Stay calm with an understanding of Truth

April 10, 2023 | 18 comments

The sick are terrified by their sick beliefs, and sinners should be affrighted by their sinful beliefs; but the Christian Scientist will be calm in the presence of both sin and disease, knowing, as he does, that Life is God and God is All.

~ Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 366

There’s no need to play the role of “terrified.” No need to be frightened. Play the role of a Christian Scientist. Stay calm!

Know the truth about Life and master error. Truth has the final say.

18 thoughts on “Stay calm with an understanding of Truth”

  1. Thank you Evan!
    CALM, noun Stillness; tranquillity; quiet; freedom from motion, agitation, or disturbance; applied to the elements, or the mind and passions. (Webster Dictionary 1828).

    Happy Easter everyone!

    1. Your explanation of CALM is perfect for walking on after being lifted out of a “pandemic”. Each step in the right direction has led to lifting and learning more about pivoting from disturbance, into peace, calm, in God’s presence which we’d never left. Thank you Shelley to sharing all the Truth we need, to shine the light on all the good which we’ve always had, and have in understanding Truth as true..

  2. So grateful Evan sir. For inspiring to follow Truth and to master error as God is all and life is God. To be applied every moment.

  3. To be still in the moment regardless of what is playing in from of you to me is being with the Lord. Nothing mars the presence of Mind being at the place of absolute oneness in the moment. We all strive to be in that place when events appear to shatter the stillness.
    Thank you Evan for the reminder that we can rely on Mind for our true sense of inner peace and stillness.

    1. Lindalou, thanks, you hit it on the head. Resting in the still and calm, in this the moment, right now, in our unchanging state of Being is knowing we’re in the presence of God, “regardless of what (picture of error) is playing in front of you.” Today I am resting and knowing, “Nothing mars the presence of Mind being at the place of absolute Oneness in the moment.” Well put!

      The devil hates for us to be Calm, Still, Harmonious, all the things we naturally are as God’s expression, because when resting in our natural state it’s much quicker and easier to see through the fog of ridiculous, erroneous, material suggestions.

  4. Thank you Evan. We read in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy that ” Truth is always the victor’. This implies that we should be calm and peaceful at all times.. Thank you everyone for your considerations.

  5. William Shakespeare had written,
    “This above all: to thine own self be true” and also, “If we are true to
    ourselves, we can not be false to anyone”.
    As I understand being true to ourself, is being One with God, being calm
    in the face of anything that would try to disrupt our peace and Love
    that is given to us every day to reflect.
    I love where Mrs. Eddy writes in Miscellaneous Writings, Pond and
    Purpose, (in thanking her students for the gift of a pond to Pleasant View),
    “… as I look on this smile of Christian Science, this gift from my
    students and their students, it will always mirror their love, loyalty,
    and good works. Solomon saith, “As in water face answereth to
    face, so the heart of man to man”.
    Truly beautiful! May you all have a great and calm week.

  6. “. . . God’s peace shall be yours, that tranquil state . . . fearing nothing from God and being content with its earthly lot. . . that peace which transcends all understanding shall garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 4:7, Amplified Classic translation.)

    (The preceding verse, 4:6, is about making requests known to God.) Since we now know that the Christ is ever present, we can in verse 7 change “shall be” to “is”.

  7. Thank you Evan, and thank you all for your responeses. The artilcle J recommended “The calm before the healing” by Nathan Talbot is a helpful, healing message for me today. I am so grateful! Love to all…

  8. C.= centered on Spirit
    A.= All Good always anywhere/everywhere
    L.= listening to and lovingly obeying
    M.= Mind

  9. A friend wonders how I can be calm in the face of what’s going on in the world and in our lives. She is full of conversation of What ifs? or What Happens? or whose fault is it? I tell her to not worry so much about everything. To have faith that there is a power that is looking out for her and everyone. She has some faith in medical practices and seems to be suffering from multiple illnesses. She says she’s not fearful or afraid but just wants to talk about it. There appears to be a lot of fear for disease and those that don’t follow medical directives.
    I am fond of her but can’t seem to get the message to her that I don’t want to hear the details, but I listen to her. I even told her that I pray (not for her personally but about the problem) after each time she talks to me. She said that’s good. She says she has faith in me but not God. I tell her I follow what Christian Science teaches me and it starts with God and Love.
    I am so grateful that I have Christian Science and that is how I can stay calm and in the Truth in the face of unreality. Thanks Evan and all comments and the article is great. Love to all.

  10. Thank you very much Evan for your today`s SpiritView! Truth has the final say you say, and this Truth is that Life is God, spiritual and eternal and man and the universe is the total reflection of this wonderful God! That is such a healing Truth which I am very grateful for that I understand that better and better through studying the weekly Lesson Sermon, attending church services, doing church work and reading our CS Magazines.
    Know the truth about Life, Evan says today, and there was a very good DailyLift from TMC today in my inbox with the theme “Living in eternity” which is very inspiring to listen to.
    Thank you “J” for the article which I immediately will print out and read it then. I am already sure that it is a very inspiring CS article!

    It is so interesting to study the wonderful comments here, thanks and love to all!

  11. I ditto Uta’s above notice and gratitude for the beautiful, calming image at the open of this entry.

  12. my biggest concern is….if ‘one’ doesn’t understand
    the suffering goes on and on. Yes keep praying, but if you don’t understand….then what

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