“Out there” is God

December 18, 2020 | 11 comments

Have you ever been tempted to believe in two realities? For instance, that there is a spiritual reality in Mind that is perfect, peaceful, and heavenly. But another reality “out there,” in matter, that is imperfect and rife with suffering and disease? If so, it’s time to redeem “out there,” from matter, and give it to Spirit.

God is All. God is everywhere. There is no other location or situation to observe. God is all there is to see that is of significance and importance. The only “out there,” is God.

What the human mind calls matter is not “out there.” Matter is ignorance of Spirit, a shortsighted, constricted, and lacking view of spiritual reality. To mortal sense, matter seems real, but it is not. It is not “out there” anywhere, for it is merely the objectification of false belief. Like things appear real in a dream that are not real, matter appears real to the mortal mind in its dream-state of false belief.

The only “out there” is Spirit! God is omnipotent and omnipresent, and spiritual sense is keenly aware of this reality.

Let your “out there” always be Spirit, never matter. Stay awake to the realities of Life in Spirit and enjoy its benefits. The view is beautiful, the surround inspiring, and the effect healing.

The only “out there” is God.

11 thoughts on ““Out there” is God”

  1. Thanks for that insight into “out there”. There really is no “out there” when our spiritual sense shows us that God and His universe of Good is “right here” right now.. God, Spirit includes both “out there” and “right here” .

  2. Good Morning Evan, thank you for this insight to expand on this week’s lesson. Your Spiritview has helped me tremendously in revealing the real Man, the real me, and revealing the Kingdom of God as already here and the material view is just a dream, the outcome of material thinking. I am rising above this matter thinking, emerging gently. Thanks again for your tremendous help!
    Aside…I had to go to Spiritview.net this morning to get this, it wasn’t in my Inbox.

    1. Hi Jennifer,
      I too had to go to yesterday’s SV and click on newer.
      I awoke early and was thinking along those lines you wrote about. The real man, the real me, and the material view is just a dream. God is just as close to us as Jesus was to all those he touched and healed. This is the Christ consciousness. Our spiritual view. Thank you Evan for all your daily peeks into Christian Science. And Angie for the many articles shared.

  3. Thank you Evan. This understanding is a foundational premise of the teachings of Christian Science, and a radical difference between Christian Science and other Christian teachings. I sometimes think about how Jesus must have cognized matter,–probably not as having any true substance at all. Like you say, as a dream. The falsity of material sense must have been so incredibly clear to him to be able to exercise such complete dominion over material conditions. And it was Mary Baker Eddy’s faith in God’s allness and goodness, and the consequent distrust of matter’s claims that led her to discover the Science that Jesus understood. And we are the benefactors of these two exceptional spiritually gifted souls! What an indescribable blessing to have Christian Science that explains the unreality of matter and the allness of Spirit.! Evan, these thought provoking blogs are such a wonderful incentive to spiritual awakening. Bless you for all the good you do.

  4. Evan,

    I had to go to Spiritview to read this it did not come to my email, just so you know,
    I so appreciate this reminder today – feeling slightly overwhelmed with the material view today. But so grateful to be able to view today through a Spiritual lens. Thank you Evan, for posting this today its just what I needed,

  5. I, too had to go to yesterday’s SV and click on “newer”. Happy I got today’s so very helpfull and very needed true spiritual view now.
    This morning I had a longer drive on the autobahn with bright sunshine. I prayed the whole drive for God’s guidance, and I got it every moment until I arrived safely. I love driving and pray for the whole traffic to be under God’s safe control. The same I did on the way home where the sun came right into my eyes as the sun was very deep meanwhile. Now, Evan’s so clear SpiritView makes it plain , as God is “out there” everywhere, He/She was with me driving the car very safely whereever I needed and will need to go! I
    Thank you very much, dear Evan for reminding me on the one and only reality of our spiritual being. Am very grateful for your precious gift today, teaching and reminding us pn God’s very nearness to us and that the only “out there” is our omnipotent and omnipresent GOD, Spirit – such a safty and comfort!

  6. Evan I loved, “It’s time to redeem ‘out there’ from matter and give it to Spirit.” Similar to your post on Dec. 15, “For those times when goodness feels fleeting, it’s a call on prayer to redeem that goodness from matter and put it squarely in Spirit.”

    Also liked, “God is everywhere. There is no other location or situation to observe.” That is so absolute, one thing I love about CS is that there is no equivocating, God is all, and that’s that.

    I like to pray with these ideas: God is the only atmosphere (environment), and, In atmosphere of love divine we live and move and breathe (Hymn 144), and, In Him we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28). Love to all SpiritViewers!

    1. Thank you dear Rose, very helpful, specially your last paragraph! Love the truth thought that God, divine Love is the only aimosphere (environment) in which we live and move and breathe! That can only result in health.
      Love to you, too and a happy Christmas time!♡

  7. I needed some spiritual direction this morning so just sat down and prayed for it. The thought came straight to me ‘ what’s the complication Barbara?…there can only be constant harmony , here, now!’
    This evoked instant relief and gratitude …thank you Evan , God is out there, in here, everywhere and All.

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