Find rest in the 7th day

June 20, 2018 | 20 comments

Do you have trouble sleeping or finding rest? Perhaps it’s time to “rest in the 7th day.”

In the spiritual creation story reported in the book of Genesis, it states at the end of the story,

“So the creation of the heavens and the earth and everything in them was completed. On the seventh day God had finished his work of creation, so he rested from all his work. And God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy, because it was the day when he rested from all his work of creation” Genesis 2:1-3, NLT.

If you’ve never thought about it, we are living in the 7th day of creation today. God’s work is done. It’s complete. We live to enjoy the fruits of His labor.

Restlessness, anxiety, fretfulness, fear, worry and their kin are symptoms of believing something is missing in one’s life. It’s mortal mind not accepting the completeness of God’s creation. And the cure is to accept reality, to see that God has already put into place everything necessary to live a full, happy, well adjusted, healthy and rested life.

You are a complete spiritual being this moment. You are not living in the second or fourth day of creation where there is something more to be unfolded before creation is deemed complete. You are living in the 7th day where creation is finished. This means you have abundant health to experience and express. You have abundant supply coming from divine Love to receive. You have eternal life and peace to enjoy.

As a creation of God, everything that makes you whole and complete is in place now. You lack nothing. You have all good!

Live out from the 7th day. Rest in the 7th day, just like God is.

Find eternal peace and permanent rest with an understanding of your completeness in God that is already yours.

“As St. Paul says: “There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God” (of Spirit)”
Science and Health, p. 288.

20 thoughts on “Find rest in the 7th day”

  1. Understanding my completeness in God, my “being-ness” is eternal peace, permanently at ease and I actively live out each moment from this 7th day perspective that is God Mind. Sabbath rest. Faith!

    Thanks, Evan, for another great thought-starter!

  2. Thank you Evan. This is a excellent expanding thought to the completeness of Spirit and thus our spiritual reflection of that completeness.

  3. As one who seems to wake up every 2 or 3 hrs each night I am so grateful for the wonderful ideas you have given us today Evan. I love the thought of living out from and resting in the 7th day. This SV has really spoken to me today. So grateful!

  4. I loved the ideas you’ve shared. We are complete right now. We need to claim this Truth and live it now!

  5. Wow, Evan! Thank you so very much–I never thought of “resting in the 7th day” as permanent and true right here, right now. What a powerful concept to keep with us, each and every day!

  6. Thank you Evan for another very inspiring blog. I am working on a presentation and a little bit fretful as to whether I have it all together. Your awe inspiring message this morning is right on. I can certainly rest in knowing that it is complete right now. I do not need to fret… amen..

  7. I have found this very helpful: “When we reach our limits of mental endurance, we conclude that intellectual labor has been carried sufficiently far; but when we realize that immortal Mind is ever active, and that spiritual energies can neither wear out nor can so-called material law trespass upon God-given powers and resources, we are able to rest in Truth, refreshed by the assurances of immortality, opposed to mortality.” (Science and Health, p.387:5)

  8. This is a true gift, Evan!!!! Thank you for daily bringing something NEW to our thought to spiritually ponder and lift thought higher and higher. Human words can not explain my GRATITUDE for SpiritView and your spiritual work. SV is truly a blessing to all who follow it. Thank you, caydee

  9. Yes, Evan, what I like is how you bring C.S. and Spirituality right Up To Date and Right In This World! It’s Real, Practical and Relatable! Also, your Compassion and Understanding for All Types of People and Thoughts is so helpful and so needed in this often Divisive World! Thank You and Blessings!

  10. As several have said, what a wonderful way to think about the 7th day, its completeness, and our perfection because creation is complete. And behold, it was VERY good!

  11. Thank you Evan for today’s thought. It came at a time when I need to focus on completeness. The realization that we live in the 7th day of God’s creation and are already complete is very good reminder of where to focus my thoughts.

  12. oh Evan, what a wonderful great very inspiring idea of the 7th day where God rests from His works which He found as “very good” and complete. What a lovely, new and fresh idea, to live out from the 7th day, and to rest in the 7th day, just as God does. Thank you very much, dear Evan!

  13. excellent post, thank you, never thought about it this way before, what a great new view I can look out from

  14. WOW! What a wonderful view of creation from the 7th day. Whole, complete, intact, and very good. I never realized I am a part of this completeness, wholeness, am intact, and very good in quite this way. An integral part of the 7th day — completing infinity. This is where I live in God’s creation — always, with every need met already. A blessing I treasure in a new perspective. Thank you Evan and all for your expansive, unfolding thoughts.

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