Tag: supply

Admit only the good

December 6, 2019 | 25 comments

“Our proportionate admission of the claims of good or of evil determines the harmony of our existence, — our health, our longevity, and our Christianity.” ~ Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health, p. 167 If you want to stay healthy,

Staying healthy without drugs

December 5, 2019 | 25 comments

Did you know it’s possible to stay healthy without drugs? It is. In this short video, I share my experience over the decades with finding health through spiritual means, and without drugs. It’s a method of healing anyone can learn.

A short story on gratitude

November 25, 2019 | 21 comments

Are you grateful for all the good in your life, or do you get too focused on a few things that go bad? Here’s a short video that reminds us to focus on the good! “A short story on gratitude”

Do your own God-inspired thinking

November 19, 2019 | 14 comments

What percentage of your thoughts during the day are your own God-inspired thinking, as opposed to someone else controlling your thought? For success in Christian Science healing, it’s important that we do our own God-inspired thinking. In other words, demonstrate

Prayer that makes a difference

November 11, 2019 | 18 comments

Prayer can be far more than inspired words and petitions to God for help. Prayer can heal! It can change circumstances for the better. As part of my series on the healing benefits of practicing Christian Science, I share some