Thanksgiving Day

November 22, 2018 | 45 comments

“Let all things now living
A song of thanksgiving
To God our creator triumphantly raise”

~ Christian Science Hymnal, #520

It’s Thanksgiving Day in the United States, a day to stop our regular routine and express gratitude for all the blessings we often take for granted.

Among my many blessings to count, I am grateful to you for being part of the SpiritView community. Your readership, comments, prayers and support have helped build this community and bring healing to many around the world.

Interestingly, comments readers leave have proved to be a large part of the attraction readers have to the blog. People love to read what other people are experiencing in their lives and how they are resolving their troubles with spiritual truth. So, keep those comments coming! I am grateful for all of them. They are inspiring.

Wherever you are, whether celebrating a holiday of Thanksgiving or not, may your every day be filled with gratitude and joy for the blessings God has freely given.

Happy Thanksgiving.

45 thoughts on “Thanksgiving Day”

  1. Thank you Evan for SpiritView. I bless the day a friend introduced me to this column. It begins my day and has often been just the thought I have needed. Though it is not an official holiday in my country we also hold a Thanksgiving service in my church and every day is a day of saying thank you to God. I wish everyone a beautiful day!

  2. I, too am really grateful to the friend who introduced me to SpiritView, and take this opportunity to say a big thankyou to you, Evan, for the wonderful thoughts and ideas you share with us all. You really are a blessing.
    I think all churches in the UK celebrate along with you, but perhaps on different days, since it is not a holiday here. We shall hold our normal Sunday service this week and follow it with a ‘feast’ to which we invite members of other churches, then we have the Thanksgiving service – so a very busy, happy day!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and all your band of followers!

  3. Thanksgiving may be set for a given day each year, but true thanksgiving is second by second. It is giving thanks from the heart before receipt, for in this way only do we truly recognise the infinite goodness of God. It is also in this way only that we can rise above the material, and see what God saw, -everything that He had made was very good. In Genesis 2 we read ” in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens, and every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew”…..Infinite abundance already there, and all waiting our appreciation and thanks This includes health, friendships, true government, and perhaps most of all, Love.
    May I share this link: as a poem for today.

  4. Evan my sincere gratitude to you for the lovely inspirations you put on your blog daily for us. Many a times we get the exact healing answer to the difficult situations and challenges we face in life, You must be putting so much love and prayers each day, to send us lovely ideas on your blog. We are all so blessed by this lovely gift you give us.
    Also deeply grateful to you Evan, for always supporting me with your prayers. Your promptness in replying and praying brings so much reassurance and comfort. May God always bless you and yours for your kind and noble works.
    Thanks to all my friends on SV for sending your healing experiences, I love the lovely articles and Truths you all share so lovingly with our Spirit View Family. I wish all of you Happy Thanksgiving Day.
    Sincerely grateful to God for the infinite graces and gifts He showers on us every moment, for His love, care and for the gift of Evan and all my friends.

  5. I want to express my gratitude to Evan for giving us Spiritview! What an inspiration and guidance it brings to my life! I often share these messages with family and friends as they do seem to be exactly what is needed for the day! I love that Mrs. Eddy established a Thanksgiving service and that our country has set aside a day of thanks – where we join hands with many denomination in prayer for our country and the world! We are all embraced by our One God who is continually blessing us with all that we need every moment! Happy Thanksgiving to all!

  6. I, too, thank you Evan for your blog and for all the people who share their thoughts here. I truly love it. Our glorious, living, loving God is tender and kind and I feel blessed knowing I will continue to learn from you and your readers. On Thanksgiving and every day I acknowledge my gratitude for understanding and LOVE. As we go about the day, may we all be blessed with the warmth and comfort of our Divine Love.

  7. I, too, am so very grateful for this blog. As others have said, you seem to provide just the thought I needed. Thank you, Evan, and blog supporters. My you all have a joyous day of Thanksgiving wherever you are. Gratitude certainly is a richness.

  8. Thank you Evan, Happy Thanksgiving to you too! I’m especially grateful for all that I’m learning day by day and the spiritual uplift. I’ve seen numerous people say they don’t particularly like this holiday. If it’s all about the food and some family discord I can see how that would fall flat. To honor this season by really focusing on gratitude, then you have what it’s all about and all the real blessings.

  9. Thanksgiving… A time for giving thanks to God for all the things that we have to give, and which are supplied by Him.
    Many people in this world are thankful for what they get, but I’m thankful for what I have to give. I don’t have many material things anymore, but I have love to give and good deeds and thoughtfulness to others. I can give smiles. At 74 years old, I’ve learned that the things from God are the important things to give to the world in need. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! ❣❣

    1. Thanks Gail,
      and our neighours from all over the world. And THANKS to Evan. Your SpiritView blog is something I am thankful for, every time I read it.
      Written from Canada. And joining you in a Happy Thanksgiving Day!

