in thought before death will need to be replaced with the truth after death. So we might as well start working to replace the error with truth NOW, instead of putting it off and thinking that death will allow us to escape doing that.

    To use an analogy…If I have a sink full of dirty dishes and I think “maybe if I go to the store, when I come back the dirty dishes will be clean” I will be disappointed to find when I get back from the store that the dirty dishes are still there. So I might as well deal with the dirty dishes immediately rather than putting that task off.

    Just the other day the suggestion came that a humanly mature relative of mine may not want to pray to resolve a mobility issue because they may think they are close to death and therefore “why bother”. I immediately dismissed that suggestion and knew the truth that life is eternal and therefore this relative of mine, as the manifestation of Mind, must know that truth and cannot be fooled into believing otherwise. Mobility is an attribute of Mind, Soul, and can never be separated from man because man expresses the attributes of God. I was grateful to be able to correct this error in my thinking.

    Below is a shared link to the book Mary Baker Eddy: Christian Healer. I’ve never sent a shared link to a biography before so I don’t know if this will only allow people that don’t have JSHOnline subscriptions to see page 363 or whether they can also advance the page to read page 364. The custard pie reference is on page 364. Please comment if you can’t read page 364 and I will provide another shared link for that page.

    1. Thank you RH for your comments and for sharing the links. I liked how you said our experience is more or less the same before as after death. This makes sense, as our experience is thought. This topic reminded me of something I came across from Michelle Nanouche’s blog under the topic “Grief”. It was in response to a comment made by Dennis R in 2012 and our connection to loved ones that have passed on:
      “Grief is the pain of feeling separated from something we have never actually lost. Your parents always were a reflection of God’s love for you. Your Father-Mother must always be expressed. Neither that love nor that reflection have stopped. They can’t! Your parents are still loving you as much as you are still loving them. Pray for them! Send your message of love and respect to them through your conversations with God. No one is cut off from the communication system of the Christ. God’s message of good – the Christ – is communicating everything we need to hear and know.”

  7. Thank you Evan for this encouraging SpiritView!♡
    While reading this week’s lesson i came to the sentence on page 286, marker 19 in SH. There we read “God’s thoughts are perfekt and eternal, are substance and LIFE.” And we learn that God is LIFE itself. As God, Life is All in All there is only Life. Glory be to God our creator and living Father-Mother Love!♡

  8. Wow! Thank you all! I was just looking for something to share with a new mum whose father “rode ahead” just before the baby was born. It seems challenging for her not to have the baby’s grandfather with them. Now I have things perfect to share.

  9. Someone sent me this when I lost a dear one:
    Copy of a letter by Julia Johnston, csb
    I am very sure that you will find, as I have, that just in the proportion that one is willing to exchange the mortal concept of a dear one for the divine idea of her, we cannot lose her but will progress with her along the way of infinite unfoldment. Since she is always spiritual we never lose sight of her if we see her as such. Because you know this, and your dear one knows it too, there is nothing to
    hinder your united and joyous progress. Just live as she is doing with a sense of spiritual being, and you will know what she is knowing, and be where she is. Man’s identity as
    the manifestation of spiritual Life is indestructible and omnipresent. You can and will have it in proportion as you know it and let go of the mortal concept which has never been this dear one for a moment.

    I am confident that your dear one is knowing you more truly in Godlike depict than ever before…because she is understanding more of eternal and immortal Life. You can know this in the same way. So you will love each other more than ever, and feel closer than ever before…so much less matter trouble connected with ourselves. Then there can be no need for sorrow and your days will be filled with the
    joyous urge to keep up with her in experiencing more of reality. I have proved this to be true.

    Please accept my heartfelt confidence that all is well with you both, for God loves you equally, and would not leave one in a sense of defeat, while giving the other a sense of progress.

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