Receive Christ into “your boat” for quicker healing

February 7, 2020 | 17 comments

I love this short story about Jesus being received into his disciples’ boat during a raging storm. As soon as the students welcome Jesus into their boat, the boat is instantly at its destination. They are safe, and the storm is no longer a threat.

“Now when evening came, His disciples went down to the sea, got into the boat, and went over the sea toward Capernaum. And it was already dark, and Jesus had not come to them. Then the sea arose because a great wind was blowing. So when they had rowed about three or four miles, they saw Jesus walking on the sea and drawing near the boat; and they were afraid. But He said to them, “It is I; do not be afraid.” Then they willingly received Him into the boat, and immediately the boat was at the land where they were going” (John 6:16-21).

We are all rowing in a boat of some kind. Our “boat” could be a family we are loving, a career we are advancing, a business we are nurturing, a church we’re supporting, or any other type of activity we are involved with that has goals to reach.

Different storms that may threaten our success come in the form of conflict, heated opposition, disease, despair, hatred, or signs of failure.

Whatever storm we face, as the disciples learned, there is a solution. We can welcome Christ “into our boat,” or thought. Christ is the power and presence of God always active in our being, bringing peace, health, love and harmony. In Christ’s presence, storms cease, calm is restored, and we arrive at our destination safely—even instantaneously as the disciples did!

Welcome Christ into you boat and enjoy smooth sailing.

17 thoughts on “Receive Christ into “your boat” for quicker healing”

  1. Good morning Evan and students of the Truth. Thank you for reminding us of this wonderful story that in turn reminded me of Matthew 8: 23-27 when Jesus calms the storm. They are wonderful stories of Christ acting in our conscience, bringing peace, healing … Thank you and excellent day.

  2. May I share this link, – a monologue by Peter, with all his fishermen friends rescued by the timeless love of the Christ. As Evan states, “Whatever storm we face ..there is a solution ” for the Christ is everpresent and therefore with us right now. THank you for this so-helpful reminder.

    1. Thank you for the inspiration, Ken and Evan and All. Peace in a world that sometimes can seem so challenging. Such thoughts bring harmony.

    2. Thank you, Even – very inspiring and comforting.

      And thank you, Ken that is so beautiful and relevant to Evan’s post. Thank you so much.

  3. There was no struggle or question of letting Jesus into the boat.
    Thanks for this reminder . let the Christ into our travels wherever
    Even if it’s just to the grocery store!
    Thanks agaain

  4. Thank you very much Evan bringing us the Christ near, even closer to us, namely into our thinking. You compare the boat with our thinking in which we shall take the Christ. And then you compare the ability of the Christ, to have reached immediately that place where they wanted to row with their boat, with an immediate healing, when we let the Christ into our heart and thinking. That is such a wonderful and understandable scientific explanation.
    The whole day today while I had reading room service, I was watchful to take the Christ into the boat, into my consciousness. Dear Evan I love your lessons you give us day by day, they are so very helpful and healing, thank you very much for SpiritView!

  5. I too love all your lessons Evan. I continue to be aware of CHRIST rescuing me throughout my days, Be it in thought or action. I am so grateful❣️I love reading the comments.

  6. So often when sailing one sets a course that does not head to our destination. Wind current and Christ will take us to our objective.

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