Love better than anger

July 8, 2021 | 18 comments

Anger is only one letter from danger.
Stay out of danger. Love instead!

18 thoughts on “Love better than anger”

  1. Oh thank you dear Evan. How do I understand that as I several times experienced it. It s e e m s as if you have to be angry at somebody because he does or says something nasty to me. However, when I was still to listen to God’s thoughts it came to me that God loves this person as much as He loves me and everybody else. And that this person is a kind and loving child of God, divine Love as well, and therefore actually we cannot else but love each other!
    And as we know all trials are for good, that means we shall learn from it. And I can also know for sure that God is already in that seemingly difficult situation to help and heal!
    – L O V E is always the liberator – !!!

    1. Beautifully said, Uta. I try to use this kind of spiritual reasoning often when I start to think wrong thoughts about people and situations — to remember that they are God’s lovely child, just like me. Also loved, “God is already in that seemingly difficult situation to help and heal.” Thank you!

    1. Wow! Thank you Evan. Thank you Martine for that amazing article. It helps with removing any resistance to love. This is just what I needed. Love remaining love.

      1. Thanks for the post today! And thanks for the article which is so very clear. I love that it says love originates with God not man. So very helpful.

    2. Thank you Martine. Always appreciate your very helpful articles. (I also enjoyed reading the article yesterday from Ron Ballard, plus other articles he has written when I searched for more.) The message of loving others as being part of God’s law is especially insightful for me, as it removes a sense of personal responsibility.

  2. Seems this SV was aimed directly toward me, as both children are launching, while learning the ropes how to manage jobs, paying rent, shopping for food, among the steps it takes to find the path to independence from us the parents. God has been kind, leading them both to remain close by while pursuing their chosen paths. Love has blessed each move, back step, and re-directed them to stay the path. I am very grateful to witness of their progress, to love them more, and SPIRIT VIEW has been there for every step of the way. Thank you.

    1. Oh! Thank you! Your post, Chilesands, reminds me of that precious poem shared just a few days ago: “PRAYER FOR LOVED ONES”
      It is God who, as Everyone’s Real Parent, loves each one of His/Her children, guards, guides, redirects (as you say!) God certainly has helped me navigate some perilous paths.
      What a perfect reminder today.
      God Blesses

  3. I too am most grateful for this blog , for all the viewers and wonderful comments and gratitude expressed for Truth and Love shared. Also, I’m most grateful for links posted to related articles like todays posted by Martine. I am really loving that one. Thank you Evan and all.

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