See God in control, rather than conspiracies

May 14, 2021 | 30 comments

The Lord has given me a strong warning not to think like everyone else does. He said, “Don’t call everything a conspiracy, like they do, and don’t live in dread of what frightens them. Make the Lord of Heaven’s Armies holy in your life. He is the one you should fear. He is the one who should make you tremble. He will keep you safe.”

~ Isaiah 8:11-14, NLT

Conspirators against health, good government, self-government, sovereignty, and more, seem to be in every corner of the human experience from a worldly point of view. But to retain dominion over one’s experience it’s important to gain a higher point of view, to see God in control instead.

Any supposed activity of evil needs to be exposed, no doubt. But don’t give it power while exposing it. Strip it of power, and give all authority to God. See God in control, not mortal minds.

Side with God, and stay safe.

30 thoughts on “See God in control, rather than conspiracies”

  1. This is precious, Evan ! Thank you so much !! I wonder how it comes that I seem never to have read this…. And I love the version of the NLT ! Thank you immensely !

  2. Dear Evan, So grateful for your wisdom, clarity of thought. You always seem to ‘hit the nail right on the head’ while guiding ever gently from the world material to Spirit.

  3. Thanks so much, Evan! Exactly what I needed to hear this morning and stick with every day! Perfect!

  4. Dear Evan, Two months ago, God guided, lead me to SPIRITVIEW. I am deeply grateful. Exactly the

    spiritual~inspiring~healing~ideas, I very much need to read & hear about. Also, appreciate the

    wonderful sharing in the comment, conversation section.

  5. Of great value has been the Bible verse from II Kings, Chapter 6.

    The prophet Elisha was threatened by the King of Syria, having foretold the king of Israel to avoid going near where the king of Syria was waiting to harm him.
    The king of Syria sent after Elisha.
    There was a young man with Elisha. In the morning when he awoke he was afraid. Pointing to many chariots……

    15: Alas, my master how shall we do!
    16: Fear not: For they which are with us are are more than they which be with them.
    17: And Elisha prayed, and said, Lord I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw; and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.

    Elisha wasn’t concerned for the inferior forces of mortal mind. He knew that omnipotent Mind was with him and he was not intimidated. The young man with him needed the reassurance of seeing this protection. Physical evidence was the reassurance he needed to grow into a better sense of Mind’s ever present power and protection. He learned a lesson by the demonstration of Elisha..

    When we can be more like Elisha the seeming power of this world will be no match for prayer.
    Thank you Evan and everyone this morning for this enlightening way to begin our day.

  6. Yes, thank you Evan for today’s message . I needed the reminder that Evil has no power, God is in control .

    1. Sheree McPeak, so much gratitude for the statement “evil has no power”, God is in control. Time for me to PROVE this, today, right now, this instant. Thank you.

  7. Wow, thank you Evan for today’s spirit view . I needed the reminder that Evil has no power, God is in control .

    1. Thank you for this great and so pertinent article. “..we are troubles on every side, yet not distressed.”

  8. So good! Let’s stay out of the false reports bombarding us. We know no matter what the claim it’s all part of the same lie, error, evil, illusion, NOTHING! It’s literally nothing. We can’t have God is All and error over there.

  9. Thank you dear God for your ever present gifts of Love. The multitude of ways your presence is felt, seen, heard, read and recognized are more than we even know.
    Spiritview blesses those seeking to know the Creator face-to-face. They are “seeking and FINDING” right where You/we are.
    Right where mortal, collective thinking appears to roll on, down hill, right tHERE, YOU are.

    1. It fills me with a warm glow to think and realize that God is here saying,: “THERE YOU are” in your right place with everything in its right place. Thanks Fuzzy.

  10. Thank you Evan and everyone for your contributions.

    I find the following hymn helpful to bear in mind and keep me on the right track where no
    mortal suggestions or beliefs can influence me.

    Be true and list the voice within,
    Be true unto thy high ideal,
    Thy perfect self, that knows no sin,
    That self that is the only real.

    God is the only perfect one;
    My perfect self is one with Him;
    So man is seen as God’s own child,
    When Truth dispels the shadows dim.

