Prevent discouragement

August 16, 2024 | 26 comments

Discouragement happens when the human mind looks to a person or something material for happiness and then fails to find it.  

Prevent discouragement.  Look to God for the good you seek and find it in Spirit.  

God is your ever-present Helper, Companion, Physician, Caretaker, Supplier, Provider, and Inspiration.

What you find with God is encouraging.  It sticks and stays.  It is with you forever.

26 thoughts on “Prevent discouragement”

  1. “Share thy joy and spend it freely. Loyal hearts can feel no fear. We thy children know the Father. Love and Life forever near”Hymn 58. The whole hymn is wonderful. One of my favorites. A heart filled with joy (and love)has no room for discouragement

    Thank you Evan.

  2. You seem to be always talking directly to my need, Evan. I am so grateful. Your message today is exactly what I need to strengthen what I already do know. Thank you.

  3.                   ALONE

    Angel love operating near everyone.

    Always Love operating, never empty

    Angel lighting operating never ending.

    One I heard. Alone. All on
    Alone seemed to be in thought
    yesterday until t wrote this.
    .Discouragement was gone.
    Thanks Evan for every SpiritView

  4. There is no discouragement in God, or in the Mind of and that is God, or in the thought of anyone aligned with the mind of God that is the only Mind and Love.

    “Courage” from “cour” or “ coer” means “core”, “heart.”, “strength of being.”

    In Middle English, the word “courage” was used broadly for “what is in one’s mind or thoughts,” hence “bravery”…. Or list, desire, sorrow, any other emotion. I begin my conversations with my daughter, asking her, “What’s on your heart and mind? “And I end each conversation with, “Is there anything else that you want to say or hear, that you want to leave this conversation with it in your mind? “ What we hold close and dear to our heart, what we think and believe and act on, what we love and value most, what we trust and commit to, effects and expresses our core character and strengths and fortitude, our purpose and intentions/attention, our resilience and courage and effectiveness.

    “Dis-“ is a word-forming element of Latin origin meaning 1. “lack of, not” (as in dishonest); 2. “opposite of, do the opposite of” (as in disallow); 3. “apart, away”, “two”, “separation.”.

    In the one all-in-all divine Mind, there is no opposite power or lack or separation, so none of us, and our true being can lack anything or be opposed to or have something opposing us or be separated from or apart from anything good or real. So it is impossible to be separated from our heart and core being, which is the dearly beloved, infinitely good expression of God, the Center and Source of all strength of integrity, courage and wisdom and joy and harmony, wholeness.

    No one and no thing can “ dis” who and what God is and does. Hence no discouragement, only letting go of false illusion/delusion in rightful disillusionment and lasting illumination, inspiration, enliveliment, healing, wholeness from our very core and heart. God, alone is always reliable.

  5. Love the infinity, eternality and inspiration in this. Thank you so much
    Evan and all. From the hymn, .. Thank you, Debbie … “Seeing only Thy creation,
    We can share Thy happiness “. So beautiful and warmly accepted – within us
    is this guiding light of Truth that shines to light our path out of the mortal and
    in to the divine.
    Was just chatting with a neighbor this morning. She used to be very “uppity”
    and would rarely talk as she walked by, but this morning she stopped and we
    had a lovely chat. “The loveliness of Love is all around”.

  6. God is our divine Source of all our good. When we seem to be in lack of something we need we can KNOW it is a false belief, an illusion. Divine Love is filling us with all we need and more, supply of every kind, every moment. I attended a testimony meeting this week and one line I heard stuck with me (paraphrasing)- ‘ A belief can always be changed, but spiritual understanding is eternal, unchangeable.’

    Sending encouragement and blessings to everyone here. And receiving God’s encouragement and blessings for me too (thinking of yesterday’s message on loving ourselves).

  7. Thank you, MB, for the A-L-O-N-E inspiration–lovely! We are never alone, but all-One. Thank you Evan for your wonderful spiritual Encouragement and listening. Love the photo too! ❤️

  8. Some months ago we shared a Sentinel article by Vera Cross entitled
    ‘Don’t be discouraged ‘ I will try to copy the link
    It doesn’t look like this will work…maybe someone more tech minded can do it.
    It’s well worth another read when dealing with discouragement. It underlines our ability and indeed natural entitlement to go forward , however small the steps may seem, towards the understanding of our true spiritual being .. as it is this very moment.
    Happy weekend everyone and thank you Evan for Spirit View. ❣️

      1. Thank you, BarbaraUK for the link and wonderful article. I love where
        it says, “Tomorrow’s experience will be the outcome of
        today’s good thinking”. .. Just as Today’s experience will be
        the outcome of Today’s – good thinking. That is a lovely way of
        looking at things. Very inspiring when our thinking sometimes
        tries to be anything but inspiring.
        Thank you, too, Narrell, for the great article you shared.

      2. Very good article Barbara and thank you for sharing it, your link works perfectly.
        Two ideas from this article that are comforting to me:
        –“…the identity of each one of God’s ideas is spiritually whole, complete, intact and eternal. No false belief has ever or can ever attach itself to a spiritual idea or deplete it.”
        — A quote from Mrs. Eddy (Retrospection & Introspection), “It is well to know, dear reader, that our material, mortal history is but the record of dreams, not of man’s real existence, and the dream has no place in the Science of being.”

        While reading the article, for some reason I thought of something I read in a testimony where a man was struggling to see truth manifested and a practitioner reminded him that that could let go of struggling because he was not the doer or the healer and said, “Let the Truth, which you love so dearly, do it’s work.” Powerful.

  9. Thank you very very much, Evan, for this weekend’s highly encouraging SpiritView!
    God is really really a l l for us, doing everything for us to be happy, healthy and wealthy as his reflection! And he stays always with us; we only need to listen to Truth!

  10. Thank you, Evan, for your great posts. you have lifted me up so many times. You are wonderful. And thank Cathy for all her help, she’s right beside you! and I’m sure she is the one that took all those videos when you were traveling around the country side. God bless you both.

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