21 thoughts on “Never alone”

  1. Thank Evan:
    i needless be afaid, when i.known and relize God’ omitpotence, omipresence.
    On Saturday, i left my house to go downtown to do shopping. While standing at the bustop, i felt a fainting spell, which seem to be overshadwiing me immediately i reached out to God Everpresence. After a while.All was well, i was able to go intown and continue my business.
    i’m therefore,so greatful for the teachings of Christian Science and our impersonal pastor
    the bible.

  2. Thank you so much for this message this morning – it was as if
    God was talking directly to me with what I most needed to hear
    for today.

    And well done, Lorna. It’s so good when we prove, as you did,
    that God really is with us every moment, and upholds us safely in his
    loving care.

    1. I appreciate this message also and often feel the same way, dear Maggie,
      that it was as if God was talking directly to me, for today, too. I have errands
      to run, a fair distance from home, and sometimes get anxious about
      other drivers, the weather, etc. The lovely photo of just relaxing and staying
      calm is just what I needed this morning, along with this sweet message that
      we are never alone … God/Love is with us everywhere.. What a wonderful
      way to start the day! We have the hope of eternity, so there is no pressure.
      We can just relax and bask in the sunlight of God’s ever presence of Love.

  3. Thanks, Evan! I’m about to make a big decision and your words have helped me feel at peace about the outcome, even though I’m tired and confused. I know God is guiding me and I just need to trust in Him. I can see clearly now.


    For that I am eternally grateful, the comments above prove where and how we receive HIS reply!

    Looking up when we’re feeling down could make reaching out the change that’s needed. LOVE guides us which ever way we go.

    1. Thank you J for this excellent article. It also fits very well with this week’s Lesson – God the Only Cause and Creator. The article contains a citation from the lesson, the definition of God in S&H: “GOD. The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence.” We don’t have to feel alone or afraid since God is all this and more.

  5. seeing the sunrise , while we’re in It..Blessings reign-ing always
    Being made for thy JOY,
    thank you ..for everyones view.
    im-personally yours
    with Good Cheer

  6. Oh my goodness! iThis is the perfect blessing for today!
    My beloved sister passed on a week ago and I’ve been struggling with the terrible thought that she was alone-or, rather, by herself.
    Of course she wasn’t alone! She has always been with God. God was with her then, God is with her now. She is With God, always held in the everlasting arms of Love.
    We are told that we are at one with God
    I so appreciate the article J shared (I don’t know how you find this perfect complementary articles,J, but you are always right on!)
    Thank you, Evan. You just know what needs to be posted and I am so so very grateful.
    I’m always grateful to this wonderful SpiritView community. Such a blessing.
    Love to all of you~

    1. Thank you dear Annie, for this reminder. I have faced similar scenarios. How comforting to realize that there is no separation between you and your sister, or any of us, because we are all, at all times, one with God.

    2. Dear Annie, my love to you and your dear sister. I’m glad Evan’s message was just the comfort you needed today at a challenging time. As the verse says,” the Lord your God is with you (and your sister) wherever you go”. But in the truest sense neither of you has gone anywhere, we all remain as His expressions always, the same yesterday, today and forever.

    3. Dear Annie, I’m so glad you found the article helpful. And what wonderful thoughts you’ve expressed for your beloved sister that are so comforting and healing. Much love to you! xo

    4. I love where you wrote, dear Annie, your sister is With God, “always
      held in the everlasting arms of Love”. What a comforting place to
      be. On my journey today, I passed where two of my dear friends
      had lived who are not seen with mortal eyes, as they have passed
      to another realm of spiritual awareness. I used to look over when
      I passed their houses, respectively, to see if they were “home” and
      now say a little prayer as I pass and tell them that I love them. They
      Are home with God, not in a mortal form, but forever in a place of
      Love’s gentleness and are still With me, so very much in Thought,
      as is your dear sister, and nothing can take away their/her innate
      qualities that are expressed in Spirit/Soul.

  7. Thank you Evan, for sharing this divine assurance that reaches around the globe, encircling us all in Love. I woke up in the middle of the night and heard the clear thought “I am not alone”.

  8. Thank you, dear Nancy! I also was awake last night.
    And the most healing and warming and comforting fact is the very assuring spiritual truth that our loving God is always close with us in all our situations and healing!
    Thank you very much, dear Evan for that comforting verse from Joshua 1:9. I love it and it’s so needed!
    Thanks a lot, dear J for a further very helpful article!
    Love you all, SpiritView friends for your wonderful comments!

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