    True to our God, whose name is Love,
    We shall fulfill our Father’s plan;
    For true means true to God above,
    To self and to our fellow man.
    Hymn 20.

  11. Thank you, Evan and all that comment. I have found the times frequently have me referring to Mrs. Eddy’s statement:
    “Insist vehemently on the great fact that covers the whole ground that God, Spirit, is all, and that there is none beside Him.” S&H 421: 15-18

    1. This statement is a keeper to have at hand. Thanks Evan and all comments from this group of lovely thinkers. Great subject to ponder over the weekend.

    2. Thanks Joyce for reminding us of Mrs. Eddy’s all encompassing statement. Reduces everything to the essential truth. And thanks to all for your sharing and love.

      I’m also thinking of another statement:
      START with God;
      STAY with God;
      STICK with God;
      STAND with God.
      I saw this in a Sentinel article by Judith Hardy Olson

      Also recommend a CS lecture I heard last week on freedom from fear, by practitioner from France, Alexandre Fischer. He is amazing and His talk was so uplifting. Replay at

  12. Thank you so very much for the NLT New Living Translation of Isaiah 8:11 ! I have copy-pasted verses 11-14 into my iPhone notes to access and share anytime.

    “The Lord has given me a strong warning not to think like everyone else does.” (To not fear or worship and war what they do.)

    This harmonizes with a repeated demand God told me when I was a child: “Question all your taken-for-granted beliefs.” And related demands: “What are they thinking that makes them do that? If they aren’t kind, honest, fair, what are they assuming, and what is a better way of thinking?” And, “Is that really true?” “What’s another way of thinking that can make me live Love better?” And “How can I see/think that from a different view?”

    When I was a toddler unhappy about my father’s abuse, God told me in thought in the kindest voice I had never heard, “He’s just a toddler. He’s disconnected. He’s confused and scared, and being angry and scary is how he tries to not feel powerless and (God explained things I can’t quote, but the sense was that by being dishonest and violent this man/child thought he could control people so he would not hurt and fear more.). Each time the pain and horror was too much, I would mentally escape my body and observe it from up and away, teaching me to not attach to one view or belief. “That’s not me down there. I’m not dead. I’m not a baby. I’m not a girl or boy.”

    This taught me to keep being caring enough to be curious and courageously think differently from the dominant culture of abusers, enablers, abuse deniers/liars, abuse exploiters, victim-blamers, etc. This exploring new ideas and insisting on kindness and honesty to help people then helped me enjoy many joys from discoveries (new to me) and feel not alone when I learned about my first friend, kindred spirit, the generous iconoclast attacked by about everyone for challenging common beliefs and dependencies and fears/hates. — The Discoverer of Christian Science.

    She inspires me along with Our Messiah and biblical heroes/heroines who were all rejected , ridiculed, ignored, slandered, persecuted, often killed, for thinking outside the imprisoning beliefs and norms of their cultures. So this makes me keep stretching my thought and service to rethink / repent on whatever belief comes up. And expect this new fun thought to be outgrown later as it grows me.

    So I was delighted to learn this morning how one person questioned the taken-for-granted beliefs and false authority about the agricultural then industrial revolutions and major changes in societal relations with nature and other humans and climate change. It makes me more adventurously humble and eager to find the next reason and way to repent!

  13. Thank you so much, Evan, for this powerful reminder to stand porter and truly listen to and acknowledge only God’s clear, powerful messages. Cast out confusing political, medical theories. Only God governs!

  14. Thank you. It’s not fun to be told what and how to think when you know you don’t agree with the opinion AT ALL! And worse, it often comes from a rather forceful type of individual. I love your quote from Isaiah and will keep it close.

  15. Wow! What a great article and helpful comments so needed today as I’m facing lies of possible displacement. So very helpful in challenging the fear and panic that seem to envelope into lack of clear thinking or practical steps! I will endeavor to start with God, stay with God, stick with God and Stand with God and so much more from the many helpful comments!! Bless you all who shared and want to bless their neighbor by doing so. Love to all.

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