Find a well-formed love

August 5, 2015 | 8 comments

Millions of people have found comfort in the Bible verse, “Perfect love casts out fear.” This truth tells me that when our love for God is perfect, we have no sense of danger. We feel no threat. We are not worried about anything because we know and understand that God has everything covered for us. We understand that we are utterly and permanently safe from all evil. We feel it, know it and experience it.

If we bow down to the gods of this world and serve selfishness, greed, lust or other types of sin, our love for God is imperfect. It leaves cracks in our faith that allow suggestions of evil to enter consciousness and taunt us. We sense danger, and thus feel fear. And the cure is to love God more!

To truly appreciate, value and honor the omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscience of the one infinite Mind of Love that reigns supreme over all is to conquer any sense of danger, and thus feel no more fear.

God is Love. To abide in the Mind of Love is to dwell in a consciousness that knows no danger, no threat, no evil, and no fear. As a child of God, you have this consciousness in your being. You can find it and enjoy it!

“There is no room in love for fear. Well-formed love banishes fear.”
1 John 4:18, MSG

8 thoughts on “Find a well-formed love”

  1. What a freeing idea: to have such a strong love for God and good that fear has no way to enter into this” well formed love!” No vulnerability at all! Loving God and knowing God as omnipotent Love HAS lessened fear in my life. Great one, Evan!

  2. It is so true, when we replace fear with the flood tides of Love, the mortal fears and beliefs that seem so prevalent in today’s world wash away with the cleansing of this wonderful feeling of inspired truth. The pollution of mortal mind’s stormy thinking is seen to be what it is, nothing, and vanishes with the rainbow of Love’s beauty taking it’s place.
    Thank you, Evan, for these inspirations you share with us. I always look forward to receiving these helpful messages of Truth and they are such a great way to start the day.

  3. I have 4 Nurse Aides to help me 24/7. 2 of them argue constantly like little children. It’s unbelievable for adults, especially care givers to act like this. If I didn’t have C/S I would be dead years ago. I have, like JESUS, been given a challenge to override these quarrels which so-far, so-good. But as a C/S I don’t need this, nor even go through this. I have to practice Love, which I do by closing my thought to it and not involve myself in these juvenile quarreling. We all have to put into practice what we study in S&H.

    1. I am in a comparable situation, and now and then I simply have to call the bluff of those acting out. When Jesus healed the man waiting for the troubling of the water, he told him to “take up his bed” and get on with it. It occurs to me that you might need to be more proactive in your own care, and call the bluff of these quarreling ones. You may need to give Love some help in the needed casting out of fear, hate, narrowness, obtuseness, pettiness and whatever other anti-healing animus is going on. Amor vincit omnia. Love conquers all

  4. Thank you, Evan! I surely needed this today!! Sometimes a forward step seems more like a step in quicksand! This post reassured me that recent steps forward, and meeting some resistance, does not negate that step- so I will, having prayed and feel confident in Gods direction, humbly go forward. Trusting Love ALL way!! Amen

  5. “Perfect love casts out fear.” When I think on this verse I think of “perfect love” as a synonym for God’s own name It is Perfect Love (God) that casts out fear, not my own degree of love … which I think is still less than perfect at this time. I realize my pondering of this verse is not the same as most readers.

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