I quit asking the question

June 18, 2020 | 29 comments

My daughter applied for a part-time teaching position that had the potential to take her in a professional direction she found very attractive. The family was excited about its possibilities for her.

Whenever we met, we’d ask, “Did you hear anything back yet?” For the next several weeks, all she could say was, “No. I haven’t heard anything.”

After a long waiting period it looked like nothing was ever going to come from that job interview. Despair and discouragement started to settle in.

In my prayers, I knew that she was a whole complete being, fully provided by God, with no lack in her life. But then I thought, “If you know she is complete and whole, why do you keep asking if she’s heard back from that school?”

As I was honest with myself, I realized that I asked the question because I saw lack in her life and hoped this new job would fill in the hole. Oops! I exclaimed. My point of view could be higher, I realized.

So, I resolved to quit asking the question and pray better to see her whole and complete, with no lack.

As a worker for God, she was busy, 24 hours a day, in God’s employ, listening, following, loving, reflecting, and demonstrating usefulness, worth and value in all kinds of wonderful ways. I accepted that there were no gaps in her life, no empty holes waiting to be filled, and no lack of valuable employment opportunities. She had everything she needed to flourish here and now.

As I found peace with my prayers, I decided that it didn’t matter whether she got this job or not. She would be successful either way. God would see to that. I dropped all worry about the situation.

Another 2-3 weeks went by with no discussion about that interview.

Then one evening, while working on a project with my daughter, she interjected without warning, “Guess what I learned today!” She went on to relate that the employer had called that day and offered her the job. She was over the moon with excitement, and we were too. The job has been a good fit.

I learned my lesson. Don’t ask questions that germinate from a belief of lack. See the truth and trust it to be true!

29 thoughts on “I quit asking the question”

  1. This is so helpful! It’s refreshing to hear your testimony of how Christian Science can enrich relationships and healings with adult children. You always write of “the Truth,” but hearing a direct experience like this makes it really powerful. Thank you for unselfishly sharing your family’s experience.

  2. This is a beautiful lesson to learn. It can also be applied to physical healings. When we constantly check in with matter, to see if “symptoms” are gone yet, it is like ‘asking the question’ that implies we are believing in lack of wholeness, lack of God’s constant provision of good. I am well and complete right now, regardless of what a false material sense tries to claim. Thank you so much.

  3. This is a beautiful lesson to learn. It can also be applied to physical healings. When we constantly check to see if “symptoms” are gone yet, it is like we are believing that we are in lack of health and waiting to hear from matter to find out if we are well. We are ‘asking the question’ to see what matter has to say instead of trusting God’s constant provision of wholeness and knowing that we are well right now, regardless of what error may be shouting. Thank you so much! Blessings to all!

    1. What a wonderful experience of trust and patience. God knows our needs even before we ask Him/Her and if it is the right way for us, it will happen or sometimes there is something even better in store for us. I like the way you compared this with
      “waiting to hear from matter to find out if we are well”, Rose.

  4. She is blessed and there are so many that will be blessed by her being in that position! Wonderful! 🙂

  5. Brilliant reminder of how often I am tempted thinking “When will this pandemic thing and fear of each other be over??!!”

    Thank you!

  6. Perspective is important and you,Evan, show us that important quality, each & every day. Small or large healings are learning tools. Thank you for leading my thoughts in the “straight & narrow”. May we all enjoy another blessed day in “ the reign of harmony”

  7. Evan, what a wonderful testimony to the value of staying focused on God’s goodness and provision, His unfailing constancy in meeting every so-called human need. So important to remember and to do! Thanks for your inspirational and educational posts…LOVE IT!

  8. Don’t ask questions that germinate from a belief in lack-excellent wisdom for everyone, everything, everywhere. Thank you, Evan

  9. All things work together for those who love God…( Romans I believe )..and you certainly proved it Evan. Thank you for sharing . ❣️

  10. Love hearing the different ways spiritual laws can be applied, and their results. A practitioner quoted the Bible verse to me that God does “the annointing and appointing” so there is no dis-appointment. God appoints us to our work. She also reminded regarding job searches Mrs. Eddy’s statement to “be active” and thy success is sure. Another time when I was waiting on a decision as to whether a trip was going to occur, and it wasn’t obvious if it were right to go or not, and I was waiting on God for direction and feeling impatient, it occurred to me that if I were really open to God’s will on this, I should prepare for the trip and prepare to stay home and have a guest that weekend. I packed my bag and got the house ready for a guest. The trip won out, but that was a good lesson.

