Exercise your dominion

February 2, 2023 | 24 comments

Are you exercising your God-given dominion today?

As the Bible teaches, God gave us dominion over every experience we have on earth (Genesis 1:26,28).

God-given dominion is the ability to be everything God created us to be.

We are not meant to be suffering mortals thrown about by the fears, false beliefs and sins of the carnal mind. We are divinely designed to reflect God’s power and presence in everything we do.

Dominion is found in:

Grace and poise
Spiritual inspiration

Dominion is the ability to side with right and master wrong. It is the triumph of good over evil. It is spiritual mindedness.

Exercising dominion keeps us safe, healthy and happy.

Enjoy exercising your dominion today and reaping its heavenly benefits.

24 thoughts on “Exercise your dominion”

    1. ? Dear Carol Kane, Is there a message ~ that seems to be missing?
      Thank you, Rose from NY for your link from yesterday’s vlog comments.
      The prism I referred to happened again this morning when the sun
      highlighted an angel vase I have near the window and created colors of
      Spirit that brought a smile. It corresponds this morning with the CS Daily
      Lift today.
      Thank you, Evan and all for your angel messages, thoughts from God today.

  1. Good morning Evan:
    i need to exercise more patience in the time of tribulation. and lean more to God’s understanding in demonstrating more of His Love for His creation.

    1. I’ve recently thought of patience as opposed to anxiety. I saw that we don’t need to be patient as in suffering patience or “putting up with temporary evil” as it were; but as in calm trust that God is present and in that, as I’m confident on this truth, it will become apparent at the right opportunity. As if in having a nightmare, I won’t think “well, I just have to patiently suffer until it’s over” but rather I will keep reminding myself that the nightmare is not real–only aggressive mental suggestion–and that God is where I am always. So this clinging to God and His idea, even in the face of aggressive appearances to the contrary, is the trusting patience or patient waiting (as a waiter waits) on God’s always-present Goodness (the Kingdom of Heaven), that opportunely opens our eyes to see “wonderful things out of God’s law.”

  2. If we should wrap ourselves in God’s dominion reflecting the attributes expressed in Evan most insightful post above, then we will live within those attributes expressed. That will be our environment. If challenged, that will be but for a moment, Dominion given by God’s gift is eternal.

  3. Thank you for the list of qualities to express dominion and I plan to keep adding to the list of qualities and to put it into practice daily.
    I always love the daily blog and everyone’s comments.

  4. Thanks Evan, this came to me after a frustrating and confusing morning in which all kinds of things tried to halt progress, and I eas just talking to God about how this isn’t normal and wow.! Your message gave me what I needed!

  5. Exercise your God given dominion. It’s something we can do daily/hourly. Whenever an aggressive mental suggestion comes to thought. I’m grateful for having the right to say NO! No to anything unlike God. It’s saved me more than once. Love studying Christian Science.

  6. As Always, Thank you Evan for your Daily Work for ALL!!
    Thank You, God!!
    Thank you Jesus for being our “Way Shower”
    Thank you Mrs.Eddy for continuing and following after Jesus to give us the promised “Comforter”, Christian Science!!
    My heart is most grateful today and everyday for SPIRITVIEW, helping us keep our thought uplifted to the Truth in all things!!

    1. Thanks CayDee for mentioning the Comforter. Yesterday I noticed I was feeling uncomfortable for most of the day, nothing specific, just a sense of general unease or tension, like I couldn’t relax and enjoy the moment of whatever I was doing. I see that God is my source of all comfort, God is Comfort/Comforter, so those feelings of uncomfortableness are unauthorized and can be challenged with spiritual Truth.

      We have dominion (which is defined as: authority and power) from God to overrule error. Luke 10:19 says: “Behold I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”

      I read a testimony once where the person described being in a humanly frightening situation but then she had a thought that we are subordinate only to God and everything else (material conditions) is subordinate to us. A good thought for today (and every day). Love to all!

  7. May I just say yes, yay, and Amen to Evan and all, especially thanks to Cay Dee who expressed all that I would want to say! She said it for me!

    1. wow that is a really good article with metaphysical thoughts to ponder a lot. l must read it oncemore to get the metaphysics a bit better.
      Thanks very very much dear J ! ♡

  8. I love exercising this dominion today.
    Our treasure is our right thinking, the lesson says that God pours out this treasure and makes it known to us. Our treasure is from above (spiritual), not from beneath,(matter)
    In this way the invisible becomes visible.

  9. Yes, I exercised also dominion this morning. After reading Evan’s SpiritView and listening to today’s DailyLift I praid for guidance what to do next. God’s angel thought advised me to clear the matter with my Amex Card and account. Since some years I cannot manage to open my Amex account, so that I could not see the movements in that account. Once I asked the Service of Amex but it did not work satisfyingly for me. However this Morning I knew that God knows and does everthing for good for me 0in this situation. Then I called a service number of Amex in Germany. Now I had a very friendly employee on the phone, who told me very patiently how I can manage to get into my account. And when I asked if he could explain it oncemore, he very kindly said, of course I can. After that I understood the procedure, and now I can manage it! That also means, now I have control over it. Very dear thanks to God for His being with the employee and me! God is the eternal and everpresent Mind and Intelligence of man, of us all!

    Thank you very much for today’s SpiritView, dear Evan! I very much love the Bible Verse from Genesis 1 : 26 + 28
    “God gave us dominion over every experience we have on earth.” That is so very comforting!
    But yes, we have to listen to His angel thoughts!♡

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