Live every day anew

September 19, 2019 | 19 comments

“Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.”

~ Will Rogers

If something not so good happened yesterday, don’t carry negative feelings about it into the next day. Leave the error behind!

As the offspring of Spirit, we don’t have a timeline of mortal baggage to carry forward. We have the good of Spirit to experience in each moment we’re in. What’s called a mortal past doesn’t govern our spiritual present.

Live in the spiritual present! It’s very good.

19 thoughts on “Live every day anew”

  1. Gosh Evan you are right on the ball with this today for me! On what has always been rather a sad anniversary for the past few years, I opened this blog and wham – it hit me right in the face. So apt. I must stop dragging these things round with me and making them part of my life. They are not. Drop the earth weights. So so grateful for this today. Big thank you!

  2. QUOTE:
    “Don’t start your day with the broken pieces of yesterday. Every day is a fresh start. Each day is a new beginning. Every morning we wake up is the first day of our new life.”

    1. Rosemary, This is such a beautiful quote! It met my needs perfectly for today, so thank you for sharing!
      How beautifully this applies to teaching! “Do not your day with the broken pieces of yesterday.” Do not start your student’s day with their broken pieces of yesterday. (Young students don’t remember yesterday! They have no concept of time).
      “Every day is a new day”.
      Every day we get try again, both kids and teachers. Be gentle they are still learning and so are we. The kids get to try again and the teachers get to try again to respond with more grace and love.
      “Each day is a new beginning.” How many times do we tell those challenging kids “tomorrow is a new beginning a new start, ” so then why are we dragging up the garbage? Peace be still and let it be a new beginning untainted.
      “Every morning we wake up is the first morning of our new life”.
      This last line is just beautiful like a radiant crystal showering rainbows all over! “There is therefore now, no condemnation. ” (Romans… ) no condemnation for yourself or anyone else.

      1. Love this for teachers and everyoneI I taught school for 30 plus years and I wholeheartedly embraced the idea that every day is a new day for students and teachers. I was sometimes amazed how readily young students forgot a difficult day and would rush to greet me in the morning with open arms. Wonderful reminder to let go of the mistakes of the past so we can happily enjoy today’s blessings!

  3. Thank you dearly, Evan, so needed!
    This Morning ì prayed , one could say “joyfully”the daily prayer and am looking forward to a nice day making a trip to relatives. It’s God’s day.

  4. Oh, wow Evan! This is indeed timely. I seem to have, for so many years tried to be positive and forward-looking after years of trials, losses and sadness, and recently the uplifting thought came – you can re-look at those years from the Spiritual Perspective and see something quite different. 3 helpful references state: “It is well to know, dear reader, that our material, mortal history is but the record of dreams, not of man’s real existence, and the dream has no place in the Science of being.”
    Un. 50:25 – “Adopt this rule of Science, and you will discover the material origin, growth, maturity, and death of sinners, as the history of man, disappears, and the everlasting facts of being appear, wherein man is the reflection of immutable good.”
    No. 45:25 – “The spiritual status is urging its highest demands on mortals, and material history is drawing to a close.”
    I am applying this to a very tricky business venture I’m endeavouring to get off the ground where many people appear to be actively and aggressively resisting. Secret weapon: God is the only Cause and Creator and the divine Mind is the Source of all Movement = harmony is the only Law. Despair and dismay has neither stage nor actors to display its wares. 🙂

  5. Ol Man River from the musical Showboat.
    Sung by the arguably the most talented baratone of all time, Mr. William Warfield.

    Ol man river, dat ‘ol man river, him must know somptin but don’t say nothin’, he just keeps rollin’, he keeps on rolling along.
    Him don’t plant taters, him don’t plant cotton, and dem dat plants ’em is soon forgotten.
    He jest keeps rollin, he keeps on rollin along.
    You an me we sweat an strain,
    body all achin and raked widt pain,
    tote dat barge, lift dat bale,
    Get a little drunk and ya lands in jail
    Ah gets weary and sick O tryin’
    I’m tired O livin’ and scared O dying,
    but Ol man river he just keeps rollin,
    he keeps on rollin along.

    The river sung about is the calm inspiration of steady flow of good, inspiration of water and most of all hope for the future. It also gave opportunity for escape to other places where freedom may be lived.

    The song and music will endure because of the deep meaning of humanity in the struggle to understand and overcome slavery. The harsh imposition of being chained and abused. Bringing tears of compassion for the unpaid laborers on the Mississippi river in the nineteenth century.

    A picture of humans in chains. Subject to the past, an unfortunate past. It simply cries out for justice. A higher and more understanding humanity.
    Mrs Eddy was an abolitionist When she inherited her late husband’s, (George Washington Grover) slaves, she freed them.

    The aftermath of the Civil War is still going on in mortal mind. This thought for today helps free us from impositions from past negative experiences. Freedom from enslavement is being revealed daily. Impositions put upon us for today because of yesterday, paying the price today for what transpired yesterday is enslavement. Indebtedness, interest owed to banks, physical ailment from toil yesterday are all to be resolved through prayer and realizing our sonship to God, in whom we live and move and have our being.

    Although our challenge seems great to meet the demands of the day, we should look at our blessings and put things in perspective.

    Suffering humanity will advance to greater heights in proportion as we all “work, watch and pray for that mind to be in us that was also in Christ Jesus, to do unto others as we would have them do unto us. And to be merciful, just and pure”

    We will keep the wheat from the past and leave the chaff to the winds to blow them away. And we will love our neighbor as we love ourselves.

    Having a great day! Gratitude and good will to all.

  6. So true..brooding over the past, we lose the precious moments of today. If we live well today, we will have lovely memories of the day tomorrow and our future too will be blessed.
    Many memories of yesterday try to eat into our lovely today…its wise to focus on the many blessings of today and be deeply grateful to God, knowing that “All things work together for good to them that love God.”
    “God is an ever present help and if we trust in God, never doubting, He will give us all that we need, every moment.”
    Thanks Evan for this lovely reminder.

  7. “Live every day anew” prompted me to reread Mrs. Eddy’s “The Fruit of the Spirit, An Allegory” (Misc.323) where those attempting to gain the celestial city are encouraged to put down their garbage bags of offal to insure a lighter climb! She concludes with “Therefore, give up thy earth-weights; and observe the apostle’s admonition,”Forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those which are before.” Then, loving God supremely, and thy neighbor as thyself, thou wilt safely bear thy cross up to the throne of everlasting glory.”
    Appreciate this idea and shared inspiration; it has helped drop some weights this morning.

  8. Message so good, as always, Evan. David your posts are interesting. I, too, think William Warfield was the greatest baritone and no one can sing that song like he did in that movie.

  9. Thank you, as always, Evan, for Spirit View! Really appreciate all of the other comments as well! Yes! We are all learning that we are NOT slaves to matter!

  10. Why would we want to live yesterday’s past anyway even if it was delightful. Today is fresh and a new gift from our sweet Father/ Mother. We can’t drive the car forward if we’re looking in the rear view mirror. No backward stance or glance for me

  11. Thanks for the beautiful Utah arch with the sun peeking through, Evan and love all the thoughts shared on this important subject of never looking back….”tomorrow is the first day of the rest of our life”…..

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