Take your safety with you

November 6, 2020 | 32 comments

With coronavirus concerns circulating in public consciousness, many people believe they are less safe outside of their home, than within. However, when one understands safety from a spiritual point of view, one can take their safety with them wherever they go.

Safety is knowing God’s omnipresence and omnipotence.

Safety is found in spiritual consciousness.

Safety is spiritual, and can be readily demonstrated at any store, at work, the gym, or the classroom.

Safety is not an uncertain state of matter. It is a certain state of Spirit.

The Psalmist wrote about the ultimate safety in these words, “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. … No evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling” (Psalm 91:1,10, NKJV).

The secret place of the Most High, is the Mind of God, the omnipresence of Love.

God is everywhere. You never leave God’s presence. It goes before you, follows behind, watches from above and supports underneath. You live, move, and breathe in God’s omnipresence. It stays with you at home and goes with you to work. It greets you at the neighbor’s door, and escorts you through public places.

You are always safe in God’s presence.

Be sure to mentally stay with God wherever your feet happen to walk, and you will stay healthy and well.

32 thoughts on “Take your safety with you”

  1. Thank you Evan. With England now back in lockdown this is a powerful and comforting message, not just for us but for everyone today.

  2. “Safety is not an uncertain state of matter. It is a certain state of Spirit.” Thank you, thank you for being so clear, this message is so helpful at the moment.

  3. Thank you, Evan. This is EXACTLY what I need right now. I was informed via email last night that one of my students tested positive for coronavirus and now is in quarantine. It suggested that I get tested as well. My initial, mortal reaction was fear, but it was immediately replaced by lines from one of my favorite hymns: “In heavenly Love abiding/no change my heart shall fear/ and safe is such confiding/ for nothing changes here/the storm may roar without me/ my heart may low be laid/ but God is round about me/and can I be dismayed.” When I woke up this morning, this same hymn popped back into my head. I will continue to pray with the assurance that I am protected, my students and colleagues are protected, my school is protected, and my community is protected at every moment. Reading your daily blogs and the additional SpiritView family who add on other perfectly-timed metaphysical ideas and truths are the best part of preparing for my day and help ensure I walk out my door knowing I am abiding “under the shadow of the Almighty.”

    1. Andi, yes you are all filled with the sense of safety and the truth of safety in God’s loving arms. This is true for all of us. And I claim the same for myself and all my coworkers, customers and those I encounter on the way.

  4. Certainty and uncertanity. Commitment and reluctance. As we are continually bombarded with the issue of contagion. Evan’s support keeps us aligned with the positive certainity of our immunity, Everone’s immunity. We are then certain, not reluctant.
    Putting it in the proper perspective is important. Prayer is important. Knowing the truth’s of this mornings Spirit View is important.
    One again our dear leader, Mary Baker Eddy put forth the truth about contagion. Turn to page
    153:25 through 154:2, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures…….
    “”We weep because others weep, we yawn because other’s yawn, we have smallpox because other’s have it; but mortal mind, not matter, contains and carries the infection. When this mental contagion is understood, we shall be more careful of our mental conditions, and we shall avoid loquatious tattling about disease, as we would avoid advocating crime. Neither sympathy nor society should ever tempt us to cherish error in any form, and certainly we should not be error’s advocate.”
    That precious chapter entitled Science, Theology, Medicine illustrates exactly how to handle the pandemic. Louis Pasteur the noted biologist, who taught pasteurizing of milk, told that microbiology required a platform to exist. And that that platform was indeed “thought”. We must not give this pandemic a platform.
    Thank you for this mornings Spirit View. It keeps us all immunized, keeping darkness of error out.
    It’s just the “shot” we all need this morning.

  5. I love this quote from psalm 91. So encouraging for us as we are confronted with continuous invading negative predictions from the media etc. This platform with all the lovely contributions supports our prayers for everyone to experience some of Gods gifts every day. After all Gods Love and protection is all there is wherever we are.❣️
    ‘“His arm encircles me and mine and all” MBE ..last line of Mother’s evening prayer, I think.

  6. Dear EVAN & fellow thinkers,
    My gratitude for this platform. A safe haven to think & reflect. A wonderful reminder about “Obedience” was given in a testimony on Wednesday night. Those who have Prose Works by MBE refer to Misc. Writings ( p.116-120). Safe in thought & that is reality, not the illusion presented by animal magnetism. “God is All-in-all.”

  7. Thank everyone for their comments and to Evan for the boost needed to overcome the continued presentation of this virus. Hymn 53 from the Christian Science Hymnal is one of my go to hymns when confronted with problems, it reads :” Everlasting arms of Love, Are beneath, around above; God it is who bears us on, His the arm we lean upon. He our ever present guide, Faithful is what- e’er be tide; Gladly then we journey on, With His are to lean upon. From earth’s fears and vain alarms, Safe in His encircling arms, He will keep us all the way, God, our refuge, strength and stay.”
    Let us keep in the embrace of God’s encircling arms.

  8. Wow, such a wonderful message, and comments. Thanks David for posting that SpiritView keeps us all immunized. For sure, spiritual consciousness is spiritual immunization!! So comforting as we go about our days.

