Expect to progress

March 5, 2020 | 15 comments

Do you expect to make significant progress today with something important to you? If not, you can!

Progress is a law of God. It’s part of living the expansive Life God has given you to live and experience every day.

As we set our eye on a high goal and work to reach it, we move in that direction.

Stagnation, procrastination, delay, endless excuses for inaction, and laziness, are not welcome guests on this journey. They can be promptly put off as enemies to progress, for they do not come from God, nor do they have any real power to dissuade productive action.

Diligence, persistence, striving, fervent desire, hope, faith, and eagerness to embrace and demonstrate reality move us toward bright horizons. These qualities are God supported, and abundantly present in your spiritual make-up to keep you moving down a path of progress. Expect it and be it!

“Every day makes its demands upon us for higher proofs rather than professions of Christian power. These proofs consist solely in the destruction of sin, sickness, and death by the power of Spirit, as Jesus destroyed them. This is an element of progress, and progress is the law of God, whose law demands of us only what we can certainly fulfil” Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 233.

15 thoughts on “Expect to progress”

  1. The talented person who selects the photographs does such a beautiful job, thank you, and thank you Evan for your daily truths that are always so uplifting and practical. 🙂

  2. Thank you so much, Evan. I worked three month with a practitioner and three months more myself and have not yet reached my goal, but knowing that Progress is the Law of God renews
    my hope. “Diligence, persistence, striving, fervent desire, hope, faith, and eagerness to embrace and demonstrate” is within the dominion of the Christ. I am whole, perfect, and complete. Grateful.

    1. “The battle is not yours but God’s. Stand still and see the salvation on the Lord.”
      II Chronicles 20:15,17
      God worketh with you! He will not leave you nor forsake you.(=

  3. My favorite idea. When I was a young man, I took this idea to heart and it has guided much of what I done after that. Thank you, Evan for this inspiring post.

  4. Thanks. I think it is significant how we measure progress. I remember reading in a CS magazine that if we can know we have loved even a little more at the end of the day, we have progressed.

  5. This is meaningful for me today, thank you! Im in a state of expectancy of good! I know growth is evident thru each challenge! Its all about connecting with Him sincerely. ✌

  6. I love the difference in the ‘feel’ of a focused, expected progress list, verses the burdensome “things to do “! A line of sight directed to and with God’s goodness. Fits in beautifully with the message of Jutta’s Daily Lift. Thanks, Evan

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