    2. thanks Gail, you are so very rich of those God-given qualities you are mentioning, you can give to your brothers and sisters, that truely you are a spiritual millionaer of an utmost rich Father-Mother God! And of course we all are the very rich children of our very rich God, divine Love, loving us and giving us without end.

      Very happy Thanksgiving to you all commenters and of course to Evan.

      In Germany it is night now, and our church in Hamburg/Germany has had their Thanksgiving service, which was very inspiring and lovely – thanks to God! And my big thanks always goes out to that very dear friend, who introduced me to Evan´s wonderful SpiritView , and since then I was always blessed by SpiritView and the gorgeous comments !

      Eternal thanks to Evan and you a l l!

  10. I count SpiritView, your prayer and work, Evan, and fellow prayer-viewers as among the abundant gifts and blessings of our dear Father-Mother God. Abiding gratitude and Thanksgiving blessings all!

  11. I am very grateful for Spiritview actually! So often just when I am dealing with a particular situation, I look at this blog and Evan has written EXACTLY the truth I need for that situation and the other reader’s comments are also very interesting and inspired.
    I’ve been very grateful for the opportunity to hold a position of First Reader at our church…so many people see this as a big responsibility and an imposition on time etc …but really it is an absolute GIFT! The same Mind that puts us where we belong also helps us to do the tasks involved…as someone once said (I think in a lecture ?) “God never takes us half way”. We should never feel afraid or daunted by what gets thrown at us…God is already there with the ideas and guidance and ability to do what we need to do. As hymn 160 says, “God able is, to raise up seed -in thought and DEED– to faithful His.” Sometimes we end up learning through difficult times, trials and problems, but being a Reader at a Christian Science church is such a lovely way to learn without those problems!

    1. thank you very much Diane! You are speaking to my heart, as I am reader every second Wdnesday. And your loving spiritual truth thoughts are helping me very much. I also see this high office as a privilege to make spiritual progress. And I am thankful God put me into this position in my branchchurch for His good sake – thank you God!

  12. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Evan, a very grateful thank you for SpiritView and to all the people who share their love for Christian Science.

  13. Thank you, Evan, for today’s words, and all your other wonderful words in the past and yet to come. I know the are right on target for forward, progressive thinking. I, myself have benefited from many of your very timely and spot on comments, they have been helpful and just what had been needed each time. As i work through a challenge (financial) that i do not yet see an answer to, I know i can today and every day going forward, know God has the perfect solution available, with no waiting. “God gives us his spiritual ideas, and in turn they give us daily supplies, never ask for tomorrow, since love is an ever present help, if you wait, never doubting, you will have all you need every moment” (m.b. Eddy). Have a wonderful, blessed day, everyone!

  14. Evan, I have read and gained inspiration countless times from your blog. Please accept my unbounded gratitude for your daily gift to us all. And Gail, thank you so much for the reminder that we don’t always have to be donating money or giving material . We all have ❤️, good deeds, thoughtfulness and smiles as you said—and those in unlimited quantity. Happy happy Thanksgiving!

  15. Thank you for this beautiful oasis of LOVE on the web! My adorable friend Susan eagerly shared her joy for all that expressed here, and what a blessing ever since! SO Thankful for ALL of you, and Evan: all BEST Wishes for New Goodness Realized! Happy Thanksgiving my friends!

  16. Thank you, Evan, for this lovely blog, and thank you, contributors, world family, for your sweet sharing.
    Thanks to Ken for the reading of his poem. I love to write poems, too, and your sharing on Thanksgiving Day is a gift. I especially liked to hear you read it with such feeling.
    Have a wonderful, blessed day, everyone!
    Gratefully! Laura

  17. I am very grateful for you, Evan, and this blog community. You and all your commenters begin each of my days. Thank you all.

  18. Thank you, Evan. This is an important sight that gives my day its start and for that, I am very grateful. I am also grateful for the many thoughtful posts that appear here from so many who are willing to share their loving thoughts. And thanks Ken for the link to your poetry website. Nicely done.

  19. Much love and giving-of-thanks to all in this dear SV community. May we all “go out with joy and be led forth with peace”…

  20. I am deeply grateful to have this inspiring start to my Thanksgiving day. I am grateful to Evan for his inspirations and providing this venue for others to share theirs. Ken the reading of your Thanksgiving poem was especially uplifting. i wish everyone here a day of bountiful blessings!

  21. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Evan and to all Spirtviewers of this precious gathering! My heart goes out to you all in such gratitude for the warm, loving feeling I always get from being here and where I gain such inspiration. God’s Universal Family is indeed the greatest blessing, along with every good thing He/She has created for us to enjoy. What a harvest of beautiful thoughts and poems and a wonderful feeling of belonging is SpiritView. Love you all!

