If required to get a shot against your desire

May 17, 2021 | 35 comments

In a few instances, people have been required by conditions out of their control to get a vaccine shot even though they did not need it nor want it. What to do then?

If so, metaphysically neutralize any supposed impact from the shot.

As Christian Science explains, any effect from a drug is wholly per whatever human belief attaches to that drug. The effect could come from the person administering the shot, from popular opinion at large about the drug, and/or individual faith in that drug. Regardless, the effect is always mental, and can be neutralized with spiritual truth.

To stay healthy and free of any drug effect, see clearly that health is a state of divine Mind, upheld and sustained by Spirit throughout your entire being.

Health is not a physical state subject to chance and change. It’s a spiritual state that is permanent, fixed in Truth, and never affected by a germ, virus, bacteria, or drug. As a child of God, you have spiritual immunity that protects you from disease, and from all potential effects from drugs.

In Truth, you are a spiritual creation of God. Matter doesn’t govern Spirit. Spirit governs man! Drugs do not govern man. God governs man!

Drugs as matter are powerless. Strip all claims to mind-power from them. Know that they possess no ability to affect your mind, the body, your health, and your feelings.

Any shot is as a shot of water. Harmless, void of any effect.

Also, it helps to know that no person on earth can give that shot any power to affect you. As a spiritual thinker and doer, and reflection of God’s way of thinking, you are not affected by what other people believe. You are a direct manifestation of what God thinks and knows.

In Spirit, you reflect unchangeable perfection! There isn’t any shot that can change, alter, improve, or harm a spiritual creation.

In a consciousness of spiritual Truth, you are safe!

35 thoughts on “If required to get a shot against your desire”

  1. I was being peppered by family and friends to get the vaccine shots. After praying for how to respond, this statement came to me which was helpful, “I am innoculated with divine Truth and have spiritual immunity both from contagion and asymptomatic carrying of disease. The torment of fear engenders disease but divine Love casts out fear. As we scientifically turn away from the false beliefs of mortality and mentally understand our divine immortality then we are safe from contagion of every sort.”

    1. First, thank you, Evan! Right on point as always!

      And Loren, that you for your one sentence of Truth. Very powerful. I’ve been thinking about how I might answer any stranger or business employee who asks if I’ve been vaccinated and the thought came so simply that in order to avoid lying or getting into a long conversation, I can simply respond with, I’m protected. And I know I am with the spiritual immunity God made me to have!

    2. Wow Loren…I love your insight of how to respond to the question of whether you’ve been innoculated or not….a real Christianly Scientific response…even if only in our own thoughts. Thank you to everyone who share here and especially to Evan for providing such healing messages for us to aid in our prayers. Thank you to all who suggest possible articles to complement Evan’s treatments. Thank you!!!

  2. Thank you, Evan. My employer made it mandatory to get the shot, and i wrestled because i felt i was going against the Truth that was protecting me for the past year. The 91st Psalm has been my prayer and it continues- he shall cover thee with his feathers and under his wings shalt thou trust his truth shall be thy shield and Buckler; because thou hast made the Lord which is my refuge even the most high thigh habitation there shall no evil befall thee neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling for he shall give his angels charge over thee to keep day in all thy ways”. And I found this in Miscellaneous Writings page 454:2 “God is ever-present and ready to help me and I trust in him, my faith is planted on a rock that is immovable”. A friend reminded me that I should think of it as an act of love and I cant be harmed by being loving. There as been no reaction whatsoever and there is much gratitude every day for God’s presence and power.

  3. Terrific tip to go by in these days of zooming fear everywhere. First, fear of a virus and then fear of the vaccine became the general public thought. I’m so thankful for being able to study metaphysics and learn of a better way to live, in a spiritual universe. Many thanks!

  4. My son had a shot. He manifested most alarming conditions. A practitioner was called. He slept the day through. Woke up better than ever. We are are so very grateful.

