Feed spiritual sense, not mortal mind

May 2, 2022 | 13 comments

If struggling with eating issues be sure to feed spiritual sense, and not mortal mind, to gain dominion over the body.

To feed mortal mind is to indulge fear about food, to overload in theories about diet, and to obsess about counting calories.

To feed spiritual sense is to take in spiritual truth, to seek peace of mind through prayer, to find genuine contentment and satisfaction through spiritual mindedness.

There is a direct trade-off between feeding mortal mind and feeding spiritual sense.

The more one feeds mortal mind, the more starved one will feel for spiritual sense. The more one feeds spiritual sense, the more one will be free of mortal mind influence and its bad effects.

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled” (Matthew 5:6, NKJV). Righteousness is right thinking—spiritual thinking, spiritual mindedness.

For the best health results when it comes to mastering eating issues, feed on spiritual truth. Seek spiritual mindedness above all else, and mastery of food and the body will follow.

13 thoughts on “Feed spiritual sense, not mortal mind”

  1. Thank you Evan. We have just returned from a trip to a large country town to visit my family. While there I found myself worrying about whether I would complete my meal quickly enough. I needed to think differently about meal times and just enjoy the company.

  2. I got up this morning thinking I needed to study your category ‘food’ on your website and first looked at our priceless SV , only to read …’feed spiritual sense, not mortal mind ‘. That was a Wow!
    So…I will do just that…thank you Evan and thank you also for making the website so user friendly for everyone. Mind knows all….Principle governs all…God is All in All ❣️ Grateful.

  3. Thank you Evan, your thoughts are so timely.
    This was on my “mortal mind” today.
    You are right on the mark.
    Thank you for your diligence.

  4. Thank you Evan for reminding us of our spiritual sense and how to feed it.
    i have been thinking about food priceses for a while and fear i’m not able to buy what seems necessary for me to eat.
    But now, i will continue to channell my thoughts in a different direction.

  5. Thank you, Evan. This SpiritView’s inspiration is so needed by the world. We’re taught to build love around food for family, friends and ourselves. Yet, the entire idea can easily be misinterpreted and cause us to focus on matter, instead of Spirit. This SpiritView is a wonderful reminder with a wonderful healing solution.

    1. Thank you very much dear Angie for posting here Evan’s articel about Diet we can Stick to. And thanks to you dear Evan for your wonderful spiritual Views, you are giving us so lovingly day by day !♡

  6. At first I thought this topic is not applicable to me. But as I thought about it I saw that it does, in many ways. As a child growing up I was affected by the thoughts of those around me regarding eating. I was always told I was too thin and didn’t eat enough and I came to feel there must be something wrong with me. My family meant well and were concerned but they did not have a spiritual perspective. This morning I looked at the food in my husband’s plate and I made some comments about what I thought were unhealthy choices/combination of food. Wow, I know better, but some wrong ideas seem to linger.

    Food can represent many things. To some it means love, sustenance, freedom from a feeling of scarcity/lack, being nourished, something that helps us live and thrive. All of these are spiritual qualities that God is serving us every day. Like Bob said, the ideas can become distorted and we end up almost worshipping and bowing down to matter (the material food itself and our ideas about it). But we can follow your advice Evan, to fill up on spiritual truth to feel the real sense of nourishment. Then the wrong ideas about food will drop away. Thank you, more to ponder, blessed day to all!

  7. Oh yes, Evan, it is most desirable to gain dominion over the body, as you shortly said in a former SpiritView, we reflect the body of Spirit. I found that very helpful!♡
    On the one side, I never looked at Diet Plans. But on the other side , with age 17 somebody said “fatmolch” to me while i was a housedaughter in an English family. I was so upset about that word, that i started to eat less and less until i was quite thin.
    However when I was home again in Germany i forgot about that and laughed about that word “fatmolch” haha.
    And today studying CS i am grateful for today’s SpiritView of Evan, teaching us about our real food which are spiritual ideas and which really nurishes us and gives us health which lasts forever as it is spiritual, given us abundantly from our lovingly caring Father-Mother God. Thanks very, very much dear Evan for SpiritView !♡

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