Some new music to inspire

April 24, 2020 | 34 comments

The Jackson-Beacon, LLC, has come out with a new CD that is filled original music that is sure to inspire and uplift.

All lyrics were inspired by prayer and teachings from the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy.

Solos on the CD were written to provide new music to go along with the weekly Bible Lessons. I expect many music committees of churches will be happy to add this album to their repertoire of options, especially with so many services being held online at this time.

Click here to hear the music and purchase the album online, “Newness of Life.”

Andrew Brewis
With all the social distancing going on in the world, musicians and entertainers are setting up webcams from home and performing for fans over the internet.

Andrew Brewis is of those talented musicians. He has performed for Christian Science audiences for years among the many other groups he entertains. I remember when Andrew played before a lecture I gave in Oregon State, USA, many years ago. He is a very talented musician.

You can watch Andrew perform live on Saturday evenings, 7 PM, UK time. He welcomes requests for favorite music from his listeners.

Here’s a link to his Facebook page where he stages his concerts, “Andrew Brewis.”

Andrew’s website URL is

34 thoughts on “Some new music to inspire”

  1. Yes dear Evan
    Thank you very much to point to that gifted musican! I heard him on Facebook, very good ! And I am interested to buy this CD. B u t very regrettably we cannot use the English text in our German churches.
    Our Hamburg Second church needs very much new German Solos suitable for our sunday services. And it seems very difficult to find such, even in such a larger city as Hamburg here. We would be utmost grateful, if anybody could help us there!!!

    1. hello there…Andrew Brewis here…So lets get them translated into German….and Italian ..and French …There must be enough fluent people in all those ;laguages to translate…I’d then happily record the songs into relevant languages . EVAN THANK YOU !!!!

    2. Hello dear Uta, Evan and all,
      you might like to try asking the committee for the Swiss Christian Science website,, whether you could put a notice there with your inquiry. The German-speaking churches could be approached for their resources. I would be happy to search in our archives in Chur for whatever treasures could be found there.
      And a sincere thank you to Evan for your spiritual inspirations.

  2. Thank you Evan for sharing this information with us. I just listened to all 25 introductions to these new hymns and piano accompaniments. Very nice and most so easy to understand the words. I especially liked #1, #12, and 25 is an especially beautiful piano accompaniment. The lyrics are included for each hymn. If you click on the first one it automatically takes you through the whole list. (The full lyrics are included for each hymn.) Just close your eyes, sit back and enjoy!

    Some Lyrics from #2 apply nicely to our current world situation:

    “Our refuge and our fortress,
    with safety guaranteed,
    our trust in the Almighty
    supplies our every need.

    This place is our true dwelling,
    where we live and move and breathe;
    a place of peace and harmony,
    a place we never leave.

    This secret place is here and now
    beneath, around, above;
    His tender presence everywhere –
    an all-inclusive Love.”
    From a poem by Jill Gooding

  3. I am thrilled with my new purchase of the Jackson-Beacon, LLC, “Newness of Life”. The perfect music to fill my thought on my daily walks! Thank you, Evan, for sharing

      1. Hi There…My concerts are live on my website 7pm uk time every Saturday also I have a you tube channel andrew brewis …where I upload all previous concerts…so if you dont have Facebook you can catch up later.

        love Andrew x

  4. Uta, have you contacted The Mother Church and the Publishing Society with your request? And Annette Kreutziger-Herr, a Christian Science practitioner in Berlin. She is former professor who might have some contacts. Her website is

  5. Thanks for spreading word of this this important work, Evan! I ordered the Newness of life CD last week for my church, which uses recorded solos, and have enjoyed several Andrew Brewis and Alex Cook online concerts. It’s a wonderful vehicle to widen the audience for the music that’s been all around us for sometime, but some may not have been aware of.

  6. Is there any other platform other than Facebook that one can listen to them. I closed my account as a conscientious objector as I cannot support their lack of ethics. This may need us as Christian Scientists to find a better platform to share our talents, while praying for Facebook, for an awakening of thought, that practices greater integrity and transparency.

    1. I’m sorry but I don’t have Facebook either or any other social media platform as I feel they are too open to abuse. I worked in the data protection sector for nearly 25 years and heard of and saw too many instances of this.

      1. I’m not defending Facebook on all levels, as I know there is much that is not what we want to experience. However, Facebook is full of groups of sincere, active Christian Scientists sharing wonderful thoughts, questions, healings and links to articles in the periodicals, all done with lots of Love. I find it very inspiring each day to check in with several of these groups. Most require being approved for membership, which helps to keep the thought on a higher level. I joyfully recommend many FB grou

        1. Hi Peggy, thank you for your clarification.
          In every and each.point you said about the Christian Science Group, and about Facebook I agree fully. I am in this group and made the ssme very loving experience than you describe. I also post every day Evan’s so inspiring SpiritView on Facebook, so that others can also have the opportunity to read these wonderful spiritual views of Evan. Think that is a wonderful idea to make these ideas public to bless our neighbor too..

        2. Thank you for your loving comment Peggy. I would be delighted to be proved wrong! I will have to check it out.

    2. Hi There…My concerts are live on my website 7pm uk time every Saturday also I have a you tube channel andrew brewis …where I upload all previous concerts…so if you dont have Facebook you can catch up later.

      love Andrew x

  7. Thanks so much Brian for giving me the time for Andrew Brewis. I tried to listen to one of his live performances unsuccessfully.
    Rhonda, I tried to listen to a sample, but nothing came up when I clicked on any of the songs. I just saw the download was available for $24.99.

    1. Hi There…My concerts are live on my website 7pm uk time every Saturday also I have a you tube channel andrew brewis …where I upload all previous concerts…so if you dont have Facebook you can catch up later.

      love Andrew x

  8. Thanks, Evan,
    for sharing this beautiful album, filled with inspiration and life. I will order it for myself so that my family and I may enjoy the uplifting messages in song. I will also introduce it to my church members during our announcements and song selections when we are allowed to open up our church for public worship again.

    1. Hi There…My concerts are live on my website 7pm uk time every Saturday also I have a you tube channel andrew brewis …where I upload all previous concerts…so if you dont have Facebook you can catch up later.

      love Andrew x

  9. “Perspective” Evan I just finished listening again to “Healing Solutions to Life’s Challenges” your lecture stressing the importance of perspective.
    You certainly hit the nail on the head, so to speak – just the truths I needed at this moment.
    My deepest gratitude to you!!!

    1. Lori, where can I find the lecture of Evan “Healing Solutions to Life Challenges”?
      Would be grateful for your Info!

  10. `I’m sorry Uta, I can’t be of much help. I was listening to a lecture and on the right side of my screen were pictures of lecturers and I just clicked on Evan’s. What Brian shared isn’t it.
    Maybe Evan can respond.

    1. I just realized this is the same lecture that Beatrice already provided above. Sorry for posting this twice…and thank you Beatrice!

  11. Brian, this is the same one I listened to. Thanks for your post as I missed the one from Beatrice and others may have also.

  12. Evan, thanks so much for posting the link to our new CD “Newness of Life” — we’re so grateful so many are embracing this project and feeling healing! We had no idea about your post until just this morning — so grateful for your support! Thank you!

  13. Is there anyway to purchase the cds online without using PayPal? Direct credit card payment?

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