Don’t hide fear, uncover it

May 10, 2016 | 7 comments

“Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free.”

~ Jim Morrison

This quote caught my attention because fear is often the number one culprit holding people back from healing.

In Christian Science healing, fear cannot be suppressed or ignored. It has to be addressed square on. It is often the troublemaker in the dark shadows of the human mind, and it causes perpetual grief and suffering until seen and addressed. Once admitted, and then then dissolved with truth and love, it will disappear along with all the suffering it caused.

Don’t ignore your fears. Face them and heal them.

7 thoughts on “Don’t hide fear, uncover it”

  1. Thanks for this timely guidance. This is so true and while it is sometimes scary to confront the fear, it is better than a lifetime of living a fearful life.

  2. Thank you, Thank you, Evan! “Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway” – the title of a book that has helped many face their Fears! We can’t heal our Fear if we don’t admit that we have it! Accepting our Fear……”Yes, I am afraid” (even writing out what we are afraid of) can then allow us to break it’s mesmeric hold thru deep prayer acknowledging the Always Presence of God, our Divine Mother-Love! It is truly feeling the Presence of God’s Love that dissolves our fears and allows us to move forward in Freedom!

  3. This is proved when, instead of working to heal the physical claim of symptoms, one inverts the fear, no matter how unrelated to the physical claim it may seem,with the truth about the fear — that the fear is not in Truth and there is no truth in the fear and God has infinite resources to overcome whatever limitation the patient is fearing.

  4. What else can we understand that God creates only good and fear has no creator, PERIOD!

  5. Thank you Evan! In an interview in the Journal about “fear – not real” there was one sentence I remember and which I love, namely “when fear seems to appear, God is already there to cast out the fear and heal you – very comforting.

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