Seek what God wants

August 3, 2023 | 49 comments

Have you ever prayed and not heard an answer to your prayer? Perhaps it’s a sign that you’re listening more to your own wants and desires, than to God’s desires.

Selfish wants are deaf to divine direction.

When we put material desires aside and humbly seek what God is revealing to us, healing answers are quicker to appear. We hear what God has to say and are ready to go where God wants us to go.

God always knows best.

As the disciple James wrote, “You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions.” (James 4:3, RSV).

God will not feed selfish wants. But God will bless a sincere desire to grow spiritually and learn needed spiritual lessons.

Seek what God wants. It gets you to a better place quicker.

49 thoughts on “Seek what God wants”

  1. Thank you Evan. What God wants for us is always good. Certainly we are always blessed when we pray with the use of ideas representing things or objects. That is what God knows and will always answer. Let our prayers be directed and filled with Love .. Hymne 180 is good for this.

  2. Great one Evan!! Why even waste our time on “our” plan, which seems to always have an element of selfishness hiding in it? God’s Plan is perfect for us and everyone involved, so getting CayDee out of the way is my first accomplishment to achieve and when successful, opens my thought to receive direction from my Father/Mother who is waiting for me to listen. I try to remember He gave me two ears and only one mouth for a good reason
    His Plan is already made and blesses me and All concerned.
    Happy day to All

    1. Thinking about the same letters, I will listen for thy voice, then be silent so I can hear the voice. It heals instantly. Thank you for your clear contribution.

  3. Thanks you for this post. What we want, what we actually aim for, makes all the difference. I love where Mrs. Eddy combines “aims” with “affections” on page 265 of Science and Health, “Mortals must gravitate Godward, their affections and aims grow spiritual,–they must near the broader interpretations of being, and gain some proper sense of the infinite,–in order that sin and mortality may be put off.” An article by George Channing titled “The High Goal” explains it so beautifully.

    1. This is a truly spiritual & uplifting article. Thank you for sharing it.
      Thank you Evan for Spirit View. We all receive such heaven born aspiration and truth here!

  4. There seems to be a glitch in the website again, as it says there are 6
    comments, but can not see anything and it says No comments yet
    when opened. Anyway, Thank you, Evan. Much appreciated if you
    can see this.

  5. This is so true and I have found that the more I live with Spiritual desires, the better life becomes.
    So grateful for the reminder.

  6. Seek what God wants. It gets you to a better place quicker.

    I am seeking God to see if God

    wants me to see the posts on this SpiritView.

    I see from the website that there are 8 – but they won’t appear for me – like a few days ago.

  7. Yes, I have prayed very deeply and sincerely and sat very quietly listening and have never heard anything.

  8. Yes, I have prayed with an earnest and deep desire and sat very quietly listening for an answer and never heard anything.

  9. I know that God knows me better than I know myself because He created me. I am afraid sometimes to ask God what would He have me do because I am not sure I could do it. I want so much for others to experience what we have as Christian Scientists. Most of my friends know that I am a Christian Scientist and I try to portray myself as one but sometimes they see me as I struggle with a physical issue and then I find it difficult to speak to them. I seldom make comments but I do appreciate so much what you are doing for us Evan. Thank you for all of these treatments that you are giving us.

  10. One time I prayed for an answer and didn’t get one. Over and over I said “I will listen for Thy voice!” When I finally realized that I was talking and not listening, I stopped, and the answer from Fod came immediately. It made me laugh.
    Thank you Evan and all. Thank you God.

    1. The results you described stopped me, got my attention, and made me laugh too. Thanks Barb for sharing your
      “quick” healing.

  11. One time I was praying hard for an answer from God. Over and over I prayed “I will listen for Thy voice.” Suddenly I realized I needed to stop and actually listen! I did and the answer from God came immediately, and it was perfect.
    Thank you God. And thank you Evan and all.

  12. Thank you.. Free born to peaceful Joy
    practicing this exclaiming glory, is extrodinery …
    purity of Bliss , is prayer ….
    immeasurable selflessness

  13. My one desire, dear Lord, with You to walk;
    And in that sweet communion, day by day,
    So quickened be, that I may hear You talk,
    And garner closely all that You would say.

    While in that sweet converse, as friend to friend,
    What boundless love would You to me unfold,
    And truths reveal, whos worth should far transcend
    Earth’s rarest gems or priceless gifts of gold.

    Within that hallowed atmosphere with You,
    My every thought with purest love imbued,
    I would rejoice–to see your vision true–
    And let my deeds attest my gratitude.

    Hymn 531

  14. I made a comment earlier but I guess I didn;t click on post. Yes. God does know what is best for us. . Maybe I don’t ask God what He would have me do because I am afraid of the answer All is well when I consult God before making a decision. I most appreciate all that you do for us Evan and the treatments are awesome. Thank you!

  15. Thanks a lot Evan! It`s a needed and important SpiritView again today! I just read several articles in the August German Herold. The one wonderful “Love your Enemies” is from Evan. I could read it over and over. It has such healing thoughts we can apply praying for us a n d for the world issues! Thank you very much for it, dear Evan!

