Live free

January 6, 2021 | 20 comments

The enslavement of man is not legitimate. It will cease when man enters into his heritage of freedom, his God-given dominion over the material senses.

~ Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health, p. 228

Don’t let fear enslave you! Master it with Truth and Love.

You were not created to be a slave to material sense. You were created a child of God who lives to please spiritual sense and reap its benefits.

In spiritual sense, you are a free being. You are free to be healthy, stay well, strong, and productive.

It’s material sense that would enslave. Spiritual sense liberates.

Spiritual consciousness is your “heritage of freedom” from God! Exercise it abundantly and live free.

20 thoughts on “Live free”

    1. Thank you, Angie-angel, for another very helpful article. I really appreciate your doing this!

      “I love Thy way of freedom, Lord…”
      as a favorite hymn goes.

      What joy to know we all ARE free!
      Not hedged-about by material sense illusions!

      Love you, Evan!

  1. Thank you Evan! A wonderful reminder of our true heritage, ‘unfettered by human hypotheses’ – we have to acknowledge, understand and claim this daily!

    And what a lovely image that perfectly expresses freedom too – you have a knack for finding great images for your posts!

  2. Thanks everyone. Helpful and corageous words from the Journal, too.
    Taking on the day with more reassuring hope.
    Surely His angels will bring relief.

  3. ‘Live free!’
    ‘A spiritual morning awaits us all!’
    Today’s daily lift enhances this blog from Evan.❣️

  4. Evan what a fresh concept “we are here to please spiritual sense”.
    Your phrase shows our active participation in living a meaningful life. We are not here just to perpetuate the mortal dream of reproduction but to accentuate Truth by pleasing spiritual sense in our own acts of love, forgiveness, unselfishness, and goodness that all lead to spiritual healing ( awaking from the dream of mortality)..

    1. So true, John. We are every moment new and free to be our unique expressions of spiritual sense. Evan, the photo is gorgeous. May I ask how you found it? With much gratitude in the new year of spiritual freedom!

  5. Also from Mrs Eddy – S & H 227: 24 “Citizens of the world, accept the “glorious liberty of the children of God” and be free! This is your divine right.”

  6. Thank you, Evan, for your words of wisdom and for the GORGEOUS photo. I have always loved horses and that photo is a masterpiece.
    Much Love to you all.

  7. Thank you for the reminder that freedom is our natural state. Any feeling of entrapment is a false sense of reality. We could not be trapped in Spirit. It is where we live and move and have our being!

  8. We were created to see through the mortal, material interpretation of life, to see through everything unlike God and know our true Freedom. Beautiful, wild horses — representing majesty, power, uninhibited and free.

    “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32) Have a flowing, blessed day all!

  9. “…Thou art not error’s thrall [matter’s SLAVE];
    Thou hast the gift of God —
    Dominion over all.”
    (CS Hymnal, #382)

    “Man is tributary to God, Spirit, and to nothing else. God’s being is infinity, freedom, harmony, and boundless bliss. ‘Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.’ ” (S&H 481:2)

    INFINITY = Spirit is all, and there is enough spiritual good for all.
    FREEDOM = because there is infinite spiritual good for all, man is free from warring over limited material goods.
    HARMONY = because there is freedom, man is harmonious and at peace.
    BOUNDLESS BLISS = because man is harmonious and at peace, he has boundless bliss – spiritual joy & happiness!

    Thank you, dear Evan, for your beautiful, uplifting, spiritual messages for the world!

  10. “Freedom” and “God-given dominion”….that’s all we need….love the photo of the free running beautiful horse….I love horses! Thanks everyone for your comments, too!

  11. Thanks Diane for your comment; it’s very true!
    Am thankful for your today’s SpiritView, dear Evan. It is so needed in the present special time. “Spiritual consciousness is our heritage of freedom from God.” I love it as it is such a comforting truth sentense!
    Wow what an utmost beautiful and graceful picture – an atmosphere of divine freedom!

    Dear commenters, thank you all for your wonderful comments – with love to all!

    1. Just want to mention gratefully, that I feel blessed by this loving and understandable SpiritView, thanks very much, Evan!

  12. With gratitude for your persistant. Concepts. Of
    Freedom which is ours to claim”the democracy of
    Love’ .
    A great start to a new year.

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