Be so busy loving your life that you have no time for hate, regret or fear.
~ Unknown
God is Life. God is Love. Life is Love.
Live the best Life—a Life of Love, and there will be no room for anything less lovely to sneak into consciousness and abide there.
…and we all have the God given ability and opportunity to do this!
Thank you once again for a perfect post to wake up to!
Unknown,but known by God, fantastic picture Evan, thank you again!
Loving Life is loving God — whole heartedly; THY will be done; dwelling in the consciousness of loving our neighbor and blessing those that curse us with good works. “Take my life …”
See only what God sees and hear only what He hears will elimate fear and give us dominon over them.
Even, That photo of two sweet exuberant “hieroglyphics of love” and your text, says it all..
Hieroglyphics of Love,
As mortals awake from their dream of material sensation, this adorable, all-inclusive God, and all earth’s hieroglyphics of Love, are understood; and infinite Mind is seen kindling the stars, rolling the worlds, reflecting all space and Life, — but not life in matter. Wisely governing, informing the universe, this Mind is Truth, — not laws of matter. Infinitely just, merciful, and wise, this Mind is Love, — but not fallible love.
What a wonderfully refreshing message and delightful photo, bringing Love to
thought! Thank you!! So sweet and warm!!! ! There is the saying of fighting like cats
and dogs. I have found throughout my life that cats get along with and love dogs and
the same with dogs loving cats, when there is nothing but Love surrounding them. They
feel the Love and express it just as we do, when we focus on God being our Life and God
being our Love. I have also seen dogs and bunnies, cats and guinea pigs, all living in
harmony together. Divine Love is a wonderful part of Life.
Thank you, Angel, for your clear expression of the Love that you have experienced with and from animals. i too have witnessed the wonder of God’s infinite Love expressed by animals, especially from my German Shepherd girl whose name is the same as yours. Today animal magnetism trued to claim that illness could invade her. Your words along with all of SpiritView were a great clarification of thought and reminder of God’s infinite Love.
I love today’s photo, these two lovely creatures are expressing spiritual joy and expectancy of good as they run freely and with abandon. A nice way to live, fully in the moment with no time for negative thoughts, as stated in the quote above.
Babies and animals express most strongly that pure innocency and totally-in-the-moment, joyful awareness. That is one reason we are so drawn to them. They help us remember our own innocency and sense of now-ness, which at times we seem to have lost, but as God’s expressions we can never really lose these qualities.
Blessed, love-your-life day to everyone!
“Fountain of Good” by Elise L. Moore, CSB:
Thank you very much, dear “J” for this uplifting and very helpful article . The fountain with the unmeasurable drops, mentioned in this article by Elise Moore, could be symbolized by mankind, all one harmoniously with it’s divine source GOD.
Thanks a lot, dear Evan, for that joyful foto of sweet friendship. Friendship is one of the most lovely spiritual qualities given us from God – thanks dear God!
As God is our Life we actually can only live a good life. We can be aware of it through prayer.
Thanks and lots of love for all your wonderful inspirations in this healing SV Blog! ♡♡♡
Thank you, J, for that amazing article stressing the importance of each and every one of our prayers. We can make a difference!
I endorse that, Lori – it is indeed a wonderful article. Thank you, J, for bringing it to our
I love also what you have said, Rose. I always think of animals as
being really spiritual beings – dogs are particularly naturally joyful and
loving – they just seem to want to love everyone. This is the case of
all the ones I have had or been in contact with. Cats are loving and
endearing in a different kind of way, and I have had some really loving
and joyful cats who loved to play. They have no material beliefs, they
are just being the joyful creatures God made them to be. It is easy to
love them. I love all animals too, and as a child I stayed with some relatives who had
a goat and two young ones. They were absolutely wonderfully
joyful and comical. Little comedians. God’s creatures are all
lovely. I find that they really uplift my spirits and bring out that love
which God has put into all our hearts.
So thank you, Evan for this topic and the beautiful picture. I loved
your beautiful cat on yesterday’s SV too. Loved to see so many people
with such a love for animals – thanks to everyone who shared yesterday
and today.
Dear Evan:
A big thank you for today’s message and picture.
Caused me to emit a big “oh” from the warm spot in my heart.
The same in response to your kitty story and picture.
What a great picture to reflect the joy of living and living joy!
Thank you.
Would you please help by giving supportive thoughts. A neighbour has a dog which they leave outside at night, barking. it’s cold, the dog should be inside. Also the barking keeps my mum awake. Any ideas, Spiritview?
One time I was on the bed feeling stomach pain and my cat came in. She was not allowed on the bed (my husband’s rule at the time) and she was very afraid to break the rules. (We were the third household to care for her and she was skittish). She shifted her weight from foot to foot trying to decide what to do. She so wanted to come up to me. But she knew it was breaking the rules which made her afraid. Finally her desire to comfort won out and and she jumped up and curled up as close to me as she could get nestled right next to my stomach. This show of courage and desire to comfort touched my heart and I started to feel that God was there loving both of us. From then on the pain receded and disappeared.
S&H states that when we realize the “grand verity” that all God’s creatures are moving in the harmony of Science and so are harmless, useful, indestructible, it supports Christian healing. It enables those with this understanding to emulate the example of Jesus. That’s big. What lessons our fellow beings have for us. What a warm feeling this picture evokes in me of the sinless joy emanating from these two!
Mind’s infinite ideas run and disport themselves….(S&H)
I really, really, love this photo of those two precious beings.
Thank you