    And the other article admonishes us to follow Christ and leave our mortal opinions and wishes behind, put the old man off and the new man on which is made to the image and likeness of God, as Paul said. I pray to leave selfish wants behind and listen to God`s wants guiding me! Sometimes I get an idea to do that and that, and I feel it is from God, but not always. Then I do what I feel is necessary yot do, and I do it. And afterward, I notice that it was just right to do, so also guided by God. I am really grateful to learn in CS that God is ever present with all of us!

  16. Yesterday my husband put a $100 bill on the counter & I soon put it in my back pocket to pay the dog groomer when I got our dog after her grooming. 30 min or less later I got our dog and started for the car, & my husband said “Don’t forget the money. ” When I reached into pocket after putting dog in car, the bill wasn’t there. Looked in my purse carefully in case I put it there, but NO bill. I went back into the house & searched where bill has been and headed toward my desk but hubby said to leave then so i wouldn’t be late. i have seemingly lost many things during the decades but have ALWAYS found EVERYTHING knowing nothing can be lost to God. I spent A LOT of time the last 2 days looking, but yesterday and today I am feeling it isn’t reality to believe there is such a thing as a lost a material object. i even thought maybe my dog ate the bill because the whole thing IS SO BIZARRE! BUT, in C.S. we don’t really look for causes of sickness! We instead pray to God. Our receptivity to Truth and Love bring healings so often in ways we could never outline. So I am now trying to be persistent in denying loss of any good can ever REALly be true and striving to yield to “exchange the object of sense” that seemed to uncomprehensibly just disappeare for” the idea of Soul” that can NEVER disappear-my completeness and the Truth there simply can be no loss! I am so gratefully GAINING a feeling of comfort and trust that Truth IS already and ALWAYS/ALWAY TRUE! ALSO, I am so totally appreciative of the wealth of ideas shared by Evan and our Spirit View family!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Thank you Soaring Dove for your very helpful comment. We can lose nothing as God’s child; and if the lost thing is important for us, God shows us the way to it!♡

  17. All I have been wanting for a long time is healing. It has not come. I guess God doesn’t think I am ready. But, I certainly feel I am. A dilemma for me.

  18. 30 comments? but still says No comment yet. Will try again to get on
    by leaving a comment. It didn’t bring them up the last time. : ( …
    I believe it Is “God’s desires” to hear what others would like to share,
    keeping with the topic. : )
    Thank you, Evan, I’m sure you are working on this, with your site
    being so wonderful in sharing.

  19. This message made me think of the Bible story (1 Kings) when Solomon became king and felt ill-prepared for the job. When God came to him in a dream, Solomon asked for wisdom and discernment so he could judge rightly and help his people. God immediately granted this to him because, as God said, he did not ask for selfish things such as long life, riches or the destruction of his enemies, but only the ability to grow and serve his people well.

    Also I see no comments here, yet on the home page it says there are 31 comments today, wonder if it’s my device or others are seeing this too??

    1. Ok I now see the comments, great! I see others had similar issue. Looks like the comments appear only after you post one, hopefully it will be fixed soon, I am thinking of those who read but may not post, I love the thought of everyone being able to partake of the wisdom here. Love to all.

  20. The comments are gone again, maybe there is a spiritual lesson in this, something about Trust. All is well.

  21. my compter shows up that there are n o comments, but that is not true. It must be nearly 20 comments there. And I also wrote a comment. So I will be patient that all the comments will show up that I can read them all.

  22. I was feeling “missing” of spiritual enlightenment from here this
    morning and with the site not expanding upon the divine Truths
    that Evan puts forth, with comforting, healing comments. It is
    like Knowing the Truth/God is there/here, but not being able to
    See or access these spiritual angel/thoughts. It ties in with today’s
    theme, actually …
    I went to the local greenhouse/nursery today to be delighted by
    all of their spectrum of various flowers. On one of the small bushes,
    was a Beautiful butterfly in its heaven. It was missing part of it’s wing,
    but it was so contented and reflecting of God’s beautiful world,
    it “didn’t matter” and was just the completeness in thought that
    I needed to compliment the day. My friend who works there and I
    had such a nice chat.

  23. What? No Comments?
    A First. Or perhaps my internet is taking a nap.
    Or…the Topic hit a nerve!
    (Who else had a sudden urge to go Shopping??) (Kidding!)

    Yes, Our Father always Knows Best. Always.

    As kids, did we always agree that our Daddy knew best? noooooo….

    We’re Grown Ups now, and wisely trust and follow His Plan.

    Thanks, O Perfect…”Dad!”


  24. Comments still showing as “0” and the same as yesterday. Still not able to access the comments unless you post something.

  25. Hi Everyone,

    There was a major tech glitch today that prevented comments from showing in many cases. Hopefully it is fixed from now on. Thanks for your patience.

  26. Evan
    Although I am not a Christian Science follower I believe in God and his Son and pray daily. My lady friend always sends me the Spirit View. We both believe in healing through prayer. She often used your mediphical services for herself and her dog,
    I personally have never heard the Lord speak, but I know, without a doubt, he answers my prayers, I accept him as the creator and praise only Jesus/ God
    I know this was published back in early august but I was gong through my archives and came across this one. I failed to read it until just bow.

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