To live generously and unselfishly

June 9, 2017 | 16 comments

“Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting.”

~ Elizabeth Bibesco

16 thoughts on “To live generously and unselfishly”

  1. Oh Yes to live generously and unselfishly is a very big blessing and surely brings a lot of happiness, peace and satisfaction to the giver. A beautiful Quote comes to thought “You make a living with what you have, you make a life with what you give.”

    I would like to share two beautiful stories on “Charity and Generosity”.
    Once a person comes to a Saint and asks him, “Why is there so much disparity in this world? Some are filthy rich and some are in tatters? Why is God so unjust?
    The Saint replied.. God is always fair and just..Whatever we sow, we reap…
    The people who are very rich now, have done great charities at some point of time. This charity indirectly and unknowingly gets accumulated in our Bank Balance of Life and brings rich rewards in future.. Whereas the ones who are selfish and have never shared their good fortune and plenty with the poor and needy, have not accumulated anything in their Bank Balance of Life, so they are facing poverty now… So why blame God???
    “The good you do and embody gives you the only power obtainable” Science and Health by Mary Baker Eddy.

    Charity and generosity can be expressed in many ways.. We can be more generous in forgiving, in smiling, in good deeds, in giving time to listening and caring, in imparting education, etc. This second story is very pertinent to this topic, and was shared with me this morning by a dear friend. Its just so wonderful…

    Once, a very poor man came to Buddha.

    He asked:
    – Why am I so poor?

    Buddha answered:

    – You are poor because you don’t practice generosity. You don’t practice charity.

    – But how can I practice charity if I don’t have anything to give?

    – You have five treasures that you can share with others.

    First, you have your face.
    You can share your smiles with others.. It’s free.. And awesome.. And has an amazing impact on others..

    Second, you have your eyes.
    You can look at others with eyes full of love and care.. Genuinely you can impact millions.. Make them feel so good..

    Third, you have your mouth.
    With this mouth you can say nice things to others.. Talk good.. Make them feel valued.. Spread joy and positivity..

    Then, you have a heart.
    With your loving heart you can wish happiness to others.. Make others feel a bundle of emotions.. Touch their lives..

    Last treasure that you possess is your body..
    With this body you can do many good things to others.. Help the people who need.. Help is not money.. A small caring gesture can light up lives..

    Do these..
    Feel rich..

    1. Beautiful stories, Nergish. I look forward to your comments at the end of Evan’s articles.

    2. Hello Nergish.

      You actually shared three stories.
      the first is from Mary Baker Eddy, who knew how to
      and did give richly to the world!

      “The good you do and embody gives you the only power obtainable” Science and Health by Mary Baker Eddy.

      The other stories are like parables backing this up! Thanks much.

  2. I love the photo and quote, Evan. So simple and sweet. I also love the bouquet of thoughts following your blogs, shared through the rainbow of comments and reflection, all blending together for a perfect message of inspiration. It is a wonderful way to start the day and also to come back to…in reading the additions. Thank you all.

  3. Thank you Evan for this wonderful reminder, to Nergesh for the beautiful stories, to Maximo for this poem and to all for comments.
    Maximo I always enjoy your poems. Have you thought of having them published?

  4. Doing good with a loving heart – taking good with a grateful heart.
    Thank you Evan for this short but valuable post.

    Thank you Maximo for the song poem – love that 🙂

    And thank you Nergish – so lovely and impressive 🙂

    have a nice weekend all 🙂

  5. Hi to everyone! I’m later this morning than usual, but I have a poem I’d like to share that goes along with what has been said. It was given to me years ago when I was going through a very difficult time. I love it! The author is unknown. It’s title is “Reflected.”

    You don’t have to tell how you live each day;
    You don’t have to say if you work or play;
    A tried, true barometer serves in the place,
    However you live, it will show in your face.

    The false, the deceit that you bear in your heart.
    Will not stay inside where it first got a start;
    For sinew and blood are a thin veil of lace—
    What you hold in your heart, you wear in your face.

    If your life is unselfish, if for others you live,
    For not what you get, but how much you can give;
    If you live close to God in His infinite grace—
    You don’t have to tell it, it shows in your face.

    Love to all!

  6. I really liked God’s Song Maximo. You should send these up to The Mother Church to go in the periodicals so everyone can enjoy them 🙂

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