No endpoint in Life

September 9, 2022 | 51 comments

How would your life experience change if you were clear that there is no endpoint for life? What would you do differently?

It’s a common belief that life ends. Death happens. And people who believe in death plan their experience accordingly. They may start winding down activity, expect less out of themselves, accept declines in health as normal, grow apathetic, even indifferent about what is going to happen tomorrow. But this is a mistake.

Life does not end. Death does not happen.

Yes, people pass on, in belief, but they continue to live. Life is forever. It never ends.

In Truth, Life is God, Spirit. There is no endpoint in Spirit. Life is one continuous, unending, unfoldment of God’s good in glorious, happy, healthy, productive, progressive, and profitable forms.

Every moment of Life lived with God, is a good moment, filled with opportunity to excel, to do something worthwhile and meaningful, to learn, discover, expand one’s experience of goodness, and to live.

There is not a single dull moment in Life. It’s always good, always worthwhile, always enjoyable. There is no end to how much good one can be experiencing when living their spiritual life.

So, be sure you’re living today! Don’t plan to stop living. Plan to live. Think expansively. Go new places with thought, seek fresh views that inspire. Be productive. Thrive!

Mary Baker Eddy wrote, “Life is eternal. We should find this out, and begin the demonstration thereof”
(Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 246)

You have a Life to live, here and now. Plan accordingly. Live it and enjoy every moment of it!!

51 thoughts on “No endpoint in Life”

  1. So helpful, and a very timely topic with the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II yesterday — what a perfect example to us all of life lived to the full every day! And so comforting to know her life hasn’t ended, and is continuing to unfold for her,

  2. What a wonderful message and as David says, so timely. The Queen was a devout Christian with a strong faith and lived life according to her beliefs. She once said “Life is an adventure”. I am so grateful for SpiritView today.

    1. I have also remembered that she said “Every day is a new beginning”. What a wonderfully positive attitude”. She will be so missed.

  3. Thank you so much Evan, yes, as the others have said, a most pertinent SV given our beloved Queen’s passing yesterday.
    The Queen’s faith was her rock and she wasn’t afraid to let that be known.
    Yesterday evening, this lovely citation from S&H came to my thought,

    “Human affection is not poured forth vainly, even though it meet no return. Love enriches the nature, enlarging, purifying, and elevating it. The wintry blasts of earth may uproot the flowers of affection, and scatter them to the winds; but this severance of fleshly ties serves to unite thought more closely to God, for Love supports the struggling heart until it ceases to sigh over the world and begins to unfold its wings for heaven.”

    My prayer for Charles, our new King, and all his family, is that they too feel this Love uplifting them as they come to terms with life without “mum and grandma”

    Beannachd ♡

  4. At the end of my mother’s life in appearance, she was so weak she could barely move a finger, barely able to whisper for about 2 weeks. When she passed, however, she obviously had a welcoming committee and her arms were moving like she was hugging people, her legs were moving like she was running and she was yelling with joy in full voice saying things like, “Oh, (name of past relative) it’s been so long since I’ve seen you.” etc. to several past relatives-and then she dropped her body. She went from life to Life.

    1. That’s wonderful Theodora!!! And we hear all the time of this happening with so many people as they expand into a new awareness of their LIfe!

    2. Thank you Evan. Very timely, as our thoughts are with our dear SpiritView friends in the UK. Thank you Theodora for sharing this. I also experienced this with my dad a week before he passed on. His arms would reach out and he would excitedly acknowledge friends and loved ones. It’s comforting know that “Love leads the way”! I also dream of my mom, who has also passed on. She will relay messages to me to give to family members that have specific meaning to them, that I’m not aware of. To me it’s another example that “all is infinite Mind, and its infinite manifestation…” and that we all live, and move and have our being in infinite Mind, divine Consciousness. That Oneness. I’ve always found this comment so interesting where Mrs. Eddy says, “Mortals waken from the dream of death with bodies unseen by those who think that they bury the body.” (S&H p. 429: 17-18)

  5. Thank you, Evan, for pointing thought in the direction of Life. As said before, very timely, with all the news coverage of Queen Elizabeth’s passing.

