Live in the one body

July 5, 2018 | 16 comments

If you want to stay healthy and strong, be sure to identify with the one body of Spirit!

As Paul wrote, “There is one body, and one Spirit…” (Eph. 4:4). The body of Spirit is perfect. It is strong, enduring, healthy, reliable, coordinated and able. When this ideal for body is our model for body, it gives us dominion over the physical body to keep it well.

As Christian Science explains, the physical body is not our real body. It is a temporal concept of mortal mind about us, but it is not us. We are spiritual beings in the Mind of God that live forever.

As reflections of God, we possess immortal strength and health. We have perfect form, outline and color, determined by Spirit, never by matter.

We are not individualized mortals that whither and decay, but spiritual immortals reflecting the infinite individuality of God.

Rejoice in your immortal selfhood. Identify with Spirit, not with the flesh, to learn the truth about yourself.

You are beautiful, healthy and strong in Spirit now! The one body of Spirit sustains you forever in the divine image and likeness.

As Paul wrote about God, “For in him we live, and move, and have our being” (Acts 17:28). You live, move and have all being in Spirit. The one body of Spirit is your body. It’s the one and only body, expressed in an infinite number of ways, as you and me, but nonetheless the one and only. It is in perfect health all the time, and that reality keeps you, the child of God, in health too.

16 thoughts on “Live in the one body”

  1. Thank you so much for this, Evan! I have thought a lot about this while reading the Bible lesson of this week… You render the idea of the oneness of body even clearer. Thank you!

  2. I could hug this article! Yes! That’s what I will do. I will embrace it in thought and reflect it actively.

  3. Thank you Evan for this … it has been the Mind-song this whole week and I was hearing it’s message loud and strong … so grateful for our guardians and angels of His Presence. This is so comforting and immediately acceptable as the already fact. 🙂

  4. Wonderful thought for today! Exactly what i need to hear, along with our very good service of last is always so amazing to me to hear exactly what is needed, but then of course there is the one Mind…many thanks!

  5. Thanks Evan and Melissa – your reminder that there is but one Mind showed me how often I think “of course” to one Mind, but often get off track in remembering this means there can only be one Body of that Mind. Truthfully there can be no such thing as my body separate from yours or anyone else’s! Certainly glad the Founding Father’s didn’t!

  6. Waking up this morning to “Shepherd show me how to go, O’re the hillside steep,” was the first thought which came to me, followed by “I will listen for thy voice”….”Lest my footsteps stray,”…” All the rugged way.”

    Not all the words showed up at first, but my thought was humbled, just to recall the words without sourcing the hymnal. The recognition that the way may seem rugged (to recall the words), but the voice was direct from the source, God, so nothing in my thinking could nor would be led astray.

    Shepherd, show me how to go
    O’er the hillside steep,
    How to gather, how to sow, —
    How to feed Thy sheep;
    I will listen for Thy voice,
    Lest my footsteps stray;
    I will follow and rejoice
    All the rugged way.

    What a lift up, above material sense. My material body may seem like my real self, but God created me in His image, spiritual. Your Spirit View lifted me to the mountain tops today. Thank you.

  7. Thanks, Evan, and all for your comments. This was very timely as I was just reading “ONENESS” by Bicknell Young on You Tube,Tuesday. It’s long, over an hour, but the friend who recommended it to me said he listens in 20 minute segments. I’ll try that next time as there is a lot to absorb in just one listening. It is packed full of inspiring and helpful ideas on the importance of our oneness with God. This also ties in with the Responsive Reading in this week’s Bible lesson, “Sacrament”.

  8. Thank you Evan and Chiliesands, your words met my need. Thank you Lorie for info re Bicknell Young’s “Oneness.”

  9. Thank you Evan, so uttermost comforting and healing and blessing!
    Will print it as I would like to read it several times.

    Am grateful also for the wonderful comments of you all!

  10. Thanks so much Evan and all. I’ve given a lot of thought to Mrs. Eddy’s statement in S&H 208:29 where she says, “You embrace your body in your thought…” We don’t “embrace” things we dislike, so we must see we are the individual expression of the one body of Spirit and embrace it!
    I really appreciate that thought of the “one body of Spirit.” Thanks!

    1. Thank you Evan. Definitely a keeper! I printed this in July and am visiting it again this week of November 20th.
      Thank you Daphne your comment was very helpful.
      Thank you Lori for Bicknell Young’s “Oneness.”

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