The effective prayer of a young girl

February 29, 2024 | 24 comments

The beloved kitty of an eleven-year-old girl became sick. The mother encourages her daughter to pray for the kitty, which the youngster is happy to do. Heading off into another part of the house with her kitty to quietly pray, she shortly returns holding a happy healthy cat.

A bit surprised, but delighted, the mother asks, “What did you pray?” The little girl answers, “I said the Scientific Statement of Being and the Lord’s Prayer, and that is enough for a cat.”

24 thoughts on “The effective prayer of a young girl”

  1. aww purrfect timing We’re praying for one of my cats right now, using “God’s Law of Adjustment”. I will add the Scientific Statement of Being and the Lord’s Prayer

  2. It’s always the child-like prayer that reaches the heart of Divine Love, our beloved Mother, our omnipotent Father, our eternal God! And the healing is always immediate.

    Thank you for this share, as it reminded me of the numerous times one went to God with the purest love and motives. She always answered immediately and the healing was complete. At times the prayer was for direction, and that too was quick and direct and greatly inspiring. How good is our God. Thank You.

  3. Our sweet kitty, CeCe (short for Christmas Carol because she appeared at our barn many years ago at Christmas when a little kitten), peacefully passed on in the wee hours this morning. She was/is a “Christian Science kitty,” never having been treated by a vet, and loved to be nearby when I read the Christian Science daily Bible lesson. I was heartened to read only a short time later about the healing of the kitty when her owner prayed with the Scientific Statement of Being and the Lord’s Prayer, certainly enough for a cat, as the testimony says. So grateful for Christian Science.

    1. How comforting it is to know, dear Leah, that as Mrs. Eddy says – all God’s creatures are
      indestructible – and “with joy they climb the heights of Mind. So we can know that
      your dear kitty is continuing to climb with joy the heights of Mind as she always has,
      and all the joy she has given you is still with you, as you keep her alive in your thoughts.

  4. What a sweet message and accompanying adorable photo of God’s Love for
    all creatures. One can just feel the divine Love expressed!
    Animals are so receptive and give and share such unconditional love. Their
    empathy is often overlooked as “just being animals”.
    Several years ago, when one of my dear canine companions passed on to
    a different plane of existence, where we could no longer see her.. her
    very close “sister” would every day get a toy that this beloved dog loved to
    play with and would hold it between her paws and rest her head on it, as if
    it were a pillow and she was in thought, of Love that never ceases.. She did
    this for a week until another companion was adopted for her to love…. The
    Unconditional love was undeniable.
    More recently one of my very old remaining goldfish was transitioning to
    another realm and it’s companion stayed with it constantly at the bottom of
    the aquarium, never leaving it’s side, only to eat and even with that, nudged
    to try to get it to try to get it to eat also.
    Love is expressed in so many ways. Love surrounds us with its presence.

    1. In our pond, there was a goldfish with a broken tail that could only swim in circles. Another fish would constantly nudge the tail in the direction of food. I have never forgotten how Love was expressed. I see it so often with our many pets and farm animals.

      1. Oh, D.P., that is so precious how the one fish helped the other. I would be
        tempted to say it is amazing, but in God’s kingdom of caring and love, it is
        really divinely Natural. After seeing the love and dedication of my one fish
        to the other who was passing on, there is no doubt that love indeed was/is
        present in situations such as these and why not in a fish, or cat, or dog or
        any creation of God. Even a little mouse expresses love and joy. Love,
        caring for others, intelligence, empathy is limitless and can be shared in
        our furred and finned friends as well as humanly. Today’s shares certainly
        attribute to that spiritual fact.
        How beautiful, all of these wonderful experiences shared here today!
        From one little girl’s proving God’s caring for her cat to each of these
        lovely testaments of the Truth … each so comforting to hear. They are
        all so heartening.

  5. I am so grateful for this beautiful and simple example of Trust in the prayers that were known by this child.
    The Lord’s Prayer and the Scientific Statement of Being, two of our greatest powerhouse tools in Christian Science to work with. I pray with both of these often and repeatedly. They bring dominion to my thought and quiet fear, both of which bring healing. Recently a comment was made about the Scientific Statement of Being that did not sit well with my thought. Interestingly since then, I have read/heard numerous references about it’s power to help us understand our God-given dominion, which brings healing.
    There was a time when I was feeling more ill than I had ever felt before and unable to formulate any clear thoughts or pray for myself. I called a practitioner as I felt like I was going to pass out and that this passing out, felt more dark, like it might be passing on. I listened to the practitioner speak for about 1 minute and then went outside and sat down in a chair. To my own surprise with audible loudness, something like moderate shouting, I began to say the Scientific Statement of Being. The several days long mesmerism of total confusion and sickness broke and I was able to pray for myself along with the practitioner. I had never prayed with it before and embarrassingly had not given it a whole lot of deep thought up to this point, though Mrs. Eddy deemed it necessary to be declared at every Sunday church session.
    We are truly blessed.