  5. Prior to getting my second shot of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, I was surrounded by suggestions that I would have painful side-effects. I knew that wouldn’t happen because of my exposure to Science and Health and Evan’s blog. I’m not quite sure how that works, but I’m grateful for it!

  6. So very helpful Evan. Thank you for these clear thoughts regarding protection.
    Also, thanks to all who have added inspiration with their comments.

  7. Thanks for the timely article Evan, and also appreciate the sharing in the comments. Great thoughts — love the post when people asked if we are vaccinated, that I can simply answer the Truth “I am protected” … thanks all!

  8. Thank you Evan. So very helpful for me ,as is the article linked by Angie. Happy Love filled day everyone❣️

  9. Evan you are so right on with your inspiration and strong comments. Thank you for sharing with us all. I know, in my heart, my consciousness that this building pressure to be vaccinated is not right. It feels like tyranny, mass control and everything opposite that Christian Science teaches. We are free to make a choice; but when forced to do so, , I cannot tell you how grateful I am for the truths you shared to negate fear and “effects”.

  10. If someone asks I simply say, cheerfully,
    “I’m all set.”
    Usually there are no further inquiries.
    I’m grateful for Spirit View and the daily lesson
    for spiritual ‘armor’ that affords protection
    as well as peace of mind.

    1. My elderly neighbor asked me recently if I had my shots yet, (I have not, and don’t intend to)- quickly and effortlessly my reply came out with smiling confidence- “I’m all taken care of”. This satisfied her. I thanked God mentally for this quick and truthful answer, realizing it is in fact the Truth for all mankind. God tenderly cares for each and every one of us every single moment, we are “all taken care of “ now and forever.

  11. This is a very important post Evan…the getting of the “shot” has become quite a point of discussion .

  12. When I am asked whether I have had the shot, I usually say “I am fully protected”, which seems to satisfy the enquirer. A while ago though, I said I was fully protected, and then I was asked the further question as to how? – I just had to confidently answer: “through prayer”, and that was accepted. When we are confident that we are doing what we know is the right thing to do for us, because we are blessed by the teachings of Christian Science, we need not fear what anyone else should think, or that it will cause them to fear. After that, I was able to send them an invitation to watch our on-line Lecture, and they said they would.

  13. The current situations are calling on us to rise higher and higher, deeper and deeper than ever before into spiritual understanding. Interesting times on planet Earth for sure.

    It can seem very challenging. At times I feel overwhelmed, frightened, thinking that I can’t believe this is the direction world thought is taking. So extreme in reliance on material ways as a solution so we can all “move on.” Bribing people to take the vaccine, free tickets to the baseball games if people get vaccinated on the way in to the stadium; being entered into a lottery for a $1 million dollar prize if one complies. Funny that not long ago I jokingly said maybe if someone offered me $1 million I might consider a vaccine. The more alarming part is seeing the conversation move towards using fear to separate the unvaccinated into an ostracized group, using guilt or restrictions from participating in normal activities. The requirement to continue mask wearing for those unvaccinated, so we will stand out from those no longer required to wear them, all this creating more polarity and divisiveness and separation.

    But thank you Evan for the reminder that no matter how we decide, Truth remains the same. We can claim our continued safety. Fear cannot win the day when we understand our spiritual nature and let God take care of us and guide us forward. I don’t have to be alarmed and mesmerized into seeing divisiveness and pressure, that is all just error trying to invade my thought. I can see what God is knowing in the One Mind — All good unfolding for His children. I can trust that. I can also recognize there is love and good intentions impelling much of this material push. I don’t have to believe in evil. God is on the job 24/7. Mrs. Eddy said in S&H, p.60, “Soul (God) has infinite resources with which to bless mankind.” I can rely on that.

    Also love this line from the article God’s Law of Adjustment by Adam H. Dickey, “All the power, action, intelligence, life and government in the universe belong to God and have always belonged to Him. He is the supreme ruler and does not share His power with another.”
    Sorry if I rambled on today, just working out of much wrong thinking and going higher. Bless you all!

