Feeling close to God

September 4, 2015 | 4 comments

Sometimes people fret that they can’t feel God’s presence. Where is God? They wonder.

God is all good! And when you look for it, you can find it everywhere.

It’s in the smile of a friend, the wag of a dog’s tail, the beauty of a flower, in the peace of still waters on a lake, in the order of a smooth running machine, in a progressive idea landing in thought, in a gesture of love toward another. And the list could go on forever.

A way to find God’s presence is to recognize that God is at work behind every good experience.

When viewing a beautiful garden, you’re viewing beautiful thoughts coming from God that inspired that beauty into formation either through the laws of nature or through the creative touch of an inspired gardener. When enjoying the warmth of a friend’s smile, you’re enjoying the presence of divine Love being reflected by that friend. When driving down the highway in a car that performs perfectly, you’re enjoying the benefit of an inspired engineer who glimpsed the laws of divine mechanics sufficiently to design that car to work well.

When all the credit for good goes back to God, God’s good is recognized all around. And you realize that God was a whole lot closer than you thought!

“I can never escape from your Spirit! I can never get away from your presence!” Psalms 139:7, NLT.

4 thoughts on “Feeling close to God”

  1. Good Morning Evan,
    First let me say how much I appreciate your daily posts! Along with the Lesson Sermon and
    Daily Lift, your email is the first thing I turn to each morning.
    Yesterday I somehow missed it. That didn’t stop me however, I just reread the previous days and this morning I went directly to your home page, clicked on “latest blog” and got it. Just what I needed to hear as always! It helped me in praying for a family member as well! Thank you again and again for your faithful posts!
    With much love,

    1. For some reason this didn’t arrive in my in-box yesterday either, and like Sarah (above) I sought it out this morning by going directly to the website. Not sure what happened there, but judging by the fact there are no comments besides ours I would guess that others didn’t get it either.

      Much appreciation for your blogs. They mean a great deal in helping my day get off to a good start! Thank you Evan.

  2. Thanks so much, Evan! Another perfectly timed message to help me in my quest to “spiritualize. simplify. spiritualize” and not just take the ease, beauty and good for granted in appreciating “there is only God”.

    PS. I am not on direct-delivery but check the bookmarked website every day.

  3. I’m loving your website Evan, a friend introduced your site to me today. “God is the substance of every good and right idea” Im not sure if that’s one of Mary Baker Eddy’s quotes but one of my favourites. Thank you for all your boundless thoughts.

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