Seek real wealth

September 21, 2023 | 21 comments

Don’t wear yourself out trying to get rich. Be wise enough to know when to quit.
In the blink of an eye wealth disappears, for it will sprout wings and fly away like an eagle.”

~ Pro. 23:4,5, NLT

Real wealth is spiritual! It comes to us in the form of wisdom, intelligence, creativity, inspiration, ideas that bring profitable and productive results.

Money comes and goes, but wisdom keeps coming. God is an inexhaustible source of its blessings.

Seek real wealth, spiritual wealth! You’ll have what you need to pay the bills, but you’ll have something even better. You’ll have wealth that is never lost, wealth that enriches you forever.

21 thoughts on “Seek real wealth”

  1. Thank you so very much, Evan. I needed this right now as I
    couldn’t sleep and really needed this inspiration. My little dog came
    out to the living room and just leaned so lovingly by my side. Such
    unconditional love, like God’s Love, always there, even when
    sometimes I feel I am not “wise enough to know when to quit”
    with mortal ways of thinking. Thank you for the wisdom, “God is an
    inexhaustible source of its blessings”.

  2. Thank you Evan and all. Jesus taught us to seek real wealth in this saying as well. Mathew 7:24 I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock.
    25 And the rain descended and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.

  3. There are moments when I feel unbelievably, astonishingly, infinitely rich, alive to the good that is our basic and fundamental being. Blessings are not material or personal or temporary, nor are they monetary. Good in the form of love, beauty, harmony, peace, inspiration, and tangible Christ-care are the fullness of God’s tender embrace for His spiritual creation. So much good surrounds us, encompasses our lives, and we miss it, chasing money or stability in matter. Last week’s Lesson included the admonition from Jesus to his disciples to not take extra clothes or even a walking stick as they went out to share the Truth, and to be grateful for the housing and food they received. Gratitude is easy when not confused with money. Thank you God.

    1. That’s lovely, William. It leads me to think of the children of Israel who walked for 40 years
      in the wilderness, and their clothes and shoes never wore out – and they were supplied every
      day with food and water and all that they needed. So we can understand better that
      all supply is spiritual, it consists of the substance of the ideas that our Father knows we need,
      and day by day He supplies us with abundant good to meet our needs that day – and the next – and the next…….etc. Spiritual ideas can never run out, can never grow old and tattered, cannot be limited. So, as Mrs Eddy says, if you believe, never doubting, you will have all you need every moment, or words to that effect.. How wonderful is our God – ever-present Love, meeting our every human need.

      1. One day someone’ asked Maria Angelou, the poet/ writer:” why you say today is the most
        Beautiful day of my life?
        Her answer: “ because I never see t before”.
        GOd promised that new, brand. New spiritual ideas are present each new day. Of our lives. Here the blessing , new day with new blessings!
        Thanks you Evan for sharing your infinite vision and inspiration.

  4. What a Blessing this SpiritView is . Thank you Evan and all for your sharing what true wealth really is.

    1. Wow, thank you “J” for this great conversation with Evan and Jeff Hildner!
      It contains lots of thoughts and spiritual ideas from Evan which are really very helpful!
      Dear “J”, it’s so very lovely of you, finding always valuable articles for us, so suitable to the relevant SpiritView topic; thank you dearly for it!♡

      Dear Evan, I am very thankful indeed for your utmost wonderful conversation, “J” gives us today, which gives me a lot to learn and to ponder! And I feel very blessed by it!♡
      Also today I found a lovely Verse from hymn 224 – 3rd verse:
      “He that has made my heaven secure,
      Will here all good provide;
      While Christ is rich, can I be poor?
      What can I want beside?
      0 God, I cast my care on Thee;
      I triumph and adore;
      Henceforth my great concern shall be
      To love and praise Thee more.”

    2. Thank you very much, J! That was a beautiful conversation with Evan – “Riches of the Spirit.” Wow. And thank you, Evan! I greatly enjoyed reading about your life on the farm, the practice, and meeting Kathy, and having to make a difficult choice when “something had to go.” Wonderful reading. Thank you!

  5. I wouldn’t give up the consistent peace of mind the understanding of Christian Science has given me for money and its false promises. I had 0 money and debt years ago and I sent into the public practice with fear and trembling and have never looked back. Supply, gratitude, peace and abundance awaited me.

    1. Ginny thank you for your comments. Lovely to hear your experience of going forward as you were led by God, even with “fear and trembling.” It inspires us to not let material so-called fears hold us back. Only God, good is on the other side of fear so let’s stick with Him.

      Many people say the greatest wealth is peace of mind, which can seem elusive if life is viewed materially. The other day William E. shared Isaiah 26, “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee…”

  6. Simply, God is our supply we can never lack it comes from him and he knows our needs.
    Don’t fret about a bad economy God is the economy always good

  7. The conversation of your life, Evan, was so inspiring to read.
    Thank you and J for sharing it. You certainly have been blessed
    along each step of the way, but most of all, with God’s Love and
    Kathy’s support and strength of joint spiritual thinking that helped
    motivate and propel your wonderful work all those years to the
    spiritual height it is at today. Such a blessing. Having close,
    constant, faithful moral support throughout it all, through the
    years is wealth worth far more than any worldly riches, I
    would imagine.
    Imho, monetary, materialistic wealth and luxury is not the motivator
    and end all to happiness, although it may seem like it is sometimes.
    Feeling secure in peacefulness, love, relaxation, spiritual work, having
    something to look forward to, being able to freely share beautiful
    situations and ideas, appreciating nature, flowers, sunsets and wildlife
    and share thoughts compatible with like-minded thinking, knowing that
    a companion animal understands a need, when no one else is around
    and when it seems no one else understands, are all expressions of wealth.
    Of course it is easy to write of all of these treasures.. The challenge is
    to try to experience them when mortal (little) mind always seems to
    be tugging in opposite directions, trying to declare lack when it comes
    to good thoughts like these.
    But Real wealth is measured by contentment of the heart, truth,
    wisdom, faith and love. I believe these all are blessings of true
    wealth given to us by God and are worth striving for, even if it may be
    an ongoing challenge in cashing them in.

    1. Such good thoughts Carol. I also enjoyed reading about Evan’s journey and the thoughts he shared. Very humble and inspiring!

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