Tag: protection

Be proactive with your prayer

September 6, 2019 | 14 comments

“If prayer will help me out of trouble, it will certainly help to keep me out of trouble.” ~ Unknown Be sure to love yourself today by taking time out to pray for on-going inspiration, gratitude and joy. It will

Be wise about drug ads

August 26, 2019 | 23 comments

There are millions of drug ads promoted in the popular media, and if one would like to stay healthy, it is wise to defend one’s thinking against any influence from those ads! Mary Baker Eddy wrote, “Descriptions of disease given

Refuse mortal mind’s garbage

May 24, 2019 | 24 comments

If a stranger walked up to you holding 20 pounds of stinky garbage in their arms and demanded, “Carry this around for me,” would you obey their command? I doubt it. Yet, the same type of experience happens too frequently