Stay awake to reality

November 17, 2022 | 22 comments

If you’re ever tempted to sit around in matter, idling the hours away, looking for ways to stay comfortable in a physical body and spending effort trying to create a material surround that is pleasing to the senses, it’s time to wake up!! It’s time to wake up to reality!

Reality is Spirit. Reality is Life in Spirit!

If you want to live happy and healthy, and forever, seek life where it can be found. It’s not found in matter, through material sense. It’s found in God, infinite Spirit, through spiritual sense.

The sensation of life in matter is a temporal dream that inevitably ends. It promises comfort, contentment, health, and life, but it always fails to deliver in any kind of reliable way. It cannot give what it does not possess.

Life is God. Existence is spiritual. True happiness, contentment, health, and life are found in Spirit, the sum and source of all true being.

As the Bible says, “Awake, O sleeper, rise up from the dead, and Christ will give you light” (Eph. 5:14, NLT).

Stay out of the dream of life in matter. Stay awake to Life in Spirit! It’s the happier wiser way to live.

22 thoughts on “Stay awake to reality”

  1. Awesome!

    The scary part is that the first paragraph is almost like Evan knew what I was doing today. Gonna’ change my course.

    Sometimes I forget that this is the science of being, not just wishful thinking or philosophy.

    1. “the science of being, not just wishful thinking or philosophy”… that got my attention, instant shift in perspective. Thank you, Brian!

  2. Miscellaneous Writings page 351: “material life is the antipode of spiritual life; it mocks the bliss of spiritual being; it is bereft of permanence and peace.”

  3. Thanks Evan. This seems like a
    follow up of joy. Love both.
    Today, “happy and healthy.”
    Joy_full, joy-filled, happy=healthy.

    Maggie and Carolyn I sent the
    information on the talk towards
    the end.of the comments
    Happy happy, joy-full
    joy-filled day, everyone!

  4. Thanks Evan. This seems like a
    follow up of joy. Love both.
    Today, “happy and healthy.”
    Joy_full, joy-filled, happy=healthy.

    Maggie and Carolyn I sent the
    information on the talk towards
    the end.of the comments
    Happy happy, joy-full
    joy-filled day, everyone!

  5. So good! I love this part: “It cannot give what it does not possess.” Matter does not create, possess or sustain comfort, contentment, health, life, joy, peace etc. a thank you, Evan!

    “The sensation of life in matter is a temporal dream that inevitably ends. It promises comfort, contentment, health, and life, but it always fails to deliver in any kind of reliable way. It cannot give what it does not possess.”

  6. Could this post mean that it is the spirit behind what we do that matters and maybe not the actual thing? Martin Luther said “a milkmaid can milk cows to the glory of God.” Certain religious people have condemned my husband for decorating the outside of our house with a lighted Christmas tree and lighted deer. They say it’s crass and not in the spirit of Christmas. But he has said that during an extremely challenging ordeal, in a place of 24 hour darkness, one lighted pine tree on his daily journey used to stir a feeling of hope in him. He was grateful for it and wanted to do it here in case someone might be struggling with problems and would find a little comfort. Do we need to feel guilty for beautifying our surroundings? Or do we just need to ask ourselves why we’re doing it. If it’s to express the beauty of Soul in a garden I think people will feel the spirit behind it. But if it’s to impress or comes from a feeling of obligation, it will not touch people.

    1. It wouldnt suprise if there was a lot of joy and happiness expressed by that baby if they were to see the lighted tree and the deer.

      Thats certainly what happens around here, Downunder.

    2. Very well said Kay. If we beautify our environment as an expression of Soul, and of God’s harmonious Being, then I think that is a lovely and worthy pursuit. Beauty is a quality of God. As in everything we do, I agree with you that it’s the spirit with which we do it that is important to discern.

    3. How lovely ro have your lights on the tree outdoors, It is a happy, shared message of light and joy with a spiritual background.
      Rejoice in it. Sometimes seeing the lights is one unselfish thing that helps them smile, and lights them up a bit on a cold winter night, specially where there is snow and cold weather…….but anywhere!
      Keep up the good work! No guilt!!
      No put-downs!
      God is impartial universal LOVE.
      Smile, and share the smiles — expressing God’s love.

  7. The whole post is special today, starting with Evan of course.
    I especially appreciate Kay’s comments about Christmas decorations, very well thought out. Thanks!

  8. Hi Kay! An expression of love never goes unrewarded, even though it may not meet an immediate return! And who are the “they” anyway? Mortal concepts of people who are more or less kill-joys, or in fact spiritual beings of God who recognize expressions of Love? The latter of course!

  9. Kay – I think you hit a chord with me. You are right – we don’t have to live in a cave.

    Nor do I have to feel guilty if what I do puts my thought into the proper perspective.

    Consider this – during my dance / trance days, when I first heard the group “4 Strings” doing “Turn it Around”, albeit not Christian Science, I was floored because what I heard was a feminine sense of Christ admonishing me to reverse things, turn it around, spend more time with me on a spiritual level. It still makes me cry when I hear it.

    Warning – if you look it up online, don’t watch any materialistic video, only sound or static pics, otherwise it defeats the message – at least as I interpret it. Definitely not church material!

    1. Brian your comment made me think of this quote from S&H p.234-“Whatever inspires with wisdom, Truth, or Love—be it song, sermon, or Science—blesses the human family with crumbs of comfort from Christ’s table, feeding the hungry and giving living waters to the thirsty.” Truth and upliftment can come to us from many, sometimes unexpected, places reaching us right where we are.

  10. Hi Rose! That’s the best word for it – inspiration. To use a worn-out phrase of being “tuned in”, God – or at least inspiration can come from non-obvious sources to me. As an adult, and with spiritual shields at the ready, I can either re-interpret or filter out what is not exactly true. But the glimpse is there.

    In the same vein, while certainly not a Hymn, the old “4 Strings” song of “Let it Rain” with a dance tempo, representing taking footsteps towards the truth, and the lyric “I want to discover .. I don’t want to make-believe” was particularly striking, because sometimes that thought of Christian Science being make-believe sometimes occurs. (AUDIO ONLY – no materialistic images if you search for it trying to destroy the message)

    One of the most joyful days of my life – I was studying the writings of Martha Wilcox, and later heard this tune. Yeah, let matter rain down on me, I don’t care because it’s not real!

    Albeit I’m not sure that Martha would approve of my song choice, but I danced to the joy of her writings all day!

    1. Thanks Brian, your ‘what matters can rain down on me is unreal’ comment, got my attention this morning. I will work on that as something in unreal matter seems to have rained down on me. Working on this loving idea which I thank you for.

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