Tag: help

Fill your day with inspiration

May 5, 2021 | 17 comments

Is there bounce in your step? Are you feeling buoyancy and joy in whatever you’re doing? If not, here are some ideas on how to find joy in what you do and how to walk with inspiration along the way.

Have no fear of a virus

April 26, 2021 | 17 comments

If you want to stay healthy and well, harbor no fear of a virus! People have been educated for decades to believe that germs transmit disease. They have been taught as little children to fear germs. Teachers, educators, medical authorities,

The long-term benefits of spiritual healing

March 26, 2021 | 20 comments

“Why not just take a pill?” many people wonder who don’t understand the benefits of healing through prayer. There are many reasons a person turning to God for help may not run to the drugstore for a prescription when seeking

Transforming the bully

March 4, 2021 | 27 comments

Have you ever been bullied by another person? Felt helpless about what to do? Here’s a short story from a friend who was bullied and explains how she dealt with it spiritually. She gave me permission to share her story.