  6. I love this! I had a similar experience when I was a little girl. My cat was sick and not eating. My mom told me that I should pray for him. Not having ever been assigned a case, I took it very seriously and went into the bedroom where the cat was sleeping. As I was petting him, he started growling and I noticed he had a swollen wound buried beneath his fur.
    I wasn’t sure how to pray so I just decided to pray everything I was learning in Sunday school. I started with the scientific statement of being, moved on to the Lords’s prayer and the definition of God from S&H and was really striving to understand and apply these statements to my beloved cat. I then decided to sing all the hymns I knew by heart which were mostly Mrs. Eddy’s hymns. .I came to the end of my repertoire and just sat quietly for a few minutes. I felt so much Love in that room! It was very tangible and powerful. It just filled
    the space. I just basked in it! Then I noticed my cat was purring very loudly and I knew he was feeling it too. I knew all was well and left the room. I didn’t give it another thought. A couple hours later my cat showed up in the kitchen wanting his dinner. The wound had opened and drained and he was completely well. That was my first healing by my own prayers in CS and it impressed me greatly. After that, whenever I think I don’t know how to pray , I just start with what I know.

    1. I know C.S. students know the Lord’s Prayer and can apply it to any situation, but I always didn’t see how little ones can understand the S.S. of Being, being such a radical truth.
      That’s where “stronger faith and purer love” come in. And that’s were a “grain of Truth does wonders.”

  7. This is such a real child-like experience, I have been privileged to teach in CS Sunday Schools in several Branch Churches and there’s never been a hesitation about God’s healing of our beloved pets. If your Sunday School needs a teacher, I hope you can volunteer as you will be so blessed.

  8. Thank you Evan. Thank you everyone for the testimonies shared today. I feel the love and presence of God as I write now. The Scientific statement of being and the Lord’s prayer with its spiritual interpretation are wonderful tools in Christian Science.

    1. Thank you so much J, what a nice and deep explanation!
      It’s wonderful how the Spirit is revealing to each one of us
      The truth of our being!
      Thanks for this crystal clear rticke!

  9. Awww. . . .a thoughtful kitty owner! Our pets are so dear to all of us, it’s wonderful to include them in prayerful treatment. This young girl brought to light the true, God given health of her kitty. It’s great she learned so much in Sunday School and at home. Thank you for the story.

  10. i always enjoy reading SpiritView right after the Bible Lesson each morning, on my deck with my beloved German Shepherd, Angel, beside me. Today’s subject is very close to my heart, since I have regurlarly used the Scientific Statement of Being along with the Lord’s Prayer as my go-to resources when prayer is called for. Recently I had filled my consciousness with prayer along these lines when confronted with a growth under Angel’s fur. As I reached out to comfort her, my touch passed over the area of the growth; and with such a joyful heart, I felt the growth crumble into meaningless fragments of its native nothingness. My gratitude is boundless for the goodness that engulfs us all including our dear animal family members.

  11. Wow! Evan and everyone, what a lovely healing and comments. Thank you, J, for recommending the excellent interview with Janet Clements and Rita Polatin–so inspiring. Yes, our animal family members are so special to each of us–dearly loved and cherished ideas of God.

  12. Eu tenho um gatinho que o criei desde que nasceu, e ficou um enorme gato mimado e amoroso.
    Uma manhã ele chorava na minha janela e vi que não podia pular para entrar, fui pega-lo e ele chorava muito. Tinha muita dor, vi que era uma perna que estava doendo. assim que vi ele e peguei no colo, comecei a lhe dizer que ele era uma ideia divina e por tanto não poderia estar machucado. e mantive no meu pensamento essa ideia que nada pode machucar uma ideia divina porque nEle vivemos nos movemos e existimos como ideias divinas jamais podemos ser tocadas pelo mal. Logo vi que tinham jogado ácido nele, neguei firmemente essa mentira porque sabia que o mesmo Criador do homem é também o Criador de todas as ideias perfeitas. Tive que vencer o sentimento de culpar as pessoas que fizeram isso. se não perdoava as pessoas não haveria cura. E também falava para ele o gato, A Exposiçao Cientifica do Existir. Quando ele chorava de dor eu afirmava a Verdade e orava o Pai Nosso assimilando palavras por palavras. Assim ele se curou em tres dias. Graças a Deus que protege toda Sua criação. Minha gratidão ao Pai da criação perfeita!

  13. What I love about this healing is the full on confidence that the healing would happen, as well as the effectiveness of the prayers the girl used.

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