    1. Wow Angie, thank you lots and lots for all the links to the wonderful articles relevant to each SpiritViews.
      This is an important theme “to choose Life, spiritual Life”. Thanks for this article which gives me a metaphysical clearer view on this toppic!♡

  6. Thank you, Evan so timely and helpful.
    May I share my poem: Dearly Departed, for such is our Queen, whose qualities of love will never leave us:

    Marvel not that I touched the intangible
    And with senses so transformed
    Felt as I had never done before.
    All around me was the Ever-Presence and Power of Love:
    Peaceful, strong.
    I was somehow separate from my body,
    Caught up in a feather breeze of Soul
    That bore me on gentle wings across the face of infinity.
    Hymns and praises, soaring angel sounds,
    Rang joyous symphonies throughout my being:
    I was inseparable from what I heard,
    Inseparable from what I felt:
    At one with Love.

    I sense perfection
    And I know reality:
    Life is eternal.
    Oh understand those oft-pondered words
    “In Him we live and move and have our being.”
    That we will be and are together again.

  7. Thank you Evan for wonderfully inspiring us today. And so pertinent after the passing of our dear Queen Elizabeth 11 yesterday.
    Such lovely comments from everyone plus another perfect poem Ken!
    We should not waste a single moment of the Life God is giving us.
    I was told , many years ago , that The Christian Science Monitor was often read by the Queen.
    We are all on a path of spiritual unfoldment…eternally❣️

  8. Indeed our Queen is an amazing example of a life lived in service to God and his creation. Much missed but the inspiration lives on

  9. Evan,
    Thank you for today’s topic. It brought to mind an article I read of a man who climbed the Monkey Face route at Smith Rock to celebrate his 80th birthday back in 2016. After climbing, he descended the 190 feet by rappel. What a way to celebrate life to the fullest with no limitations! Demonstrate no limitations! There may be human opinions that tell you it is not possible but there are people demonstrating that it is possible! Who are you going to listen to?
    This man has had a very full life with a successful career and a full array of volunteer activities. And he still hasn’t stopped demonstrating the fullness of life.

  10. Thanks to Evan for such a very wonderful topic.
    And thank you all here for your uplifting comment and soulful poem, much appreciated.
    Angie, thank you for the article on choosing life, so good to ponder.
    Much love to our friends in the UK for their and our beloved Queen. And long live the new King!!!

    1. Yes love and blessings to our dear UK SpiritViewers and all in the UK. Our heart is with you at this time of apparent change. You have a new king and a new prime minister. But the immutable perfection of God and His care for us all is unchanged. Amazing to read that the queen was still conducting official business right up to two days before her passing, meeting with the outgoing and incoming prime ministers. Very inspiring, and glad to be reminded that her Life has not reached an end.

  11. What a beautiful, extraordinarily meaningful message, Evan. So instructive and so filled with truth. A beautiful way to start every day.

  12. Thank you to all. As I enter what is called the final act you can be bombarded with sometimes well meaning but erroneous ideas of life. Good to have the Truth spelled out
    Mentioning the Monitor, I heard an interview with a well known journalist. They were talking about the selection of news items that were focused on. The journalist felt the real news was not fully presented and she had changed what she was reading for news. She said she now focused on reading the Monitor. So many think it is religious propaganda. It is my source for a rounded view of the world.

  13. For our friends in the UK, you will find this of interest:

    Written in the front of the book “Studies in the Bible for the Modern Reader” by Edith Armstrong Hoyt:

    When Queen Elizabeth, Queen Mother of England, visited America in 1954, she was presented with a copy of the King James Version of The Bible with these words:

    There are many forces which unite the English-speaking world, but the greatest of these is the bond of the Book. Because the words of this book permeate our laws, our customs and our best thinking, we have like ideals. The Bible is the fountain of our love of religious freedom, our respect for the rights of the individual and our desire to walk in the ways of the Christ. Together we recognize that the laws of God endure forever. Knowing this, we can never be deceived by the false prophets of today who teach there is no moral law. We know that any nation which denies the existence of the laws of God, and makes the state supreme, prepares the way for its own doom. This wisdom is our common heritage.

    The people of America were deeply stirred when the King James Version of the Bible was presented to Queen Elizabeth II at her coronation service with the words:

    “The most valuable thing that the world affords.
    Here is Wisdom.
    This is the Royal Law.
    These are the lively Oracles of God.”

