God in control

May 31, 2024 | 17 comments

If you haven’t already heard it, I had a Daily Lift published, Thursday, May 30, 2024.

I share how understanding God in control quickly stopped heavy bleeding.

You can find it at this link, “God in control.”

17 thoughts on “God in control”

  1. Thank you, dear Evan, for this wonderful daily lift and inspiring article they are so helpful to all of us, as are all your SpiritViews and articles !! Many, many thanks !!

  2. I have been unable to get the Daily Lift to play for a while, so I do not have the spiritual message
    from Evan. I am hoping to glean some of the things he has said from your replies. I need to really feel that God is in control at present, as there seem to be so many things seeming to be trying to take over
    everything with me at present. I am trying to “lean on God, the sustaining infinite
    and let Him take control of everything. I am thinking that if I can tune into God, then
    everything will be revealed as in tune with God’s law. I look forward to hearing all
    your inspiring thoughts.

    1. Dearest Maggie,

      It is comforting to surrender to God.
      I am just so tired of mortal mind that seems to want to take control of thoughts when I first awaken. Today I’m determined not to allow that to happen!!!
      For me it’s a moment by moment discipline.
      Knowing divine Mind is ever present and wants what is good and best for all us is the TRUTH I rejoice in moment by moment first thing today upon awaking. With all the error going on in the world, it seems mortal mind is taking advantage of the confusion and we just won’t allow it, will we?
      I read what you shared with me yesterday and it was so very heartfelt. I send thoughts of LOVE.

      1. Thank you so much, Susan for those loving thoughts. I will go along with you and not allow these suggestions to trouble and confuse me. I’m glad you found what I sent to you yesterday was helpful, and much love to you also. M.

    2. Dear Maggie, Your inspiring thoughts are always so helpful to us and any
      mortal belief that God is not in control is just not true. God/Love’s “sustaining
      infinite” is with you always and is your strength and power.
      To those clicking on the link, it takes us to the current Daily Lift, but to hear
      Evan’s “God in Control” inspiration, scroll down under Recents on the left.
      From some notes I have taken on it, dear Maggie, Evan went to put a tennis ball
      machine away, which was powered by a long cord that, when retracted, the
      socket recoiled quickly and hit him on the head. Immediate healing thoughts
      that came to him were ” when the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of
      the Lord shall lift up a standard against him”. He declared he is Not helpless. Also
      the thought, “Take possession of your body and govern it’s feeling and action” …
      He knew he is not a mortal out of control, but God is in control, not fear or the
      effects of an accident. He declared, “The bleeding stops NOW!!” and it did,
      What a Beautiful testimony of God being in control!!

  3. I am so grateful for the immediate help God gives us through this loving science. Thank you Evan and all. Blessings to all of you..

  4. Thank you very much, Carol, for your inspiring thoughts, and for filling me in on Evan’s
    wonderful testimony showing his own firm control over this experience. I do remember that lovely testimony, but didn’t know it was included in his Daily Lift. As I said, the Daily Lift won’t play for me, and also I have difficulty in hearing the spoken word clearly on my computer, so what you have related to me is very helpful. The quotation “when the enemy shall come in like a flood…..” that you cited is very helpful, as it does seem like a flood. But I know it is only a flood of false suggestions, and I must lift up that standard against them all – God is in control. I must let in the “flood tides of Love” – that should do the trick!! Mx

    1. Maggie, your inspirations are always so helpful and always will be because they come from God. When you mention flood-tides of love, two things came to mid. Mrs. Eddy quotes: “The way to extract error from mortal mind is to pour in truth through flood-tides of Love.” (SH 201:17–18)

      Also a solo I used to sing titled “Through Flood-times of Love” came to thought. The words are by Lillian Barker Durkee and are as follows.

      When dreams of despair, seem to darken your way,
      And sorrow or pain fill you heart with dismay,
      When friends have forsaken, and foes still pursue,
      And seek to reverse all the good that you do;
      Then hark to the message that comforts and heals,
      The way of salvation it truly reveals,

      Oh! pour in Truth, through flood-tides of love
      Flood-tides of love, they come from above,
      Oh! pour in Truth through flood-tides of love;
      Through flood-tides of love.

      When sin sets its snare, for your journeying feet,
      and lures you and tempts you with promises sweet,
      No pow’r, place, or presence it gains when you know,
      True joy is a gift only God can bestow;
      Then sin you no longer will love or will fear,
      When comes this sweet message, of comfort and cheer:

      Oh! pour in Truth, through flood-tides of love
      Flood-tides of love, they come from above,
      Oh! pour in Truth through flood-tides of love;
      Through flood-tides of love.

      Thank you for reminding me of that. God is indeed in control at all times.

      1. Dear Pat, that is really lovely – I haven’t come across that solo,
        and the words are so inspiring, I came into C.S as a
        soloist, and it has been a blessing to me ever since I realised
        it was the Truth I was seeking. I am sure the accompaniment
        must have been beautiful also.. Thank you so much. x

  5. Thank you very much.
    The daily lift was just what I needed when I needed it. Thank you so much.
    Reflecting God’s activity, no other action. God is in control of his own being.
    powerful stuff.
    I’m very grateful.

  6. Thank you Evan for the Christian Science Daily Lift “God is in Control”. I am thankful and appreciative of the spiritual growth that is absolutely expected and gained when I open, read and absorb the Spirit View . This absolute conviction that God is in control of the body and not fear, that we are immortal spiritual reflections and not helpless victims is i a firm and unwavering truth that cannot be eliminated from thought . Seeing the link in your Daily Lift to the Christian Science Sentinel article “ Exercising divine control over the body” also penned by Evan “.led me to deeper understanding of how to apply and incorporate naturally God’s ever present control over my body, mind and spirit in every second,,step and thought!

    Thank you Evan!

  7. Evan, Thank you for your Daily Lift, SpiritView and your consistency of always turning to God.

    My sincere thank you is so overdue !

  8. Love to everyone wherever you are or whatever you do. God is in control and
    Divine Love strengthens our outlook and gently inspires our thoughts… each and
    every step we take brings us closer to this Love. Leaning on Love to guide us
    shines our spirit into everything beautiful.

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