Let spiritual truth shape your existence

February 6, 2023 | 23 comments

Life is eternal. We should find this out, and begin the demonstration thereof. Life and goodness are immortal. Let us then shape our views of existence into loveliness, freshness, and continuity, rather than into age and blight.

~ Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 246

What is shaping your views of existence today? “Loveliness, freshness, and continuity,” or “age and blight?”

There is no correlation between advancing years and health, for health is spiritual, always coming from God freely and abundantly in any year.

One can stay healthy whether they are 18 or 88. The health they enjoy comes from the same place—from God.

When spiritual truth shapes our view of existence, concern over age disappears. The passing of time is irrelevant. The power, strength and joy we feel coming from God is relevant. And it keeps coming and coming no matter how many years are clocked along the way.

23 thoughts on “Let spiritual truth shape your existence”

  1. Good Morning Evan and everyone!
    Comforting reassurance from the inspired words of our leader.
    Thanks and enjoy a heathy and productive week.
    Loving kindness

  2. I was so pleased to read this today. After a bit of huffing and puffing getting up this morning with seeming twinges in various parts of the body I read your message. So today I will insist that only spiritual truth can shape my views of existence and neither age nor the passing of time can make a jot of difference to the spiritual idea that is me! Thanks Evan today and every day. Blessings to all x

  3. Some years back I visited Pleasant View and one of the residence from Eastern Europe did a dance recital. She was in her ninties and was still agile and strong..
    When we spoke with her she said “I just never stopped dancing.
    Let’s dance on in the joy of soul and the strength of Spirit.

    1. That’s lovely – many thanks John for sharing that. A great demonstration of where our thoughts
      reside , and this dancer’s thoughts were obviously with the infinite God who made us immortal
      and ageless in His image. I will join with you in dancing on in the joy of Soul and the strength of Spirit, as you put it. (Dancing has never been one of my assets, but if I dance in the joy of Soul,
      that should produce better results!!)

    2. One of my dear friends, who is almost 102 has a large banner on the top wall of her office, saying “[her name], keep dancing!” given her on her 90th birthday because for decades she danced for hours at a time several nights a week. She is still doing yoga and walking and driving better than most people at any age. She is still receiving recognition and winning awards for her calligraphy far superior to people 1/3 her age.

      Years ago I was paid to be a Christian Science nurse for someone on a Caribbean cruise, and at night we would see on the main stage an arial scarves and trapeze artist, gymnast of incredible strength, agility, artistry, grace, and courage. The man sitting in the audience beside me was in awes saying that her body was beyond perfect and he knew what I could not tell that she was what most people would consider elderly. And the tall, handsome, suave dance host paid by the cruise line to be the dance leader for women guests was in his 90s and had just recently retired from a nonprofit to help African-American inner-city youth from his expertise as a retired international basketball champion representing another nation in the Olympics, and when not on the cruise ship or traveling, is still playing basketball beating out those who are decades younger.

      When I was completing my degree in recreation and park management with an emphasis in mountain sports and outdoor education, I was a camp counselor and instructor/naturalist for senior adult camp, that was like that for youth except that they served cocktails, and didn’t control who slept with whom where. There was a 99-year-old lady who had climbed every major peak in North America, and I don’t know how many elsewhere, in her teeny, narrow, tall lace up leather boots, where I don’t know how there is any room for socks, much less the warmth that would be needed at 30° below freezing. She did this when few men did, and fewer women did technical climbing, and she wore long wool skirts that I don’t know how she kept from getting tangled up in the climbing ropes in the wind . Her long wool multi layers of skirts must have weighed at least 30 pounds when wet and she made all the peaks without oxygen tanks that younger men used while carrying lighter loads and having better boots and easier clothing. She was still wearing heavy long skirts in the rain and cold as we hiked over fallen trees. She was full of playful adventure, and vitality, constantly learning and spreading joy of life, with more vitality and endurance than the young athlete college students.

      Through Christian Science , I have survived many degenerative, disabling, medically-incurable conditions that typically kill people, and as I have gotten older, I have actually gotten healthier because I’ve gotten more experiences that are testimonies inspiring me and others, growing character, faith, and humble love. It is not time that wears one down, but personal sense, self-pity, fear, self justification, and laziness. It is not youth that gives one strength, endurance, agility, grace, intelligence; but God, and aligning, each thought and action, more and more with God, and our life purpose to serve and bless.