  14. Evan, thank you so much for all your inspiration regarding issues related to the pandemic. It has been so helpful along with all the prayers along this past year. My family has put great pressure on me to have the vaccine and I finally did get it recently. However, I spent a lot of time praying to know whether this was right or not. Some of the things I prayed about regarding the vaccine were that 1) the vaccine is not my Savior, God is. There is not material savior only the one God. 2) danger–as God’s child I am not, never was, and never will be in danger from a virus or side effects. Truth the two-edged sword guards and guides. Ps. 91 and Ps. 23 clearly point out that we are safe and saved by God alone. 3) side effects or after effects can’t affect us because we live and move and have our being in God who is good and the only effect of goodness is good. I also though a lot about the 3 Hebrew boys in the firey furnace who had no side effects at all from that experience “not even the smell of smoke” and Ps. 23 tells us “goodness and mercy shall follow me all they days of my life”. 4) immunity in unity– we have immunity because we are never separated from God. 5) I also thought about David rushing forward to meet Goliath and it only took ONE stone to defeat Goliath–the Truth. 6) from Revelation “It is done. I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.” So I realized that the whole process was complete already and I had nothing to fear. So one day, it was clear that I should go and get the vaccine (Moderna). Then I had to go for the 2nd round of it. By then I was spiritually prepared and I began to be grateful to God for all the inspiration i had had leading up to this whole process. Now it’s over and done with, and my family is relieved. I may have had some minor effects, but not even what was predicted. I’m so grateful for Christian Science and for this Blog. Thanks Evean!

  15. I , too, had been wrestling about whether or not to get the vaccine. After re-reading Evan’s posts and those of all of you who had contributed I finally felt at peace in my final decision to get vaccinated. It has been 3 days and I have had NO side effects…my arm is not even sore.!!!! I am so thankful I had Evan and the posts to aid me in my decision allowing me to see the vaccine had no power over me.

  16. Why would anyone “cave in” to get a shot except by pressure to keep their job? Especially if a CS student. We are being manipulated by a government that is more and more becoming socialistic and communistic. God is supreme over all; over anything that evil can throw at us and He will help us in thls human experience.

  17. Thank you for your timely post, Evan (they always are). As a Christian Science practitioner, I had no plans to get the vaccine; but as a Christian Science Prison Chaplain, I’m required to in order to return to any county jail or state prisons. I had my first shot several weeks ago and my next one is soon. What the requirement revealed was my fear of the effects. I’ve had the pleasure of witnessing healings of diagnosed covid cases, and also of someone suffering from the effects of the vaccine, but I realized my “stand” to not get vaccinated wasn’t free of fear. This isn’t the case for everyone, but my experience was that my “stand” was really more avoidance. So I had to get very still in my thought and very clear, along the lines of what you shared: I’m not material in the first place! At first I was trying to know that drugs in my system couldn’t hurt or help me, but I had to go all the way to the truth of being: “All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all.” Then, every time suggestions of symptoms (“expected” side effects) would pop up, instead of thinking, “Well, this isn’t too bad, and there has to be SOME effect [=guilty conscience],” I would say ABSOLUTELY NOT, I am wholly spiritual!! I am continuing to cling steadfastly to this truth and am ready for divine Mind’s fresh, ever-deepening inspiration, too, which you helped provide this morning. The pandemic and the vaccine are just opportunities for each of us to strengthen our individual relationship with God, be obedient to what we are hearing from Him, and trust Him wholeheartedly. The only side effects of that is healing– more love for Him, ourselves, and our neighbor. Grateful for this blog and all the thoughts (and article links) shared in the comments.

    1. Angela, I appreciate your honesty in saying that your, ” ‘stand’ to not get vaccinated wasn’t free of fear.” I relate, as I see an element of fear/avoidance in my choice as well. I have not really wanted to admit that to myself or to others. Now the fear can be more fully addressed as the error that it is. I agree that these things are opportunities to go deeper in our understanding of perfect God, perfect man, perfect world.

