Demonstrate your own success

November 18, 2016 | 16 comments

If you’re ever tempted to believe that someone or something in this world is holding you back and preventing you from being successful, it’s helpful to understand that you can overcome those conditions and demonstrate success anyway.

And by successful, I mean the ability to prove increased worth and value, usefulness, intelligence, creativity, competence, spirituality and reason for being.

We feel limited when we mentally put ourselves under someone else or at the mercy of a worldly condition. For instance, if we believe a boss limits our ability to excel, then we limit our ability to excel. In Truth, God is our Boss, and God wants only unbounded progress for us and give us unending opportunities to do so. But our thought needs to be open to where God’s opportunities are unfolding. Or if we believe we can’t expand our business because we don’t have enough money then we limit our ability to expand. In Truth, it’s not money that prospers us, but profitable ideas, and these come from God in abundance. There are no limits on how far you can expand your demonstration of usefulness when utilizing the infinite resources of Mind.

You have everything you need to demonstrate increased worth and value. God is the source of all the intelligence, creativity, smarts, ideas, inspirations, opportunity, possibility and potential you need to excel and be successful in every worthy activity. Accept that you have all you need this moment to be successful in the God-appointed work that you’ve been given to do.

See no limits! Live in infinite Mind where there are no bounds. Break out of any mortal mind dream of limitation, and live, excel, go for it!

Live without bounds, without constraints, without fear, and demonstrate that you have everything you need to be successful in the direction God is taking you today.

16 thoughts on “Demonstrate your own success”

  1. This meshes so beautifully with today’s Daily Lift! The perceived limitation for a lot of folks is some form of health challenge, and today’s posting is helpful, as it can be applied to that situation too. Thank you, Evan.

  2. Hi! Oh boy! I didn’t realize what a mental “rut” of victimized thinking I have been in lately until I read your post today! For me, it is an overwhelming long set of very important and daunting “to-do”s that have been overshadowing my longing to feel worthy and successful… when I make progress on one there are so many other that feel slighted and still undone. I had lost my sense of being able to rejoice! at even the small wonderful things happening around me daily – so held down by the weight of the dread I have been feeling. Thanks Evan, from the bottom of my heart for today’s inspiration! The light you share daily ripples the world over with enduring inspiration! I feel God must be smiling as I start a much more productive day! Thanks for pushing me out of my mental ” RUT!” ( love the photo, too! That’s how I feel now! )

  3. Thank you Evan…This affirms abundance and supply are mental and come in the form of “right Ideas” of which Divine Mind is an infinite resource…add to this how they are conveyed to us…thru Gods ever present Love, and we shall forever be filled with gratitude and wonder.
    This elevates a person to such heights of realization and understanding that their life becomes a reflection of goodness for all life to partake from…This is true Salvation, security, protection, health, supply…as these are blessings of true success

  4. Some Great Ideas, Evan! Thank YOu! Sometimes it helps to take a moral inventory of ourselves to see just what thoughts and misperceptions of ourselves (i.e. what we think we really deserve or are capable of doing, etc.) are blocking our accepting and receiving all the Good that God has planned for us. Most of the time, it is US who is standing in our own way. Keeping a Journal and writing every day about what is going on with our thinking and feelings can be helpful to get a clear picture of what needs to be Let Go of. A dear friend of mine used to put a little yellow stickie on her bathroom mirror with the words: “You’re Looking At the Problem”……lol….just as a reminder to take responsibility for her thoughts, feelings and actions so as to clear the way for God’s Goodness and Love to flow to her!

  5. Bevi your comment reminds me of this definition of success…
    “When our thinking is constant and coincident with God, our Mind”
    Martha Wilcox
    Association Address 1935…..

  6. “The talents He gives we must improve.”
    Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures
    By Mary Baker Eddy, Pg.6:6-7

    We need to use the infinite talents we have,
    as expressions of God. Actually we are already doing this, for we can do no less, in reality. It is, as we know, only the cloudy covering of a false sense of Life, that seems to hide what we can do, by reflection. “Clouds” such as…human ego, pride, willfulness, fear, etc. We know the list. But God’s To-Do List for our Day in His bountiful universe contains only
    joyous and peaceful and timely Doing and Be-ing! No effort… just trustful assurance, huh!

    Thanks, Evan!
    Thanks SV Family!


  7. I guess what I really wanted to say is this…
    One needs not be a seasoned CS to benefit from this thinking…
    For even a small amount of understanding is a reflection of Divine Mind, therefore yours…
    It is the portion of the Christ reflecting into your experience…
    Even this small portion represent the total fullness of Gods Love
    therefore this portion is exponentially expanded by this Love..
    Gods Love of his children is truly a wonder to behold

  8. Evan, thanks so much. This is exactly what I needed to hear this morning! As Jesus said—he could do nothing of himself but what the Father does. He does it all. We merely reflect Him and His bountiful ideas, and He gives us the intelligence to understand all we need to know. God is the source of our talents, our intelligence, and He guides us all the way.

  9. Thank you so much Evan, for todays very inspiring SV – and yes, it is exactly what I needed today
    And I agree fully with what Daphne said – thats the absolute Truth, thank you Daphne.
    At one time when I worked at an im- and export company, it became very clear during my prayer, that only God is my real boss, and He tells me what to do. It freed my totally, and later I quit this job. And half a year later I started with Christian Science nurses training. In my schooltime it fascinated me that Christian Scientists do also such good jobs like caring for their dear fellow Christian Scientists. We can be very grateful for Christian Science today!

  10. Thank you Evan, I realize I need a change of viewpoint to feel useful. I remember once at my niece’s they were trying to move a heavy electric organ. Everyone was helping, but physicallY It seemed I couldn’t. I quickly reached out to God. The answer came to suggest they get a sheet of plywood to ramp the steps. They agreed instantly, procured the plywood and the job was finished quickly and easily. Maybe not physically, but even better I proved to be useful spiritually. This moment taught me a lot. God’s idea are ever useful and productive when reflecting Him.

  11. Thanks for this strong reminder of what it means to be what God is reflecting upon. Understanding that we are at one with Mind, Principle, Love, being God’s reflection, moves us forward in accord with God’s law of progress.

  12. Evan, I really appreciate you and all SV fans. You are all so giving and loving. Each reply is a joy to read and everything you share is like reading beautiful poetry or hearing a beautiful song.

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