      1. Thanks for the inspiration. I feel like a youngster at only 84 after reading these comments!!! Let’s DANCE!!!!!

  4. Good. morning Evan:
    Thanks so much for reminding us that perfect heath is from God
    That spiritual statement is the only reality. Therefore let us all continue to live healthy and productively lives. May we be blessed today.

  5. Thank you Evan and all.. This is a needful reminder.. There is no age, there is only health. Life and being are of God and eternal.

  6. “And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.”
    (Genesis 17:1)

  7. Numbers as ideas are forever changeless,
    lasting, complete.
    God’s ideal, man ,as reflection, is
    changeless, lasting, complete.
    Ideas don’t diminish, wear out.
    They/we, are permanent expressions of,
    “loveliness, freshness, continuity.”
    Thanks Evan, and everyone.
    Happy happy day expressing our
    God-likeness. .

  8. “Rock of Ages, Truth divine,
    Be Thy strength forever mine:
    Let me rest secure on Thee,
    Safe above life’s raging sea.
    Rock of Ages, Truth divine,
    Be Thy strength forever mine…
    Christ, the Truth, foundation sure,
    On this rock we are secure;
    Peace is there our life to fill,
    Cure is there for every ill.
    Rock of Ages, Truth divine,
    Be Thy strength for ever mine”. (Hymn #293)

    Spiritual Truth is Life, Eternal. Love’s Principle, the Soul of our Being is Mind’s
    blessing for all of us no matter where we are in Life’s journey.

  9. Thank you Evan for this beautifully worded assurance that as reflections, emanations of Spirit, Soul, we continually, thrive, prosper, and progress. This truth is enough to counter, correct, and free us from the mortal views of age, decline, and man’s separation from God. How blessed we are to know that we embody “power, strength, and joy” from our divine Source eternally!

  10. Wonderful to continually contemplate and realize that Life is eternal. I’m happily finding this out. Thank you, Evan and all who contribute such inspiring, vibrant ideas.

  11. I loved, “The passing of time is irrelevant.” Laurance Doyle, the astrophysicist and Christian Science lecturer often states that there has never been any scientific evidence linking the number of revolutions of the earth around the sun with the signs of so-called physical aging. So even from a material perspective it is wrong. An incorrect belief from/in mortal mind.

    I’m feeling a lot of gratitude today for SpiritView, for Evan and all of you with your beautiful inspirations and expressions of Truth shared lovingly from your hearts. Humbly grateful – thanks and blessings to all.

  12. “Immortal man was and is God’s image or idea, even the infinite expression of infinite Mind, and immortal man is coexistent and coeternal with that Mind…Immortal man is not and never was material, but always spiritual and eternal.”
    Mary Baker Eddy – Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures – page 336: 9-12, 16
    Something or someone that is “immortal” is truly ageless and can never experience any degradation of its full and perfect expression of all that is lovely and fresh and continuous.

  13. dear Evan, I am truely grateful you give us the right ideas about this topic “agelessness”, so wonderful.
    After I read this and afterwards the lesson sermon Soul, I had a refreshing start into this wonderful God given day. I did arrends in my household I hadn’t planned. Oh I am very grateful for it!

    I dearly love the Bible story of Kaleb who was sent by Moses to find a good Land to live, when he said in his 80th, that his eyes are not dim and his strength is as strong as it was when he was 40 years joung.

    And Mrs. Eddy is a great example for me that there are no limits in being very produktive in high ages as she founded the Christian Science Monitor in her 90th. The Monitor is well known in the whole world as a highly qualified newspaper. It is a Pulitzer Price and other prices winning paper. It’s motto is “to injure no man but to bless all mankind”.

    Thanks and love to all today’s inspiring commenters and to dear “J” for the uplifting article ♡♡♡


    “The sun sends forth light, but not suns; so God reflects Himself, or Mind, but does not subdivide Mind, or good, into minds, good and evil.” (Ret. 56:22)

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