God made you healthy

August 31, 2022 | 27 comments

God created you with good health to enjoy. Do you see yourself that way?

I share some ideas in this video on how to find the health that is rightfully yours.

This vlog was filmed at Sunset Beach State Park, near Monterey, California, when my wife and I visited the area in May of 2022.

27 thoughts on “God made you healthy”

  1. God made me healthy and God keeps me healthy – another short, to the point and helpful message to hold to and remember each day. I love these. Thank you Evan!

  2. Beautiful reminder first thing in the morning .Thank you Evan. God made me healthy and God keeps all His children healthy. What an inspiring day always.n

  3. Wonderfully simple Truth, Evan – thank you.

    Because of that spiritual fact we can have fun adding to it:-

    God made you perfect, and keeps you perfect;;
    God made you pure, and He keeps you pure;
    God made you spiritual, and keeps you spiritual’
    God made you joyful, and He keeps you joyful’
    God made you loveable, and keeps you are loveable.,
    …..etc. etc. we can keep adding to the list,
    and claiming it as all true about ourselves, and living it.

  4. Early in my study of CS I used to say to myself, “God made us well, He maintains us well and we can only ever be well. There’s nothing we can do about it, nothing we have to do, that’s just the way God made it.”
    I didn’t understand the full spiritual reasoning behind this statement back then, but my understanding of it has grown over time. So glad to hear Evan joyfully proclaim it as our true identity, true nature, always our reality, in God.

  5. Thank you all for your wonderful posts! And thank you Evan for your joyful, utmost helpful Vlog!
    I just had a conversation with my sister about vaccination. She visited Sundayschool, but that was it for her. So she is not a Christian Scientist . And she is vehemently pro vaccination. And we differ totally in this and other cases.
    So, I am deeply grateful for Evan’s assurance of our perfect Health given us from our Father-Mother God, perfect divine Love!♡
    Your Vlogs are mostly on the shore of a refreshing sea or river – i love that, thanks a Lot, Evan! ♡

  6. Thanks Evan for a much needed reminder. Remember feeling very well when visiting California coast.

  7. Mary Baker Eddy on pages 253-254 of S&H provides a “dear reader” practical encouragement session; much in the spirit of Evan’s vlogs – direct, personal, and cuts through mental fog.

    1. “And that’s just the way it it!” Perfect. I love that statement. It’s a powerful law and we can accept it’s validity. We must.

  8. I love the bird singing as an accompaniment to Evan’s voice in this lovely & uplifting mirning post❤️ Thank each iof you for your loving expressions, & I especially like Maggie’s extending Evan’s proclamation of our original & permanent self. I know that it is imperative that we INSIST on The Truth absolutely, never permitting “a shadow of turning” in our declaration. This is what heals~ opening the way for The Truth to set us feee!

  9. I always love working with Mrs. Eddy’s definition of Man on page 475.
    Thanks for this wonderful start to the day Evan and all commenters.
    Love to all.

  10. As I think about preparing to go to work this morning, Evan’s encouraging declarations are a catalyst for me to first get to work mentally and prayerfully! Knowing that I can go about my day inspired, unrestricted by the false claims and weights of a material body, -knowing that health, wholeness, and wellness emanate from my true Source, and that I “possess sovereign power to think and act rightly”. (Mary Baker Eddy)

    Thank you Evan for your daily encouragements and your tender loving guidance. God’s blessings to everyone!

  11. This is wonderful! And I was thinking that my well being was so dependent on my ability to be really good at applying just the right truth every day….this takes away that horrible false sense of responsibility and gives it all to God ! Thanks , Evan !

  12. Oh, how I labored thru the soap opera titled Sunset Beach years ago, trying to find the satisfaction my mother-in-law did with her opera of choice. Actually, I did become fond of certain actors who then went on to other successes. Thank you for your lovely message today.

  13. Dear Evan and SpiritView members, thank you all very much for sharing the Truth expressed in today’s messages. I had been working on a painful physical problem, but after reading all your messages and the articles and of course hearing Evan’s confirmation of our healthy lives, I am pain free. What a great God we have.

  14. Thanks Evan, for this reminders,God is the only cause and creator and created only good so I am only how GOD created me,spiritual,perfect,and eternal.

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