  14. Life is a synonym for God. If we accept that God has no beginning or end, we must conclude that Life too has no beginning or end..

    Thanks for all the wisdom and inspiration shared today!

  15. Wow, such an abundance of inspiring ideas to today’s SpiritView! Thank you all very much!
    Dear Evan, I am very grateful indeed for today’s SV. It is really needed, not because of Queen Elizabeth’s passing on. It is utmost needed for every day, as your spiritual views are clear divine Truths which comfort, uplift and heal! Thank you so much Evan; it is very very helpful.
    Death is not real. Life, Truth and Love being synonyms for God are the eternal divine realities!!!
    Glory be to God for Christ Jesus, Mrs. Eddy and Christian Science!♡

  16. Thank you Evan,

    I am forever grateful for your prayerful support in helping us see and feel that ‘Life truly is eternal’ when our dear son passed on.

    Thank you Queen Elizabeth 11 for your steadfast devotion, moral guidance, grace and service to your country and the Commonwealth.
    You will be forever loved…

    There is No Death
    Eternal Life forever is;
    Death but a mortal dream.
    Those gone from sight still live and love;
    They only absent seem.

    Close, close they dwell in Love’s own light,
    Where darkness ne’er can come;
    “Truth is revealed”*—there is no night
    In Love’s celestial home.

    Good is not lost; God cannot die,
    But ever present He.
    Oh, sing His praise! There is no death;
    Man lives eternally.

    * Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, page 174.

  17. Wow! Grateful thanks, Evan, for your inspiring words–and all of you for your wonderful comments and healing remarks. Queen Elizabeth was indeed a remarkable woman and should make Great Britain proud–and we support the new king, England’s own Prince Philip, who so patiently awaited his opportunity to serve his country and its people. Only good awaits–and is already present.

  18. Evan, this message is amazing and inspirational for me. This is my last year of working before I “retire” and is exactly what I needed to hear.

  19. The 1st tenet of Christian Science reads: “As adherence of Truth, we take the inspired Word of the Bible as our sufficient guide to eternal Life.” Well, eternal Life, by definition, does not start or stop. It’s
    always now. And we are finding the inspiration of the spiritual meaning of the Bible, unlocked by the Key to the Scriptures, that through spiritual sense, THIS is how eternal Life
    looks at this moment, and the next moment. And the transition we call death does not stop our God-given spiritual sense, and eternal Life. Death hasn’t Life for the Queen, or for anyone, anywhere. “Each successive stage of experience unfolds new views of divine goodness and Love..”

      1. So true Claire!

        When I met this claim firsthand with my own mother’s passing over the phone, who is a CS, I was tempted to fall into stoic indifference, or total grief.

        Neither would have been acceptable to her. I felt as if my response was being monitored.

        The best I could muster up as if my own life depended on it, was to know that if death was actually true, then God who is Life – would be non-existent, and therefore, I wouldn’t exist either to ponder the situation!

        My active consciousness – perceived either rightly or wrongly, was immediate proof of the errant mental image. I guess it could apply to *anything* unlike God’s perfection.

        Using Mrs. Eddy’s positive logic, I just need to live up to it with further study.

  20. Thank you “J”. That is a wonderful clear and loving and also healing article by Karen Neff.
    Karen meanwhile wrote several very comforting articles in the CS Periodicals. And she also made several wonderful comments here. And if she reads this, I say much gratitude to this very helpful article J gave us the link up here!♡

      1. Wonderful comments Uta.

        Karen, many thanks for very generously and lovingly sharing your experiences in your articles. Appreciation and love to you.

  21. Wonderful collection of thoughts , articles and poems …very helpful . Grateful to you all and Evan of course as ever.
    There can be no separation from Gods eternal law of Life….ever.❣️

  22. King Edward’s Courtesy
    Journal – May 1901

    I just ran across this whilst studying to keep the current situation in the proper perspective of the Truth about man and God.

    There is no doubt that the same truth and love expressed back then by the First Church of Christ Scientist, London in 1901 for Queen Victoria, is just as applicable today for Queen Elizabeth in 2022.

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