Master the wintry blasts of earth

January 6, 2020 | 20 comments

Have you faced any “wintry blasts of earth,” recently? Mary Baker Eddy wrote about such events and how blessing can result. She stated,

“The wintry blasts of earth may uproot the flowers of affection, and scatter them to the winds; but this severance of fleshly ties serves to unite thought more closely to God, for Love supports the struggling heart until it ceases to sigh over the world and begins to unfold its wings for heaven” (Science and Health, p. 57).

As a former farmer, I can easily relate to “wintry blasts of earth,” for we frequently faced adverse weather conditions that wiped out our crops or set them back. A farmer is a perennial optimist. To survive, he develops an attitude of “There’s always next year!”

In the above quote, Mary Baker Eddy is talking about more than adverse weather conditions, although they are included. The “wintry blasts of earth,” come in many different forms.

For instance, perhaps one has developed a strong relationship over many years with another person, and what you thought was a trustworthy friend suddenly becomes an enemy. Their turning against you could feel like a “wintry blast.” Or maybe you’ve run a successful business for decades, and for various reasons, your business isn’t making a profit any longer, goes into debt, and shuts down. That could feel like a “wintry blast.” Other “blasts” come in the form of rejection, exclusion, prejudice, targeted malice, or feeling utterly helpless.

Whatever form a “wintry blast,” may take, it can be mastered and used as an opportunity to grow closer to God, the source of all good to begin with.

The adversities of earth can feel like “wintry blasts,” because we were depending upon something human or material for support, and suddenly, it’s gone. The lesson is to move that dependency from matter and people over to God.

God is a reliable source of help under all circumstances. Conditions of the earth come and go, but God’s help is ever-present. Lean on God and remain standing!

“To those leaning on the sustaining infinite, to-day is big with blessings.”
Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health, p. vii.

20 thoughts on “Master the wintry blasts of earth”

  1. Thanks so much for this, Evan! The Wintry blasts quote was a “go to” for me when my husband suddenly passed on. It brought me much comfort then and is a staple comfort to me now. I am so grateful to MBE and divine Love!

    1. Yes I saw that also. Thanks Evan for this reminder to rely on God only. – – Second last paragraph, last sentence “The lesson is to more [move] that dependency from matter and people over to God.”

  2. Today moving toward God and less on people and material conditions.
    Thanks for the lifting up this morning. Morning light from the sun isn’t here yet, but the light of Truth fills all space.
    Winter really hasn’t begun here in Michigan yet. A brief cold spell and appreciable snowfall early in November for told of a challenging winter to come, but we’ve had mild temperatures and rain, mostly. It’s a blessing to some and to others not so good.
    Road workers are on standby for plowing, but farmers need the snow to condition their fields.
    Animals adapt but some like the honey bees need the cold to keep them docile. Activity when there’s no source of food in the winter makes demands because they are active. This results in diminished swarms.
    “All things work together for good to them who Love God.”
    We are learning to see things differently through our blessed Christian Science studies and demonstrations.
    Thank you for your Spirit View Sharing this morning.

    1. Thanks, Evan & Friends. Perspective is always important. I need reminding that God knows all & is in charge. I do my daily tasks & “Let God”

  3. The quote is helpful to me with the challenges facing eclipse the scientific fact that God is an ever present help in trouble . How does one really believe this.? Saying the words don’t do anything.!

    1. No, dear one. Look at SH 3:5 “Who would stand before a blackboard, and pray the principle of mathematics to solve the problem? The rule is already established, and it is our task to work out the solution.” Saying words don’t solve the problem, but applying the principle, does. This is our work. No mere belief that 3+2=5 helps us when we come up against 3 billion + 2 billion. But understanding the principle does. So it’s UNDERSTANDING that brings answers to light.
      Jesus understood the divine Principle of God’s omnipotent allness of Love, and stilled the storm. So can we all discover this healing calm, always here.

  4. Exactly where I am currently. This is an angel message to me today. I’ve been a farmer, too, so I know the power of Spirit to renew. Today I am “leaning” to be sustained by Soul & guided by Mind. I am giving glory to God, Life, as I reflect my way through this day. Principle & Love are filling my true self with pure thoughts, words, actions. Because I’m “leaning,” I can clearly perceive that all day & all night are “big with blessings” as our Father-Mother God has promised. God, Truth, always keeps Her promises!

  5. Diane w.a., Your post exactly. In continuation of your thought to blinding repeat words without understanding the principle has no effect until the principle is understood and utilized in a similar situation. For example, we can pray the Lord’s prayer in consistent repetition and rhythm but it not done so authentically with contrite, humble, and honest heart what would that represent? I submit ‘Blind belief’ the fomer and faith to be the later.

  6. Yes, I also love this commentator family of
    Evan’s so wonderful teaching, healing, inspiring and uplifting SpiritView blog!
    And thank you all for your interesting comments.
    And thank you so very much for the spiritual interpretation of the “wintry blast of earth,” dear Evan with all the examples of seeming errors, which will be healed, if one “leans constantly on the sustaining Infinite!”
    Evan, I just remember your gorgeous testimony with the apple crop on your apple farm. After a frosty weather – wintry blast weather – in Spring when the blossoms were already blooming, it looked as if the crop would be very bad. After you prayed to see the truth of God’s prospering of the spiritual crop of your apples, the apples became bigger and prettyer and in greater abundence than ever.
    Oh Evan that is such a wonderful testimony and example for today’s SpiritView – thank you very much! 🙂

  7. Re your statement: “For instance, perhaps one has developed a strong relationship over many years with another person, and what you thought was a trustworthy friend suddenly becomes an enemy.” After a strong/close relationship with someone for over 25 years, it was revealed by a family member, after this person’s passing, that his entire life as I knew it was a lie, from childhood to his passing at age 87. What a shock – completely devastating! It took a lot of prayer to overcome my feelings of betrayal. But prayer enabled me to forgive. What a blessing Christian Science has been and continues to be in my life.

    1. Oh dear Lory, I understand your feeling after that experience. Already in Sundayschool I learned to see God as my best friend. Also some hymns tell us this. And I am happy with this truth thought, that God is the best and most loyal friend of everybody. And He is an eternal friend without end, how very much comforting. We can totally lean on Him. This great friend comforts us and never leaves us alone. Yes, what a blessing is this teaching of Christian Science!!

  8. The cold sand very strong winter winds serve to strengthen the trees over a period of time. Experiencing separation, reliance on social ties, etc, make us more anchored in Life, Truth and Love. Thank you Evan for these expanding ideas brought to us. They do bless us.

  9. The cold strong winter winds

    serve to strengthen the trees over a period of time. Experiencing separation, reliance on social ties, etc, make us more anchored in Life, Truth and Love. Thank you Evan for these expanding ideas brought to us. They do bless us.

  10. The cold and very strong winter winds serve to strengthen the root systems of trees in Michigan. So also wintery blasts of cold as seen in separations from social reliances serve to more firmly ground us in God. Thank you Evan for these daily spiritually expanding ideas.

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