Tag: protection

Conquer fear of the coronavirus

May 5, 2020 | 46 comments

A reporter asked Mary Baker Eddy the question, “Do you reject utterly the bacteria theory of the propagation of disease?” She replied, “Oh,” with a prolonged inflection, “entirely. If I harbored that idea about a disease, I should think myself

Pray ahead of time

April 14, 2020 | 20 comments

If prayer can help you out of trouble, it certainly helps to keep you out of trouble! Don’t wait until an emergency to pray. Pray ahead of time and prevent emergencies!

Where is God in all this?

April 13, 2020 | 44 comments

Amidst the myriad reports of suffering from the Covid-19 virus, some people have wondered, “Where is God in all this?” I recently read an article in the New York Times titled, “Where is God in a pandemic?” written by James