Tag: good

What matters most

January 27, 2023 | 29 comments

What matters most in the long run? All the money you saved in the bank will be left behind some day for someone else to spend. All the beautiful flowers and plants cultivated in your gardens will transition to another.

The certainty of the Good Life

January 23, 2023 | 29 comments

Many people feel uncertain about the future. They worry about staying healthy, what they eat, how to stay fit, catching a contagious disease, holding onto their job, finding peace of mind, actions of officials in office, and climate change. Anxiety,

Do something significant

January 20, 2023 | 20 comments

Would you like to do something significant today? If so, live out your spiritual truth. Spiritual truth is your reality with God. It includes a life filled with love, wisdom, intelligence, creativity, health, goodness, spiritual mindedness and like qualities. When

Take steps toward goodness

January 19, 2023 | 24 comments

What steps are you taking today, and where are they leading you? Is it a path you want to go down? Mary Baker Eddy wrote, “Every step towards goodness is a departure from materiality, and is a tendency towards God,

Unchanging perfection

January 16, 2023 | 24 comments

As a child of God, you live in a universe of unchanging perfection. This universe is filled with God’s goodness. It expresses wisdom and intelligence. It is a place of peace and health. It is Life forever. A mortal concept