Everything ends up with God

January 7, 2020 | 18 comments

“In the end, everything will be okay. If it’s not okay, it’s not yet the end.”

~ Fernando Sabino

The human mind sees beginnings and ends, but life is forever with the divine Mind, and it’s all good.

If you haven’t seen the good yet, you’re still moving forward. Keep moving until you find it.

It’s present to be found and lived to the fullest. It’s with God, ever-present, omnipresent Love.

18 thoughts on “Everything ends up with God”

  1. Love the Sabino quote—have been fueled by it for quite awhile. Thank you for expanding the meaning, Evan, with your (or God’s!) wise and comforting message.

  2. Learned to say, know & live “There is NO spot where God is NOT.” Laugh everytime when I visualize a sliver of space that is empty. Nope, God is there too! And there is proof.

  3. Beautiful visual today and beautiful quote! The human sense of things cannot perceive the good that is ever available to us right here at hand! So grateful that we have a God that is All- Good with no darkness at all! “ I know the thoughts I think toward you, thoughts of peace to give you an expected end.”

  4. Thank you and knowing this Is true, in spite ‘of any and all lies to the contrary of human sense testimony,. Amen to moving forward!

  5. I really like this one Evan. SO right, the human mind DOES see beh=ginnings and endings and thinking about that I realise how so much of everything we do, say and think is driven by the idea that life and time are finite, but we know it is INFINITE when we remember that we are actually the expression of God , limitless, then our possibilities become endless!
    This idea, remembered constantly, would take away all anxiety and worry because as you said, if you haven’t seen the good yet, then it’s not the end after all!

  6. Thank you for this uplifting thought Evan, and all the comments it prompted. We are always looking for the the end of some challenge and it’s comforting to know the good is right before us as we move forward.

  7. Thank you so very much, Evan, for today’s SpiritView. Just the words: “Everything ends up with God”, are so assuring of God’s omnipresence and eternity.
    And what Kathyw says : “Always” has no beginning and no ending. That all is so comforting and am happy receiving these wonderful inspirations daily!!

  8. with all the changes of the last few months, this thought sums it all up, as it has been doing all the while. Thank you for the needed nudge for today! As every day!

  9. I had to chuckle when I read this blog – just the thought I needed – it’s not the end yet! Here is a little poem I love:
    by Sharon Huntington
    (Sentinel, December 12, 1997)

    Patience is not in
    waiting for good to happen.
    Patience in knowing that
    all of God’s goodness unfolds
    at exactly the right time.

  10. Hi Family! Happy New Opportunities to see Good
    unfolding in your life!

    I just found a wonderful podcast that I feel led to share with you, though you probably already follow it:


    Lively, fresh, useful ideas here! Today’s post is
    “Let’s Go Jump in the Jordan River!”

    I needed this reminder to bow to, be baptized by, God, alone, the Source of all good, all action, all healing and help and direction….we have no personal power! Self-will must GO!

    As Jesus said, “I can of mine own self do nothing!”

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