Spirit gives you understanding

September 6, 2024 | 30 comments

If you ever worry about having enough spiritual understanding, take heart.  The Holy Spirit freely gives you the understanding you need!

Like turning the eye toward the bright sun, and light filling the eye, as thought turns to Spirit, the inspiration of Spirit fills thought.  Healing inspiration is unavoidable!

Mary Baker Eddy writes, “Spirit imparts the understanding which uplifts consciousness and leads into all truth” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 505).

Acknowledge Spirit.  Honor Spirit.  Listen for Spirit’s ideas coming your way.  They are coming!  And you have spiritual sense to receive them.

Spirit freely gives you the understanding you seek.  You will never lack.

30 thoughts on “Spirit gives you understanding”

  1. Spirit is imparting the understanding and the willingness to obey that understanding, and the right feeling that comes with that understanding so that each individual involved is doing their job the right way in the right timing and the right place with the right results and the right process and right relationships. Each is inspired with the right motives and the right choices and the right consequences. And good results for everyone’s good and the greater good.

    This is the law in general, and we can know and trust and apply the law specifically in each detail. Healing is the result. Justice and freedom is the result. Peace and joy is the result. Ever more and better loving is there result. Glorifying God is the result.

    1. What an answer to a prayer, for obeying and understanding how each individual is doing their job in the right way, etc. Your clear statement of how good results appear helps clear my thinking about a conundrum, “gifting soon, the youngest nephew in the family, with the “right” wedding gift. My prayer is to know what “my job” is, which will bring the right results in this situation. No doubt that their motives are right, to marry, and I want their success to show up with the right consequences. Very grateful for your post! ! !

    1. Yes Deb, I had the same reaction. Freeing and comforting. To know that we don’t have to strain or struggle to attain enough spiritual understanding, but turn toward Spirit humbly, as Evan says like turning toward the sun, and we can be filled up with Truth that meets our need.
      Evan I appreciated, “Healing inspiration is unavoidable!”

    1. Thank you Evan for your inspiring and encouraging words today. And thank you Cheryl for sharing that magnificent article published in the Christian Science Sentinel. So inspiring!

    2. Thank you so much for sharing this article Cheryl___ it’s a definite keeper !
      For me, it has some very basically explained loving content. Most needed when succinct thought needs a little nudge. B x

  2. Thank you Evan for this topic, and thank you for bringing more
    illumination to it, Cheryl with a very inspiring article. . Even though
    we may know this is all true, somehow Colleen Douglass manages to
    put it in a very clear way.

  3. on Monday I was airlifted to a hospital with possible heart attack the people at the hospital were absolutely wonderful taking care of me the way that they know how heredity came up in conversation as my immediate family has all had some type of heart issue I kept thinking of DNA does not apply and we are always reminded that heredity is a lie also as we are spiritual.being a lifelong Christian Scientist I did my best to know the truth and at the same time go along with their program further testing revealed that I did not have any blockages and I did not have a heart attack at this time or previously I am so grateful for Christian Science I’m grateful for this experience even though it was Medical grateful for the relief that from a material standpoint We Are Spiritual and our heredity is from God and DNA does not apply so grateful!

      1. Thank you for the lecture, Rose! Michelle Nanouche gives wonderful presentations. Great PowerPoint accompaniments. She always includes something that perks up the ears. ❤️

    1. Wonderful healing Gene. Thank you for sharing with us all. Gods presence and power ceases in no situation. So happy for you and your brother.B x

  4. So grateful for Christian Science and I would like to add to my Brother Gene’s testimony. When I heard what was going on with my Brother I had been reading the Bible lesson on Man, I felt unafraid and at Peace. I asked God to guide me in my prayer’s, which lead me to look up Christian Science Lecture’s I came across a new one by Michelle Nanouche. Christian Science: What it is and how it heals. What she talked about was
    .Accurate origins of Christian Science
    . Distinction from New Thought, mind/body medicine, blind faith, positive thinking
    .How Christian Science is Christian and scientific.
    This was a wonderful how she distinguished between Christianity and Science.
    I was truly uplifted in my understanding of Christian Science.
    With the Bible lesson on Man along with this new understanding. I felt such a peace and calm
    that when we heard the news in the Hospital I just said of course only the truth is going on here. Man is spiritual not material.
    So grateful for Christian Science,
    How can I keep from singing Hymn 533.

    1. That is a lovely hymn, dear Renis. Thank you and to dear Evan, Cheryl, Gene (for
      the lovely testimony) and all for the very needed uplifts today. Look forward to
      hearing the testimony from Michelle Nanouche, dear Rose, Thank you.

  5. “Acknowledge Spirit. Honor Spirit. Listen for Spirit’s ideas coming your way. They are coming! And you have spiritual sense to receive them.” (from Evan). After reading this, the words “soak in” came to thought. To “soak” is to = immerse, steep, submerge, marinate…I like how this directive applies to reading, pondering, resting, etc. And how important to realize that spiritual sense is already innate in all of us as God’s dearly loved children.

  6. Yes, Spirit’s loving ideas are with us always. Soaking in the divine messages that inspire
    and uplift thought is the ablution that washes away anything that is unlike God/Good –
    purifying whatever seems to be muddying up the waters of our Perfect selves that
    knows nothing of disharmony. We deserve Peace as children of Love – innocent of
    anything that would appear to us as being real. It is like a mortal dream, drifting away
    from thought and replaced with the sweet, calm reassurance that Spirit/God/Love is
    with us always.

      1. Thank you, J , but as Evan’s thoughts for the weekend summarizes, “SPIRIT gives
        you [us] understanding” …

        “which uplifts consciousness and leads into all truth” – (Mrs. Eddy)
        and what a blessing that is. Spirit/Soul is so sweet in thought.
        : )

  7. , “Spirit imparts the understanding which uplifts consciousness and leads into all truth” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 505).
    What a wonderful quote from Mrs Eddy to think about . This enables man to receive Gods loving determination for His children in every circumstance.
    I love the thought that good is ‘unavoidable’….unstoppable…a constant revealing of Gods love and protection❣️

  8. Thank you very much, dear Evan. This so good SpiritView gives me a lot comfort. It asures me of God’s Love to His children, to give freely what we need! The Bible says somewhere, may be in Psalms, desiring from God “… give me an understanding heart” – could be always my prayer, as well. It’s one of the most important goals, to understand our Father-Mother God more and more!♡

    Thanks Rose for the wonderful lecture by Michelle Nanouche and thanks to you Cheryl for the helpful article, very suitable to the topic of this weekend’s blessing SpiritView! ❤️

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