Tag: intelligence

Be wise about what you see

November 20, 2018 | 22 comments

A patient made a thought-provoking remark to me the other day about self-identity that I wanted to share with you. She was thinking through the right and wrong way to see self. And in conversation she mentioned that when we

Respond rather than react

November 9, 2018 | 39 comments

A rule for maintaining harmony and peace in your life is to abstain from reacting in kind to evil, but to respond with love and understanding. If a family member blows up in your face with anger, for instance, you

Find health in Spirit

December 8, 2017 | 23 comments

“We must not attribute more and more intelligence to matter, but less and less, if we would be wise and healthy.” ~ Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 62 Mortal mind has been on