  9. A very strong message! Thank you! LOVE isn’t seasonal, doesn’t waver, isn’t just inside, and not outside. Love is All in all. It was stated to me recently that hatred spreads the virus. My immediate response….”Clad in the panoply of Love, human hatred cannot reach you.” (MBE, S&H, pg. 518) Where there is Love, there is no hatred.

  10. Thank you Evan, This will be very helpful to keep my thought on “the enduring, the good and the true” (Science and Health p 261:4) when I fly this month. I will “Take my safety with me”!

    And thanks for those who comment and add the links to articles, etc.

    On another note: Does anyone know how to print the blog without the picture? I used to have that option but can’t find it now. Thanks in advance. (=

  11. Angie, thanks so much for the link to an inspiring article. I especially liked:
    The gate of the temple, through which we enter into the understanding of our real being, is always open for us to enter. But do we sit outside the gate, weak, lame, distracted, and laden with a burden of fears and false beliefs, eating the crumbs of materiality, asking alms, instead of awakening to the knowledge of God as infinite good and of man as eternally His image and likeness?

  12. Thank you for this reminder Evan, I went out with joy and was reminded to carry my angel message “I live in the Kingdom of Heaven” and indeed my day was filled with wonderful details of irradiance of light, love and fun.

  13. Thank you so much Evan for meeting my exact need. I’ve been struggling with this issue. I work in a large department store and I returned to work several weeks ago after a 6 month furlough. I enjoy being back, but error (in the form of fear and of resentment when others are not following the safety “rules”) often tries to get my attention. I go back and forth between trusting God and feeling joyful, and falling back into mortal thinking and a tense, heavy feeling of unsafety. Then I get upset with myself because with all the spiritual knowledge I have, I should know better than to keep being tricked back into this type of thinking. I am praying to recognize the stability, safety, comfort and ease in God at every moment, for myself, my co-workers, customers, everyone. Harmony does not come and go, it is our natural state.

    Your message made me think of a quote from this week’s Mother Church Testimony meeting on the topic of Peace. “Peace to him that is far off and to him that is near saith the Lord and I will heal him…for ye shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace.” (Isaiah 57:19 and 55:12)

    So much gratitude to the friends here on SpiritView. I appreciate the richness and purity of thought and the songs and articles shared today, I will take my time studying and digesting and resting in all of this Truth. Many blessing and love to you all.

    1. Dearest Rose,

      IMMUNITY got there first:

      & thanks for sharing your ‘spiritual steps forward’ in spiritual understanding, as in:

      Got Joy?:

      Loving your focus on Joy, reminiscent of Mrs Eddy’s referenced: ‘If the disciple is advancing spiritually, he is striving to enter in. He constantly turns away from material sense, and looks towards the imperishable things of Spirit. If honest, he will be in earnest from the start, and gain a little each day in the right direction, till at last he finishes his course with joy” (SH21)’

    2. Dearest Rose,
      IMMUNITY got there first:

      & thanks for sharing your ‘spiritual steps forward’ in spiritual understanding, as in:
      Got Joy?:

      Loving your focus on Joy, reminiscent of Mrs Eddy’s referenced: ‘If the disciple is advancing spiritually, he is striving to enter in. He constantly turns away from material sense, & looks towards the imperishable things of Spirit. If honest, he will be in earnest from the start, & gain a little each day in the right direction, till at last he finishes his course with joy” (SH21)’

    3. & so Grateful to hear of your ‘spiritual steps forward’ in spiritual understanding, as in:
      Got Joy?

      Love your focus on Joy, reminiscent of Mrs Eddy’s referenced: ‘If the disciple is advancing spiritually, he is striving to enter in. He constantly turns away from material sense, & looks towards the imperishable things of Spirit. If honest, he will be in earnest from the start, & gain a little each day in the right direction, till at last he finishes his course with joy” (SH21)’

      1. Thank you so much for your kind support Angie and for the quote from Mrs. Eddy and the articles you shared, which I will savor.

  14. And love new arrangements of some of Eddy’s hymns today that are so fresh and relevant.
    A favorite is, It matters not what be thy lot, so Love doth guide, for storm or shine, pure peace is thine, whatever betide… And thanks to all who shared in this growing community of Love!

  15. Thank you Evan and also the loving steadfast CS community that contributes to the blogs. All the ideas and truths put forward are so helpful to all of us.
    The thought ‘ be thou a steadfast ray,’ keeps coming to me as a reminder to be consistent in my thinking, but does anyone know where this quote comes from

    1. Hymn 14 , Arise, arise and shine, / On thee hath dawned the day; / God is thy sun, and Christ thy light, / Be thou a steadfast ray. / Sing praise, O waking heart, / For all thy God hath wrought; / For Truth’s clear light on thee hath shone, / And purified thy thought. / No more shall sin and wrong / Obscure the light divine, / For God hath given thee His Son, / And lo, all things are thine. / Arise, arise and shine, / Uplift thee from the sod, / And let thy living light show forth / Man’s unity with God.

  16. We had two testimonies at last Wednesday’s meeting — one from a nurse in a clinic, one from an office worker. In both cases a close working colleague had come down with this illness. And in both cases, after days of testing have gone by, they have remained healthy, testing negative each time.
    It is a fact. Disease has no intelligence to convince you of its reality, it has no substance to touch you, it has no life to grow, no truth to fear. These women had no fear of it whatsoever because you can’t fear nothingness. They remain and will remain safe. And so will you.

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