      I’m grateful that CS teaches us that we can look at situations and people and ultimately see only God’s good children and God’s good universe manifesting before our (spiritual) eyes. Where else can I learn that?

  18. Evan, thanks for this: ” As a spiritual thinker and doer, and reflection of God’s way of thinking, you are not affected by what other people believe. You are a direct manifestation of what God thinks and knows.”
    This is very pertinent and helpful to me in a situation unrelated to the vacinne. A family member is strongly opposed to my relying on Christian Science for healing. I cannot be affected negatively by what anyone thinks I should be doing. God is in complete control 24/7!

  19. Thanks for your comments! It seems in many instances that getting the vaccine is the loving thing to do for our neighbors/family/employers etc. It also supports our country’s re-opening, as that depends on a certain percentage of people getting vaccinated.

    As you said, we cannot be hurt by it. And getting vaccinated doesn’t mean we are giving in, or will somehow lose power as a result, or that we are giving power to matter. It just means we are putting others first, doing something that cannot hurt us, but will make others feel much safer around us. It’s an act of love towards those around us.

    1. Ellen I totally agree. I got the shot out of pure love for all the fearful people that are so relieved when I can say yes I got it. I only needed the one shot and felt absolutely no effects. Aren’t we grateful that spirit God is the only cause — we don’t have to worry about matter either getting a shot or not!

  20. I have chosen not to be vaccinated. I do revisit my thinking on this frequently for the good of the whole and each time come to the conclusion that as a beloved child of my heavenly father, Spirit, I am completely protected . I am so very grateful for Evan’s continuing conversation on this topic and for all the comments and insights from everyone who responds on this blog. I, like others, have been cajoled and lectured for this decision by my neighbors and friends. I have also been left out of some activities with friends. When asked about my decisions, I thank them for their concern and say it is a personal decision and I can explain if u have a little time to listen. Each person to date has brushed it aside and recommended I reconsider my decision and then changes the subject. So, it would seem to me that this Is more like saying “Hi, how are you?” with not much real interest in a response or reason.
    Within my own family I discovered an interesting fact just this week, my 2 children attended a CS Sunday School for a few years growing up. They eventually married people from another faith and were baptized into their spouses church and use that to raise their families saying it was just easier. When our families were together last week they asked if I was planning to be vaccinated and I said that is not my plan and I doubt it will be ever be a countrywide mandate. How about you both? I was very surprised to hear both my adult children say they had no plans to get it either even though others in their family had or were going to. My daughter is the medical field and it astonished me that she made this decision for herself. I read into their decisions that their original grounding in CS still has some merit for them which delights me.

  21. When talking to others about vaccinations or forced medications I often share my husband’s experience when he was entering the Army Reserves. His mom shared with him that he wouldn’t be able to get exemptions from vaccinations so he needed to be clear that the vaccination had no power for good or evil since God, good is all power. She stressed that he could not think that he would have double coverage from both the vaccine and God, but must realize only one power, God. One day his company was told they would have the afternoon off and then it was added that this was because everyone would be getting 7 vaccinations and they would all be sick from the shots. Everyone lined up and got the shots and everyone except my husband got sick. He happily had all the recreation, library and other facilities to himself while the others were suffering from the side effects of the vaccinations. Obeying the First Commandment,” Thou shalt have no other gods before me” always results in a blessing!

  22. Thank you SO much, Evan, for this clear, calming post. I had to get vaccinated this week and recognized some fear within me about possible side effects. So I took your post and used it as a treatment. It really lifted my thought above all the matter arguments pro or con to a peaceful sense of being governed solely by Spirit. There were zero side effects, but more importantly I felt free from the whole belief system surrounding the vaccination. And the family member for whom I did it was visibly relieved (not CS obviously).
    Incredibly grateful for your blogs. They are so timely and loving.

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