Even with a vaccine, be sure to seek out spiritual immunity

May 13, 2021 | 23 comments

If you got a shot and want to stay healthy, be sure to keep seeking out an understanding of what it means to have spiritual immunity to disease and how to demonstrate it.

A vaccine can create a false sense of protection in the mind of the person who received it, causing them to think they are safe when they should be defending themselves from the suggestions of disease that cause suffering in the first place.

In metaphysics, one learns that disease is transmitted by thought germs, not physical germs. The evidence of transmission may appear to be a physical germ moving from one location to another, but there will be no adverse impact from that physical germ unless thought allows for it. The surest protection from the transmission of disease is spiritual mindedness.

A consciousness of spiritual Truth immunizes one from disease because it prevents suggestions of disease from infecting consciousness.

If a fear cannot enter consciousness, it cannot adversely impact the body governed by that consciousness. Out of thought equals out of body.

So be sure to put your faith in a power you can count on for sure protection from disease—the power and presence of Truth!

As a child of God, you have spiritual immunity built into your being that offers sure protection from disease. Embrace it, learn about it, know it, live it, and prove it.

Put your faith in a truth you can count on, and stay well.

23 thoughts on “Even with a vaccine, be sure to seek out spiritual immunity”

    1. I loved that phrase too – such a clever twist on ‘out of sight out of mind’! Thanks for the reminder Evan!

      1. That stood out for me too. A great catch phrase like another one I like “There is no spot where God is not.” and “There are no accidents in divine Mind”

    2. Thanks Martine, the article, very much a “golden oldie” from 1903, expresses truth so simply and purely, definitely a keeper to be printed out.

      It mentions the effects of “truth through flood tides of Love” being poured into human consciousness and says, “It is this Love which dissipates the fog of troubled human thought and does the healing. This is Christian Science, so simple, yet so difficult unless one becomes as a little child.” Perfect.

    3. Oh! Martine! This IS a GOODIE!!
      Thank you
      And thank you, Evan, for alerting us to keep our guard up.

  1. So true Evan. Our ultimate trust can only be in Gods care and protection for us, his children. Thank you for the article too Martine. Some beautiful basic thoughts to work with today. Grateful❣️

  2. As always, good reminders! I feel the same way about seatbelts. Does our safety and protection come from a seatbelt? I learned in Sunday School many years ago that “God, Good Guards Guides and Governs.” which has served me well throughout my experience. Shot or no shot I know I am safe and protected by my Father- Mother God. Seatbelts and shots are merely symbols without any power of their own, unless we assign them some power. Thanks again Evan for your dedication to spiritual truths, spiritual healing and sharing these truths so faithfully each day on SpiritView! Very grateful!!!

  3. Our true protection never comes from matter, this we learn in Christian Science. All is taking place in consciousness, in our understanding of God and His creation. That is where we look to see what’s true and not true. In divine Mind our safety does not fluctuate, it is a constant state.

    A physical material germ does not really exist, since God created all, and He created everything spiritually, as an idea, a reflection or representation of His qualities. I read once that all of God’s creatures are harmless or beneficial.

    We are taught to turn things into thoughts in order to see reality. I wonder how to turn a “material germ” or a “material vaccine” from thing to thought? Anyway, grateful to be in the blessed company of Evan and the SpiritView Gang (sounds like the name of a rock band, lol). You are all amazing and inspire me every day, thank you.

    1. I love this thought, and reading such positive and reassuring words here each morning. I came to CS through my late husband, the best gift he ever gave me was my introduction into Christian Science. So grateful for this blog to continue my study and living CS. Thank you all!

  4. Thank you Evan for this clear thought and “solid” truth. I need not scramble to get the vaccine, as I have spiritual immunity which is a law of God, who is the only power I need.

  5. Wonderful Evan! We need these reminders as subtle error tries to creep in.
    The hymn that popped into my head this morning was #267:
    Our God is All-in-all, His children cannot fear, See baseless evil fall, And know that God is here.
    I too love the catch-phrase “out of thought equals out of body”.
    Thanks Martine for the great article, good one to bookmark. And Dawn, my “go to” is also God, Good, Guards, Guides and Governs, it is easy to recall.

  6. Pouring in Truth through floodtides of Love, Mrs. Eddy’s statement on how to extract error from mortal mind, is akin to a prayer written by the Apostle Paul to the Ephesians (Ephesians 2:19), in which Paul prays “…that you may really come to know, practically, through experience for yourselves, the love of Christ, which far surpasses mere knowledge without experience; that you may be FILLED through all your being unto all the fullness of God – may have the richest measure of the divine Presence – and become a body WHOLLY FILLED AND FLOODED WITH GOD HIMSELF!” (I added the CAPS).

    Thanks to Mrs. Eddy, we know that this is the only reality of being NOW! For everyone!

  7. Thank you, Evan for your dedication to this topic. Your blogs and vlogs have helped me immensely. For months I have worked with MBE’s admonition to us in My 210:1-17 which begins, “Beloved Christian Scientists, Keep your minds so filled with Truth and Love, that sin, disease, and death cannot enter them. It is plain that nothing can be added to the mind already full.” ……. And, thank you all for sharing.

  8. Thank you for this, Evan. I am sure some Christian Scientists are vaccinated for reasons important to them, including thoughtfulness of others, as a couple of people have said to me and I recall in comments on this site earlier. In my case, it was a vaccination requirement from hosts of talks I was scheduled to give. I had a Practitioner working with me for this and, though the pharmacy warned me of possible negative reactions for a couple of days after the second shot, I experienced no reaction at all. The whole experience was a non-event and had no impact on my prayers as a Christian Scientist.

  9. Thank you so much for this encouragement today! I have said recently that while I don’t want to be afraid of a virus, I don’t want to be afraid of the vaccine either. This message today gives me courage for the future, unafraid of virus or vaccine.

  10. Oh, how grateful am I for your so concistant and loving help, dear Evan, you give us day by day, specially in the covid situations.
    For yesterday I prepared a Wed reading declaring that medicine doesn’t heal but only the power and Love of the one God.
    For instance I read the following passages in Science and Health by MBEddy: “Dr. James Johnson, surgeon to William IV, King of England, said: I declared my conscientious opinion, founded on long observation and reflection, that if there were not a single physician, surgeon, apothecary, man-midwife , chemist, druggist, or drug on the face of the earth, there would be less sickness and less mortality” p. 163.
    And on p. 157 Mrs. Eddy says: “Christian Science exterminates the drug and rests on MIND alone as the curative Principal, acknowleging that the divine Mind has all power.”
    For me this Truth is so helpful, that I now read the whole chapter MEDICINE in Science and Health. Surely this will be very helpful in connection with Evan’s today’s wonderful toppic and in these time’s situation.

    Also i am very grateful for all your inspiring and interesting comments including the article from Angie!♡

  11. Thank you for the very refreshing, lovable and innocent picture, Evan!♡
    It reminds me what Jesus said in this week’s lesson sermon, that we shall become like innocent, pure children to enter heaven – which is actually already within us as God’s loved children-

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