God always knows best

July 10, 2023 | 26 comments

Do you ever fret, worry, and anguish over what to do next? If so, it’s time to pull back, and let God take the lead.

God is an all-knowing, all-wise Mind, that always knows the best way to do anything. We aren’t going to do something better than Mind can do it.

As we pray to get calm, open to divine Mind, and hear what Mind has to say, the solutions we need appear. We’ll know what to do, and when to do it.

We don’t need to second guess divine Mind. Mind’s timing is perfect!

You can let go of worry and trust Mind’s plan. God always knows best and causes the best outcomes to happen.

26 thoughts on “God always knows best”

  1. Thank you. These are the very ideas I have been working with. Good to hear them stated plainly and powerfully. “Pull back and let God take the lead,,,,,Mind’s timing is perfect.” Mind will show us what action, if any, is needed when and how.

    Yesterday I was praying quietly and a line from a song popped into my head, “just leave everything to me.” I felt it was God saying I can take a rest from human outlining and let Him take over. Turns out the line was from a song Barbra Streisand sang in the movie musical Hello Dolly. Nothing particularly spiritual about that song, but interesting how God can use anything to communicate just what is needed at any moment.

    1. That was lovely. I have had that same experience at times when a message comes. I don’t remember the words but it was a license plate on the car in front of me saying something about life being good It woke me up

      1. Hi, Rose and Nadine! Your comments reminded me of this:
        “Whatever inspires with wisdom, Truth, or Love — be it song, sermon, or Science — blesses the human family with crumbs of comfort from Christ’s table, feeding the hungry and giving living waters to the thirsty.”
        (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 234:4)

        License plates and bumper stickers can certainly be added to that list!

        1. I happened to be thinking of a departed loved one while I was driving. At that very moment, when I came to a stop light, I looked at the license plate of the car in front of me. It had the last four digits of her phone number. Have always thought that was interestingly coincidental. 🙂

          1. Angel messages will always come in ways that we will understand. I am sure of that.

            “Divine Love always has met, and always will meet every human need.”
            (Science and Health page 494)

            love your license plate angel message, J.

  2. My mom would often say: “God’s perfect plan includes God’s perfect timing”.
    Over the years I have learned to appreciate the beauty of her wisdom. And the perfect timing of my Father/Mother God.

    1. John I also have learned with the passing of time to appreciate some of my mother’s wisdom that she shared so many years ago. . Although not a CS, she did have a simple sincere faith in God but II was not ready to grasp it then. When I went out she would say, “God is walking by your side.”

  3. There have been numerous times in my life when I found myself fretting over what to do about a situation (especially when it didn’t seem God wasn’t unfolding “the solution” quickly enough), I have found that vehemently affirming the following was always helpful for me…
    God knows what He is doing, and He is doing it!

    1. I love that Susan. Just this morning in the face of emails that were going back and forth over a decision in a group I belong to and The words of an answer came to me and when I sent it out it to the partecipents it has solved the problem. Listening to God’s plan always solves the problem. I’m so grateful for this.

  4. Thanks so much Evan and others! This is just the encouraging message I needed today as I begin work on preparation for a CS outreach event. It also is a perfect message to share with a new friend I made recently at a community gathering. It turns out that we unknowingly attended the same high school one year apart for three years, and also unknowingly later worked in another city for the same newspaper employer (across the alley from one another at the same time a number of years ago! She also had occasion as a young reporter to be in Boston, attended a service at the Mother Church years ago, and previously read Science and Health in part, but had lost it due to circumstances. When I learned of her love for the Bible and current dissatisfaction with her lifelong church affiliation, I invited her to my church, and she’s come twice. She has some health challenges and carefully watches what she eats. So I’m very grateful to be able to share with her today’s View—an ideal “short and sweet” message. I was also able to replace her lost copy of Science and Health and she told me she is reading it. This experience and several other similar recent events led me to develop a Wednesday reading on the expanded ideas of “coincidence” in S&H, as found in the Thesaurus.
    “God [surely] is working His purpose out As year succeeds to year.” (Hymn 82)

    1. Vicki great story about your new friend and all the “coincidences.” I love the synchronicities that show up all around us when we focus our attention in a more spiritual direction.

  5. I have had many opportunities in my life to, as they say,
    “Let Go and Let God” lead the way. Be it in choosing what
    college to go to, what employment, and the most recent,
    major decision, after thinking I would always be at the
    home I had before this one, nine years ago, turned out
    to be the best decision to move. Everything turned out
    with the timing of selling and buying, almost “miraculously”
    but all in God’s perfect timing. Our needs are met when we
    open our mind to Mind’s control and this takes the burden
    off of us and you know what? He is always right and comes
    up with plans we may never have even thought about. Being
    open to any and all ideas from God is the way to go, wherever
    He may lead, whatever direction we may take… all in His hands.
    Sometimes those little “signs” of His still small voice, to me,
    when we need them the most, can be ….. seeing a cardinal, a
    butterfly, a rainbow, a snowflake, changing patterns amongst
    the clouds, just at the very right time when we need comfort
    or direction. How beautiful is God’s Love for us!

  6. I’ve been grappling with this very thing. I needed to hear this perfect message of clarity. Thank you. It helps when you are feeling the need to “Grab a rope, tie a knot, and hang on!” Thank you for this calm, trustworthy message.

  7. Thank you Evan and all.
    A few years ago I had to take a decision that would change my life. I had to leave my family, my relations, my friends, my country , to settle in another. As I worked with a Practitioner on an error that cropped up as I was not letting God’s will in my life to be done. Well when I surrendered all to God everything went well and I am happily settled now in the new country and doing fine.

      1. Thank you for sharing christine. This article by Barbara Vining is so good.

        Thank you Evan, and love all the comments.

      2. Thank you so much, Christine for the link to this article. I found it to be tremendously helpful for being a more consistent healer.

    1. Thank you so much dear J and christine for the helpful/gently
      guiding articles of God’s directing. I love the part where
      the little girl calmly accepted the answer “No” when she
      had prayed for the pony. When I was very young, having
      always loved animals, I asked my Mother for a monkey, a
      seahorse, a dog and an elephant. LOL At the time I couldn’t
      understand why, when she said, “No, [you] have a cat!” As
      our thoughts mature and we have more of an understanding,
      we trully Do appreciate all that God has given us in our lives
      and by sharing this Love, it Is like a Shared Reflection.
      Sometimes having passed up experiences throughout life
      that we knew were not right for us and were guided by
      God’s wisdom, may have seemed confusing or disappointing
      at the time, but God always has the best in store for us, when we
      genuinely turn to Him for guidance.

  8. Thank you very much Evan ! Your precious SpiritView always leads us to true ideas of comfort and inspiration! Yes, it’s wonderful that God always knows best and causes the best outcomes to happen!!!

    I also love and cherish all your inspired and helpful comments, dear SV friends. And thanks dear “J” for the wonderful arti le.

    Dear Christine, it’s a long article. Thank you very much for the Shared Reflections. I started to read, sitting outside in my garden. But as it’s dark and a bit cool, will go inside and read the rest of it, looking forward to it!♡

    1. Hi, Uta!
      It’s also audio, if you can listen to it, it’s great to hear the interview between Barbara and Chet.

      1. Wow dearest Christine, that is an utmost wonderful talk by Barbara Vining! It is so utmost inspiring! Indeed it is great to listen to both, but specially to Barbara. Thank very very much, it gives me a lot. It is very worth to listen to this talk! ♡♡♡

  9. Thanks Evan! A great reminder of how to go about God’s day! My mom had a little message on her refrigerator that said “if it isn’t done Spiritually, it isn’t done”.

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