  22. Thank. You all and Evan for all the loving thoughts and gratitude expressed.
    So grateful that Love is here ..ever near….for all of us!!

  23. Thank YOU, Evan, and Happy Thanksgiving to You and Your Loved Ones and to All Who Read and/or Share on Spiritview! I am most Grateful to You, Evan, for gently helping us “get out of our boxes” of thinking Spirituality belongs only to One Religion! Thank you for stretching our Hearts and our Minds to embrace many Views of Spirit! Much Love, Bevi

  24. I am so grateful for this blog and all of the comments from everyone. There is much love and inspiration. Thank you Evan and all. Blessings to all this Thanksgiving Day.

  25. So much love is expressed by dear Evan and the the growing number of SV-ers.
    My Thanksgiving cup “runneth over.” Gratitude reaches out to each one
    above–and to the many who need our love and gratitude. We are all blessed to
    have an abundance of God’s love to share. Giving thanks daily is a joy for
    all God has given to us.

  26. i often read twice, once early & again after several comments! This blog is a very important part of my morning & day and spiritual growth. I love it & thank you Evan for giving us this gift! Happy Thanksgiving to you & your family!

  27. Sounds like we’re all great-full, full of great, filled up full with good, God, Divine Love. Seeing it, loving it, giving it, rejoicng in it, claiming our allness and oneness with living Love. How great is that!?!

    1. Freat! Yes for sure !
      SpiritView is a wonderful meeting-place– a family gathering. – God’s children all.
      Heart to heart
      Thanks to God.

  28. Thank you Evan for embarking on this blog
    It has brought a lot of inspiration and encouragement to the readers I have recommended Spiritview to a few of my friends and they have been grateful for it.
    So our gratitude to you for listening to that spiritual inspiration that was presented to you a few years back – the Spiritview.
    God bless.

  29. Spiritview is indeed a wonderful blessing to me and all who read and share on this inspiring blog each day. I am grateful for all the progress and healings shared here over the year and for the unselfish sharing of everyone commenting. The freshness and varied expressions of love, inspiration, insights, and healing truths are lifting everyone’s thought and helping to uplift community and world thought. There is much to be grateful for in so many ways. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving service this morning with many visitors and a number of people stayed around to visit afterwards for more than 30 minutes. Joy, friendship, welcoming new people into our neighborhood and sharing blessings and gratitude were prevalent! Rejoicing was so obvious in smiles and hugs!

    1. Yes, Sue K, it was wonderful wasn’t it! So much love and joy expressed.

      So grateful for Evan’s thought provoking blogs that very often meet the need of the day along with the help of others sharing their inspiration or healings, and sometimes their needs so we can support each other. Love reflecting love. Wonderful, helpful and healing thought community! Thank you all and Thanksgiving blessings! (=

  30. Evan, Thank you for this wonderful site. I look forward to the inspiration you share and all of the helpful comments from readers. Sometimes I will print your blog and comments and carry them with me to reread throughout the day. Happy Thanksgiving to you, your family, and all readers and to those who post comments.

  31. I am grateful Evan that you take the time to present this blog each day with ideas for all.
    I do love reading the comments and how many of them for each blog. My gratitude, along with my husband’s, is the amazing family we have. We worked hard in our different ways but with the kids were off on their own with their own families, we stand back in awe as the people they have become. I had a few wishes for my children; that they be good people, they find work they love, and someone who would love and respect them. They are still working on the work part but all the rest is there. It shows me how in spite of our growing understanding, such a small light in the beginning, God was alwats there and it was all unfolding.
    In reference to your blog on reflection, I opened S&H as I often do at random and found page 301 was a discussion about reflection. very nice
    Enjoy your new grandchild. I have 4 and it is the ultimate blessing.

  32. What a wonderful blessing this blog is. I look forward to it every day and save and cherish many that seem especially applicable for me. I also love the spirit of sharing from the group. It’s often so helpful and always full of love. This also is a very special feeling of extended family. I live alone, with my four wonderful cats, and am never lonely. But there aren’t many CStists to share thoughts with nearby. So, here’s this lovely, growing group to share the wondrous truths and sincere thoughts about CS. It’s like being part of a new family! And finally, thank you Evan for all you do and share with such love for everyone. It’s very special and very important.

  33. Let me add my grateful thanks to you, Evan, and to all who post such lovely, healing comments throughout the year. Each one is so special!
    Warm regard to all!

  34. Evan,
    Thank you for Spiritview! And, thank you contributors! I love the ideas here! Happy Thanksgiving to all every day!

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