
May 10, 2022 | 20 comments

God gives us all the direction we need for our lives. The big question is, “Are we listening?”

20 thoughts on “Listen”

  1. This didn’t come to my email. I am first to comment so i imagine it’s something to check on. Listening is so important, and I have to keep reminding myself to not just trust myself for the answer but to listen to God’s direction.
    I went to NEWER to get this blog on yesterday’s Spirit View. Have a wonderful day.

    1. Always when i don’t have SpiritView in my inbox I go to NEWER of yesterday’s SpiritView, when there is a newer one!♡

      1. When SpiritView doesn’t appear in my In Box I do a Google search for the SpiritView website and to all of the SpiritViews including the one for that day if that one is really available

    1. Thank you Evan for this important topic. And thank you RH for including the link to Mark Swinney’s recent Sentinel Watch. It’s so excellent! Listening, instead of talking to God, involves humility and losing personal sense/ego. And if we’re loving and honoring God by listening only to Him/Her, we’re not loving or honoring anything else. I also loved Mark’s suggestion of keeping a journal.

  2. Are we listening? Right now I am having a hard time listening to God, to hear Him loud and clear, even though I know intellectually how important it is. Error has been shouting loud to distract me and pull my attention to lies about my body and emotions. I know God is here for me, and my desire is to “Trust in the Lord with ALL my heart and lean not unto ‘my own’ understanding; to acknowledge Him in all my ways, knowing that He will [lovingly] direct my path” (from Prov 3:5-6). Greetings and Love to you all.

    1. Dear Rose from New York. It is unusual to hear you say you are being challenged since you always have such inspirational comments.

      My first prayer when this happens to me is that I pray to be absent from the body and to be present with Thee, Lord. Then I work to defend myself from all evil as in the Manual. I pray the Daily Prayer and pray to defend myself from Aggressive Animal Magnetism’s lies that try to make me believe that there IS Life, Truth, Intelligence or Substance in matter because ALL is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, I also defend against AAM that would make be forget or neglect my duty to God, our Leader and all mankind. These prayers help to get my thought in the proper channels. I’m sure you pray the same, but pray that my comments are helpful.

      1. Lovely comments Pat and they are definitely helpful! Thank you. Only got this blog today.

    2. Dear Rose,
      Many have found themselves in this situation. We all have experienced it at one time or another.
      “Be still” and know that God is caring for you at THIS and every moment all while embracing you with His constant presence and love. Just bask in His love and know His voice is the only voice to be heard. (“God is light and in Him is no darkness at all”. Since you are an expression of God, you can say, “Rose is light, and in her is no darkness at all”. You are the expression of light and your light shines bright to all! You are filled with light, peace, joy, goodness and glory. Don’t let your light be hid, shine bright and radiate and glow!) Note: The last 5 sentences written here are similar to a text message that was sent to me from my dear daughter about 1 1/2 years ago when I was experiencing the most challenging time of my life. I reflected on this often, got through the challenging moments finding joy, peace and strength and continue to think about this every day since! I trust this will bring you much comfort as it did to me. Hugs and much love!

  3. Wow RH, thanks for the link to the Sentinel Watch about listening to God as prayer! Also today’s DailyLift from The Motherchurch is an extract of Mark Sweany’s Sentinel Watch Podcast.
    He gives wonderful testimonies and ideas therein.
    He says that praying is not only saying the words but feel it in our hearts; also being still and knowing God’s presence. Mrs. Eddy says in Science and Health in p. 284:31 “the intercommunication is always from GOD to His idea, man.” So let’s listen to God’s healing and comforting communication to us! I do need to work on it, and I am working and praying on it.
    Thank you Rose for your comment!♡
    Thank you Evan for assuring us that God gives us all direction we need for our Life!♡ We just should stand still and listen what the divine Father-Mother has to say to us.
    Oh Mark Sweany’s Podcast, RH gives us the Link to up here, is very worth reading!!!

    1. Oh, I meant Mark Sweany’s Podcast of this week is very worth listening to. I find it vety helpful !
      Such a peaceful picture up here, thanks Evan. ☆

  4. The longer I walk on earth, the more I realize that prayer is truly about listening! Listen, and then it’s about following the directions I am given!! There are always directions!

  5. One of my favourite bible verses is “Be still and know that I am God” (see Psalm 46:10) It is only in stillness that we can truly listen, – it is entering the closet and shutting the door on material sense and testimony, and God gives us the strength to shut the door when the senses are screaming. When we give full attention to God, heart, soul and mind, we find Love, Truth, Life, for they are always present.
    The story of Ananias in the monologue ( ) takes us through the challenges set by the material picture, listening through prayer, to the clear direction of what to do. It concludes “I had heard God call my name. Love is calling yours.” Love is always saying “You are mine”, It is what Love has been saying throughout eternity. “I know what I think about you, for I have good plans for you, plans for eternal peace and not torment, and I promise you, they will all be, and are now, fulfilled.” see Jeremiah 29:11 . As noted in earlier comments, when we listen we get directions, and God’s loving plans for each one of us unfold.
    When we listen we hear and reflect the ever-speaking Word,

  6. God is always giving each of us the thought and the feeling that we need at every moment. In the form and language that we need while making us so we can best heed that with clarity and joy. God and all of nature is always communicating love and calling us to love. We are created to be able to hear and see and recognize that truth and clarity that liberates and heals. We can listen and we can understand and we can follow through. We can succeed because God gives us what we need.

    The one infinite divine Mind communicates to the listening dog how to find her way in a new place. The Douglas fir tree listens and responds to that communication shared by the mycelium or mushroom net work and other plants, and then spreads the message to other species for mutual safety. Every cell from every specie in the human body is attentive and receptive and responsive. We can choose to listen and we can hear and understand and do what Love tells and gives us.

  7. Thank you all for your inspirational contributions including Mark Swinney’s podcast. Sooo helpful and needed by all who are striving to listen more.

  8. Thank you Evan and all. Martha has said what was in my heart. Thank you! (Also, it was good to know what to do when I don’t get a Spirit View in my inbox.)

  9. I find this from our Leader reassuring —
    “The broadest facts array the most falsities against themselves, for they bring error from under cover. It requires courage to utter truth; for the higher Truth lifts her voice, the louder will error scream, until its inarticulate sound is forever silenced in oblivion.”
    (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 97:21)

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