Tag: thought

Checking for progress

March 29, 2021 | 39 comments

If praying for healing of a physical ailment, are you tempted to check the physical body for evidence of progress? It’s a common temptation, and a misguided one. All healing happens in thought first. If you want to know whether

Think for yourself

March 22, 2021 | 23 comments

As a reflection of the one divine Mind that thinks for itself, man, as a reflection of the one Mind, “thinks for himself,” too. This is a very empowering truth to understand, for we often encounter other people who want

Why its important to understand God

February 17, 2021 | 34 comments

Is God getting pushed to the back burner of your life? Does prayer and spiritual study seem unnecessary or not important to you? If so, perhaps, it’s time to reconsider how important it is to understand God as the Principle

Stay a step ahead of error

February 16, 2021 | 30 comments

A rule I like to employ to stay healthy and happy on a regular basis is to stay at least one step ahead of error. If I get mentally lazy, or spiritually lax, and let fear, worry, anxiety, or discord