Strive for mental clarity

December 10, 2018 | 21 comments

If your thoughts ever go into a fog, or become mushy, vague or unclear, strive for mental clarity.

Mental clarity is a quality of God that man expresses as a child of God.

There is nothing mushy about God’s thinking. God thinks with precision and exactness, with every thought serving a useful purpose, every idea standing in clear relief, and every impression revealing a specific inspiration of the divine Mind.

Divine Mind is never vague or uncertain about what it is thinking. It gets to the bottom of every issue, sorts out every situation, and understands exactly what is going on in every circumstance. As a child of God, you reflect this capacity to discern, grasp and understand with clarity.

Clear thinking is Mind knowing the truth about God’s creation. It is manifest in one spiritual idea after another informing reason, enlightening perspective, and generating inspiration. These ideas are distinct and individual. Like distinguishing the number 5 from the number 8, every idea has a specific identity to know. One identity does not absorb into another creating an undefinable mass of mental mess. Each identity is unique. And our thinking should reflect this same clarity as we think about reality and sort out what is true from what is not true.

We have the God-given capacity to think clearly. Like distinguishing keystrokes on a keyboard, each key is unique, and each stroke produces an exact effect. A typist cannot press any key and expect a good outcome. She must think about what she is doing, understand what she wants to accomplish, and then type accordingly. Every thought and every stroke has a specific purpose and produces a specific outcome. Clear thinking produces the best outcomes and the least mistakes.

As a child of God, you possess perfect mental clarity. Exercise it regularly!

21 thoughts on “Strive for mental clarity”

  1. Hi Evan. I didn’t get this until just now which is 18.30 pm UK time. I don’t know what happened. However it is well worth waiting for. There is a lot in the media at the moment in this country about mental health and the ideas you have shared are really helpful. Thank you!

  2. Hi Evan, I didn`t at all get this very very precious and important SpiritView in my inbox. I looked at the SV of Friday last week and clicked below on “Newer”, then I got today`s one.
    I think we should not only wait for it, but rather pray what Evan says above, to know clear, that there cannot get anything wrong with the correct sending of this wonderful SpiritView blog to us all. 🙂
    And what Linda says about the media is just right also in Germany.
    Oh, Evan, it is such a loving and important lesson in your today`s SpiritView. Yes, there are times I am praying for greater spiritual clarity in my thinking. It`s such a needed and helpful treatment – thank you very very much for it!

  3. “Mush-brain!” “Dope!” “Stupid!” …and other similar taunts and such, did the middle school kids call some others, I remember, with sadness Adults would never call anyone these awful names, of course. Nor would we think them, right? Of course not, especially as loving and kind students of Christian Science! We know that God is the only true Mind of man, and as you said, Evan, Mind, God, is precise, crystal clear, specific. To accept this and to actively know it is a good thing to do!

    Thank you for the reminder, during these “holidaze” when I (we?) feel I am going in fifty directions, trying to get “everything done.” (How funny.)
    Our real work, however, is clear: Stay CALM and CARRY ON, with Mind’s wonderful dominion!

  4. Does it matter what time the blog gets to us? Evan’s thoughts have gone out to us all and the world …and time is WHAT? …Mortal measurement or definition of limitation! We cannot get the messages we need too early or too late…everything good ..all our needs, are met EXACTLY when we need to get them (whether we think so or not) How can GOOD be badly timed or postponed ? We live all over the world (in different time zones thinking relatively) but are ONE consciousness existing in infinite MIND …NOW..our definition of “time or lateness” is irrelevant. But thank you Evan for this article as I am reading it exactly when I have just realised my house and my thinking this week hasve both become rather messy and these ideas today have definitely helped clarify my thoughts and direction! So now I will get “my house in order”!

    1. The only reason I mentioned when my SV arrived is that I thought Evan might be wondering why there had been no responses and may not have realised that we hadn’t received it!

      1. Hi Linda,

        Yes, thank you! You did alert me to the blog not getting posted on time. Sometimes it happens for tech reasons we haven’t figured out yet. So, thanks for alerting me. I got it fixed.

  5. please excuse Diana , if you are upset about what I wrote. I meant it very lovingly and not at all demanding .

    Am so very grateful and happy about Evan ‘s so blessing and healing SpiritView no matter when it is coming into my inbox – with Love

  6. Thanks for this very important post. You have explained this false state of thought so clearly. We need to see it for ourselves, and know it is true for others. We need to defend ourselves and others in this mental area. I am keeping this post as a reminder to me.

  7. thank u Evan for sharing. I thought this was some shortcoming of mine alone. will concentrate on the Divine Mind whenever I am in such a situation. God bless u.

  8. Thank you, Evan! So interesting—yesterday I was praying, and the thought came to me to work on “clarity.” Clarity in everything—my CS study, my music, home, order, eyesight! Wow—it was the One Mind speaking! I was away most of the day, and after a very harmonious church meeting and gathering with friends afterwards we got home. I checked my email and there was Spirit View! Hooray! Thanks so much.

  9. Good morning, Evan! It matters not that the SV was late in coming – for me it is perfectly timed. I have had a sleepless night worrying about a matter that is troubling me. And to find your precious message waiting for me this morning is a real blessing – thank you so much.

  10. Thank you. I turn to God when I begin to work. But sometimes I have to remember who does the work when things start to overwhelming. Clarity. I will remember that word as I work. thanks again

  11. Some fellow Christian Science Nurses and I were just discussing Mrs. Eddy’s thought that mental challenges should be the easiest to heal. While we know that all appearance of discord is mental, there are some great reminders of our naturally reflected clarity in your message today! How wonderful to be confident that the one Divine Mind is our only thought-source.

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