  11. My daughter searched for months for a job in 2007, right before the Recession. No one gave her an interview. After awhile she called me and said, “All the doors are shut!”
    Immediately, I prayed than people can’t shut doors and windows on someone’s right place. God alone opens the doors.
    The next day she got a call to interview for a perfect job, and she was hired on the spot. I thanked our Father Mother God for opening the right door for her.

  12. My granddaughter loves animals and has had a foster kitten during
    The isolation period. This kitten has health problems. ….and the
    SPCA does cover Vet expenses but not being ver successful. The
    Kitten is very cute and affectionate. “All Gods creatUres move in. Accord with Him, reflecting goodness” I hav conveyed this to her
    But no results. will not ask the qUestion ..but keep on praying.
    Thanks for your reminder to expect good results.

  13. Oh Evan! Love this article and thank you for sharing it. Full of gratitude for this Science that Mrs. Eddy discovered and shared with the world.

  14. How helpful and powerful is your SpiritView of today with the wonderful testimony. Thank you very much for your explanations how your persistent prayer lead you to right truth thoughts which brought full success and healing to the situation.
    In your last paragraph you are writing: “see the truth and trust it to be true” Here a Bible promis comes to my mind which I from time to time ponder very much, namely :”God gives man faith and understanding” . For me it is helpful, that God gives it to us. That means for me that God helps me to trust that truth is true. That is very comforting!
    Am so grateful to you Evan that I learn so much and well to understand divine Truths!

    1. Thank you, Uta. I love the emphasis on “gives”. So faith and understanding is ALREADY within ALL God’s beloved children, including us! What a gift! And what a gift God has given us w this blog. I had to laugh when I read the subject and the first few words as I knew what the question wd be. I know as a mother I’ve asked those questions too often, but FINALLY am learning to hold my tongue more!!! Boy, is life about lessons!!!

  15. Thank you for sharing your wonderful family testimony and the truths that went with it.

    Lovingly ,

  16. That is just a wonderful example to us all to realize the underlying premise we unconsciously fall victim to by not realizing the wholeness of being. There can be no lack for the universe was not created by lack but rather by fullness. Thank you, Evan for sharing this experience.

  17. Timely message, as news spreads that we’re all facing a huge lack; to realize it’s NOT true since there is NO lack of good in God’s kingdom. Thank you all, and Josef, for reconfirming the ‘wholeness of being’, right here, right NOW. Lovely.

  18. What an inspiring Spiritview today! So wonderful to hear how you prayed about your daughters place. So many times I’ve had similar prayers for my adult daughters. Sometimes a better position has opened up. I always pray that if the job is right for them – no one else can take it. If the job is not right , they do not want it. I also Loved Uta’s comments that God gives us faith and understanding. We don’t have to work hard to acquire it! It’s given to us! Mortal mind tries to tell us we just don’t have enough to demonstrate healing. When all along we are fully equipped for anything that comes our way! What a relief!

  19. Thank You Evan and all contributors here. The Bible lesson on God preserve Man is so rich and gave me opportunity to praise, appreciate and thank God for His Creation that is so completely whole and perfectly supplied with every good thought expressing God’s omnipotent care, omnipresence of His magnificent lovingkindness and complete omniscient in every aspect of our well being and joy of meaningful and fulfilling life.

  20. Thank you Evan. Once again you have helped me see a lack of employment in a different light. My eldest son is in this same position as your daughter was and my youngest son is looking for work and now I will look at their situations from this perspective. Thank you

  21. Thank you for sharing, Evan. I have also seen lack in my daughter’s life. Now as Liz wrote, “I will look at her situation from this perspective” — positively. Thank you all.

  22. Yes yes and yes. As a grandmother I find myself saying to my children what was told to me. Don’t hold your children in your heart ever as limited. Remove the obstacles when you can and let their lives unfold as God intended and is in charge of his children. I can’t use the word God with one but they know what I mean. I found more prayer than anything else keeps us on the straight and narrow.

  23. Great article Evan! I will keep reminding myself about this in parenting my daughter. Remembering that she is always guided by our Father Mother God.

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